豆腐...... 3-4 块普通的size, 然后在小一点的4方块 (看豆腐有多大块而定。我这里用了2大块而已)
大葱...... 1/2 粒 (切)
黄瓜...... 1/2 条 (去籽后切大概3寸长的条状形)
泰式甜辣酱...... 1/2小碗
柠檬汁...... 1 汤匙
食油...... 适量
盐.......... 适量
1. 用少量盐抹豆腐表面。
2. 热大量油,一定要等到油很热了再把豆腐放到锅里炸。切记油量一定要盖过豆腐为定。把豆腐炸至金黄色,捞起备用。
3. 热锅然后把泰式辣椒酱倒入锅中,加入柠檬汁煮热。
4. 先把炸好的豆腐摆在盘子上,然后在豆腐上撒上黄瓜和大葱,再把(3)倒在其他材料上即可。
3-4 cube of toufu (cut each cube into 4)
1/2 onion (cut)
1/2 cucumber (cut into inches long sticks)
1/2 small bowl of Thai sweet chili sauce
1 tbsp lemon juice
cooking oil
1. Spread some salt on the toufu.
2. Heat the wok with lots of cooking oil. Make sure the oil is really hot before deep frying toufu. Fry toufu until it turns golden brown in color. Remove toufu from wok.
3. Heat the wok again without oil. Pour Thai sweet chili sauce in the wok and add lemon juice. Heat up the sauce below boiling point.
4. Get fried toufu ready on a clean plate, serve fresh cucumber and onion as topping, then pour the hot Thai sweet chili sauce on all of the ingredients. It's ready to serve.
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