红萝卜........ 1 条(切丝)
黑木耳........ 1 碗(切丝)
鸡蛋............ 2 粒(两人用)
黄瓜............ 1/2 条(切丝)
猪肉碎........ 350g
蒜米............ 1 汤匙
蚝油............ 1 汤匙
酱油............ 1 汤匙
胡椒粉........ 适量
食油............ 适量
水................ 适量
盐................ 适量
1. 用1/2 汤匙蒜米、胡椒粉和盐腌猪肉碎。最好能腌过夜。
2. 热油后,先爆香剩下1/2汤匙的蒜米,然后把猪肉碎放到锅里煮。猪肉碎一放下去锅头后先不要翻动。先让一面遇热熟了再煮另一面,后来才可不停的翻动肉碎,让肉碎松散。
3. 加入蚝油和酱油,一直炒至均匀为止。加水,然后用中-满火焖肉碎大概30-40分钟。
4. 另外再起锅煎一面荷包蛋。一面荷包蛋是指不翻身的蛋。一定要保留蛋黄水水的。
5. 把红萝卜丝、黄瓜丝、黑木耳丝和肉酱放到白饭上,再加一个荷包蛋,慢慢的开始把这一切搅拌在一起。
6. 搅匀后即可吃了。
1 shreded carrot
1 bowl shreded black fungus
2 chicken eggs (for 2 persons)
1/2 shreded cucumber
350g minced pork
1 tbsp finely chooped garlic
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
cooking oil
1. Marinate pork with 1/2 tbsp of chopped garlic, pepper and some salt over night.
2. Heat the oil, fry garlic until colored, then add pork to stir. Do not stir pork immediately. Wait until both side are well cooked before stiring it.
3. Add oyster and soy sauce, stir until even. Add some water and simmer for 30-40 minutes.
4. Heat another wok, fry eggs. Make sure the york is 50% cooked.
5. Serve hot rice on plate, add carrot, black fungus, cucumber and (3) on top, then put (4) on the most top to serve.
6. Before eating, toss everything up well.
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