School of Law organized a fun-raising activity for Children In Needs. All staff from Law Department have done a few things to collect the donation, such like selling home made cakes and cookies, 'Guess Who Is The Baby' photos competition, lucky draw and selling 2nd hand books.
Most of my colleagues were dressed up as pirates and cowboy/cowgirl. I love Kate's fancy dress the most! She dressed up as a Mexican Guy! Hahaha....
This is my most memorable fun time in School of Law! :)
今天Leeds 大学的法律学院举办了一个Fancy Dress 日,目的是为了要为Children In Needs 这个NGO 筹款。学院里的每一个员工都很踊跃的参与,有一些自己做了糕饼从家里带来卖,也有一些举办了给一英镑就可以幸运抽奖的游戏,也有‘猜宝宝’比赛(这个很好笑,因为很多人都把自己小时候的照片借了出来),当然也少不了卖二手书。
很多同事都把自己扮成牛仔、牛女啦,海盗装也蛮受欢迎的。最令我喷饭的是Kate 的墨西哥佬装扮!哈哈哈。。。