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Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Friday, 19 February 2010
Yorkshire Sculpture Park (31 Jan 10)
Went to Yorkshire Scuplture Park about 3 weeks ago. It was my first visit to this place though I have been staying in Leeds for more than 3 years. I remember it was a great sunny Sunday and that was the first nicest weekend ever along this winter.
Yorkshire Sculpture Park is located at Wakefield, a small town not far from Leeds. It's about 30 minutes drive between Leeds and Wakefield. This placed has the history of 200 years, with the objective to exhibit and display all kinds of landscape arts and serves as a ground of pleasure. 60 sculptures are placed at this 500 acres land. Although I do not know anything about modern arts, I still enjoy hiking and walking around this place with hubby. This place is not just merely about arts exhibition, the beautiful landscape itself is the master piece of everything.
We walk around the area, from the Centre to the sculpture park, across the farm, into the woods, then back to the Centre. It was roughly a 5km walk. We had a great time there and we planned to come back again in the near future.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park is located at Wakefield, a small town not far from Leeds. It's about 30 minutes drive between Leeds and Wakefield. This placed has the history of 200 years, with the objective to exhibit and display all kinds of landscape arts and serves as a ground of pleasure. 60 sculptures are placed at this 500 acres land. Although I do not know anything about modern arts, I still enjoy hiking and walking around this place with hubby. This place is not just merely about arts exhibition, the beautiful landscape itself is the master piece of everything.
We walk around the area, from the Centre to the sculpture park, across the farm, into the woods, then back to the Centre. It was roughly a 5km walk. We had a great time there and we planned to come back again in the near future.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Monday, 15 February 2010

Valentine 是在你晚上咳嗽时
再把杯子收回去 为你盖上被
Valentine 是在你工作回家很累的时候
他拍拍胸口说: 我煮!
让你吃到饱饱的 幸福的
疲倦也没了 心又开心起来了
Valentine 是和他在逛街时
你想和他分担的时候 他会很不开心
Valentine 是他在意你最在意的东西
Valentine 是他会检查你的钱包
Valentine 是在你不小心切肉时割到了自己的手后
因为他宁愿割到的是他自己 而不是你
Valentine 是你无需开口要求
Valentine 是你的任何一个小动作、小表情
只要稍微动一动 他就知道你在想什么 想干什么
我的Valentine 是无所不在
有错误的抉择 也有对的抉择
选择嫁给他 绝对是我一生人最对的决定
Happy Valentine's Day
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
纽约乳酪蛋糕 *New York Cheese Cake
最喜欢Secret Recipe 的New York Cheese Cake。香香的、口感滑滑的、不油不腻,吃了一片会爱上第二片、第三片、无数片。
煮煮简单的两餐,炒炒个菜我还可以。至于做蛋糕嘛。。。老实说我一点经验也没有。只记得小时候妈咪喜欢做Sifon Cake,老爸很会做奶油蛋糕, 然后其他的一概没印象。这次挑战做蛋糕老实说整个过程是胆跳心惊的。几乎把家里能用的盛器、盘子、碗。。。全都搬上战场了! 整个厨房弄得很狼狈,手忙脚乱的。还好小华在睡觉,要不然他在的话我的心更乱,一定集中不到。加上家里没有测重器,很多东西都是凭感觉大概、大概这样度出重量及容量的。我真的很佩服我自己这一点,哈哈!没有测量器也敢跟人家试做蛋糕!
蛋糕作出来后果然不负说我所望,我给自己85分!拿15分是扣掉外形,因为有一点塌扁。至于口味、口感,可说是没地方可以挑剔的了!香、滑、软、很rich、非常好吃!没想到BBC 的食谱不错嘛!这一次的New York Cheese Cake 给了我信心再试其他的烹饪食谱!我下次会再挑战Baking!!
这个跟Secret Recipe New York Cheese Cake 很像哦!
滑滑的cheese。。。口感很棒。隔天带了1/2 给同事尝,同事问我哪一家买的,反映是:非常好吃!开心!
下面的那一层digestive 饼干超香、超酥、超好吃的!
煮煮简单的两餐,炒炒个菜我还可以。至于做蛋糕嘛。。。老实说我一点经验也没有。只记得小时候妈咪喜欢做Sifon Cake,老爸很会做奶油蛋糕, 然后其他的一概没印象。这次挑战做蛋糕老实说整个过程是胆跳心惊的。几乎把家里能用的盛器、盘子、碗。。。全都搬上战场了! 整个厨房弄得很狼狈,手忙脚乱的。还好小华在睡觉,要不然他在的话我的心更乱,一定集中不到。加上家里没有测重器,很多东西都是凭感觉大概、大概这样度出重量及容量的。我真的很佩服我自己这一点,哈哈!没有测量器也敢跟人家试做蛋糕!
蛋糕作出来后果然不负说我所望,我给自己85分!拿15分是扣掉外形,因为有一点塌扁。至于口味、口感,可说是没地方可以挑剔的了!香、滑、软、很rich、非常好吃!没想到BBC 的食谱不错嘛!这一次的New York Cheese Cake 给了我信心再试其他的烹饪食谱!我下次会再挑战Baking!!
这个跟Secret Recipe New York Cheese Cake 很像哦!

