梅花肉............... 2 条
梅花肉............... 2 条
蒜米................... 2 汤匙
李锦纪叉烧酱... 2 汤匙
蚝油................... 1 汤匙
锡纸................... 1 大张
保鲜膜............... 1 大张
1. 先把梅花肉腌上蒜米,再把李锦纪叉烧酱和蚝油加入一齐调匀。
2. 把腌好的梅花肉用保鲜膜连碗包好,然后放在冰橱里搁一夜。
3. 第二天要烧肉前,先在烤盘上放一层锡纸,然后才把腌好的梅花肉条放到烤盘上,再用锡纸把肉包起。
4. 先把烤炉弄热大概5分钟(7号热度,大概等于220 摄氏),然后再把肉放到烤炉里烤半个钟。
5. 半个钟后不用立刻把肉从烤炉里拿出来,可以先让肉在炉里再多焖5分钟才拿出来。
6. 肉稍微冷却了,就可以开始切片。
2 slices pork belly
2 tbsp finely chopped garlic
2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Cha Sao Sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 piece aluminium foil
1 piece cling film
1. Marinate pork belly with garlic, add Lee Kum Kee Cha Sao Sauce and oyster sauce to mix until even.
2. Place pork belly in a bowl/plate and cover with cling film. Keep pork belly with marinated sauce in refrigerator for a night.
3. The next day before roasting the meat, place aluminium foil on baking plate, then only place marinated pork belly on top and wrap it.
4. Pre-heat the oven for 5 minutes (with 220 degree celsius), then roast the pork for about half an hour.
5. After half an hour, off the gas but do not remove the pork from oven immediately. Let it stays in oven for another 5 minutes before removing.
6. Cut it into thin slices and it's ready to be served.
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