椰浆...... 适量(当然越多越香,但小心胆固醇)
Pandan 叶..... 2 片
姜................... 1 块 (大概 3' X 3')
米................... 适量 (2-3人吃的分量)
1. 洗米,然后椰浆和水的比率因人而异,最终要是分量一定要和平常的煮米水一样多。
2. 把pandan 叶卷起来,然后打死结。
3. 姜去皮切片。
4. 把(2) 和 (3) 放到饭锅里和米、水和叶浆一起煮至饭熟为止。
黄姜粉..... 适量
咖哩叶..... 适量
鸡.......... 1/2 只
1. 鸡切块,腌上盐、黄姜粉及咖哩叶。能腌上半天最好。
2. 热油后先用大火炸鸡块,这样先让外皮比里面的肉快熟,再转小火。这样就可以保留鸡肉的甜味。所以我建议鸡肉切大片一些。炸至鸡肉熟了即可。
Sambal 的食材:
江鱼仔...... 1 大碗(去头,去内脏)
大葱.......... 1/2-1 粒(切片)
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
葱泥.......... 1 汤匙
番茄酱...... 1/2 汤匙
辣椒酱...... 1 汤匙(巴刹里通常卖搅好了的辣椒干酱)
酸梅酱...... 1/2 汤匙
姜蓉.......... 1/4 汤匙
鸡精粉...... 适量
食油.......... 适量
盐.............. 适量
清水.......... 适量
Sambal 的做法:
1. 先炸江鱼仔(别炸得太干).。炸好了取出待用。
2. 再起锅,先爆香姜,后蒜米,再爆香小葱。
3. 加入大葱先炒,再加入番茄酱、酸梅酱及辣椒酱,再加少许水。
4. 把炸好了的江鱼仔放到锅里炒一炒,加入盐及鸡精粉,然后翻两翻即可。
1.开YEO's sambal 罐头, 备用。
2.先把一碗的江鱼仔炒香,再炒大葱(切丝), 再把YEO's sambal酱加入一起炒。
Ingredients for cooking nasi lemak - the rice:
coconut milk
2 pandan leaf
ginger in the size of 3'X3'
Directions to cook nasi lemak:
1. Cook the rice with coconut milk.
2. Roll up the pandan leaf, then tie a knot.
3. Skinned the ginger and cut into thin slices.
4. Add (2) and (3) to the rice cooker and cook with the rice.
Ingredients for fried chicken:
ginger powder (the yellow one)
curry leaf
1/2 chicken
Directions for cooking fried chicken:
1. Cut chicken into smaller pieces, marinate with ginger powder, salt and curry leafs. It is recommended to marinate for at least half a day.
2. Heat plenty of oil, firstly use high-heat to fry the chicken. Once the chicken turn into abit brownish, switch to medium-low heat. This will help to lock the natural taste and moisture in the chicken.
Ingredients for sambal:
1 big bowl enchovis (remove head and internal organs)
1/2-1 sliced onion
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 tbsp fine chopped shallot
1/2 tbsp ketchup
1/2 tbsp chilli sauce
1/2 tbsp plum sauce
1/4 tbsp finely chopped ginger
chicken stock
cooking oil
Directions of cooking sambal:
1. Fry enchovis until cooked.
2. Heat the wok again, stir ginger, garlic and shallot until they all turn abit brownish.
3. Add onion to stir, then add ketchup, chilli sauce, plum sauce and abit of water.
4. Add fried enchovis to the wok and stir with other ingredients until everthing is evenly mixed. Add salt and chicken stock to add flavour.
Another simple way to make sambal:
1. Fry anchovis until cooked, then add sliced onion to cook until it is soften.
2. Open and pour YEO's can sambal to stir with (1).
3. Add 1 tbsp of oyster sauce, 1 tbsp of maggie chilli sauce, 1 tbsp of ketchup and abit of sugar.
4. Stir evenly and it is ready to serve.
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