Please check the following website for the recipe:
第二次做这个蛋糕时,我把烤蛋糕的时间换了。第4步凑哪儿提到说用小号的热度烤25分钟,我发现是不够的。我学了一个朋友给我的一个小建议,就是在蛋糕中间插一枝筷子试试看。只要考到筷子稍微只粘一些cheese就可关火,然后把蛋糕留在oven里(关着Oven 的门) 慢慢冷却蛋糕就行了。再放入冰厨冷却1-2个钟更棒!
I made minor changes on step no.4. After switching to gas 1/4, I leaved the cake in the oven for more than 25 minutes. When should you switch off the gas? The best way to determine this is by inserting a chopstick in the middle of the cake. When there is less cheese sticking on the chopstick, it's time to switch off the gas. Do not remove the cake from the oven immediately after the gas is off. You could leave the cake in the oven until oven is completely cool down. Don't forget keep the cake in the fridge for about 1-2 hours before serve.
泰酱豆腐 *Toufu In Thai Chili Sauce
豆腐...... 3-4 块普通的size, 然后在小一点的4方块 (看豆腐有多大块而定。我这里用了2大块而已)
大葱...... 1/2 粒 (切)
黄瓜...... 1/2 条 (去籽后切大概3寸长的条状形)
泰式甜辣酱...... 1/2小碗
柠檬汁...... 1 汤匙
食油...... 适量
盐.......... 适量
1. 用少量盐抹豆腐表面。
2. 热大量油,一定要等到油很热了再把豆腐放到锅里炸。切记油量一定要盖过豆腐为定。把豆腐炸至金黄色,捞起备用。
3. 热锅然后把泰式辣椒酱倒入锅中,加入柠檬汁煮热。
4. 先把炸好的豆腐摆在盘子上,然后在豆腐上撒上黄瓜和大葱,再把(3)倒在其他材料上即可。
3-4 cube of toufu (cut each cube into 4)
1/2 onion (cut)
1/2 cucumber (cut into inches long sticks)
1/2 small bowl of Thai sweet chili sauce
1 tbsp lemon juice
cooking oil
1. Spread some salt on the toufu.
2. Heat the wok with lots of cooking oil. Make sure the oil is really hot before deep frying toufu. Fry toufu until it turns golden brown in color. Remove toufu from wok.
3. Heat the wok again without oil. Pour Thai sweet chili sauce in the wok and add lemon juice. Heat up the sauce below boiling point.
4. Get fried toufu ready on a clean plate, serve fresh cucumber and onion as topping, then pour the hot Thai sweet chili sauce on all of the ingredients. It's ready to serve.

豆腐...... 3-4 块普通的size, 然后在小一点的4方块 (看豆腐有多大块而定。我这里用了2大块而已)
大葱...... 1/2 粒 (切)
黄瓜...... 1/2 条 (去籽后切大概3寸长的条状形)
泰式甜辣酱...... 1/2小碗
柠檬汁...... 1 汤匙
食油...... 适量
盐.......... 适量
1. 用少量盐抹豆腐表面。
2. 热大量油,一定要等到油很热了再把豆腐放到锅里炸。切记油量一定要盖过豆腐为定。把豆腐炸至金黄色,捞起备用。
3. 热锅然后把泰式辣椒酱倒入锅中,加入柠檬汁煮热。
4. 先把炸好的豆腐摆在盘子上,然后在豆腐上撒上黄瓜和大葱,再把(3)倒在其他材料上即可。
3-4 cube of toufu (cut each cube into 4)
1/2 onion (cut)
1/2 cucumber (cut into inches long sticks)
1/2 small bowl of Thai sweet chili sauce
1 tbsp lemon juice
cooking oil
1. Spread some salt on the toufu.
2. Heat the wok with lots of cooking oil. Make sure the oil is really hot before deep frying toufu. Fry toufu until it turns golden brown in color. Remove toufu from wok.
3. Heat the wok again without oil. Pour Thai sweet chili sauce in the wok and add lemon juice. Heat up the sauce below boiling point.
4. Get fried toufu ready on a clean plate, serve fresh cucumber and onion as topping, then pour the hot Thai sweet chili sauce on all of the ingredients. It's ready to serve.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Year of Tiger
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Monday, 1 February 2010
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