Never know that Leeds has such attaractive place to visit! Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds contains 3000 years of histories from Dark Ages to the present day. Over all, there are 5 theme galleries that exhibit more than 8000 pieces of weapons and armors. The admission is free.
Besides that, there are also other outdoor activities shown in Royal Armouries. We paid 1 pound for The Falconry Show and 2 pounds for the Horse Show (including jousting). These shows will not be performed on bad weather day. Well, I would say this is one of the best trip in Leeds that I have ever had!
在Leeds 呆了那么久,最近才晓得原来Leeds 也有很有卖点的旅游胜地。这次到访Royal Armouries 真的是受益不浅,看了好多不同种类的剑呀,枪呀,茅,盾,刀及各种各样的武器。这件博物馆珍藏了8000 多件的武器,最旧的武器拥有超过3000年的历史。这件博物馆一共可分为5个部份,每一个部份都拥有自己的主题及特色。最棒的是我们竟然一分钱都不用给就可以参观那么棒的博物馆!除了室内展览,Loyal Armouries 也在每一个周末备有很多室外节目。
我觉得我们蛮幸运的,那一天的天气很晴朗,我们竟然有机会目睹两种节目。Falconry Show 是老鹰表演的节目;Horse Show 是马表演的特别节目。在Horse Show 里,我很开心可以亲眼看到历史上的人物时怎么在战场上打仗的。穿着35公斤的铁衣战争,绝对不是件易事!虽然大家背着疲惫的身子回家,但我们各各都满载而归,总算经历了别开生面的观光!!

All together there are 5 levels of exhibition halls (level one is administrative office). Each level has its own theme.

Above is a recorded educational show showned in Royal Leeds Armouries. This is to help visitors in understanding more about how armours shall be put on correctly.

Nazi's war helmet.

All kinds of machine guns.

The evolution of British troop.

Leeds Royal Armouries displays Oriental weapons and armours too. This is a samurai, I guess! :P

The replica terracotta is part of the exhibition items in 'Oriental Theme'.

This armour is believed was once belong to Indian Royal family.

This short video shows how falcon attacts its pray/threat.

Each of the riders hold a jousting stick in their hand. By riding on the horse, running and speeding fast towards the opponent, they pointed the stick to the opponent's chest. The impact is so hard until the wood stick crushes into pieces!