鸡块............... 1/2 只鸡
大葱............... 1 粒(切片)
番茄............... 2 粒(切丁)
木薯粉........... 适量
番茄酱........... 2 汤匙
蚝油............... 1 汤匙
玉蜀黍粉....... 1/2 茶匙
蒜米............... 1 汤匙
水................... 适量
盐................... 适量
食油............... 适量
1. 鸡块腌盐,然后沾上一层的木薯粉。
2. 烧开大量的油后,把鸡块拿去炸熟,炸至表面变金黄色。
3. 另外再开锅烧大概一汤匙的油,爆香蒜米,再炒熟大葱,然后再把番茄放到锅里炒。不停的炒大概2分钟后,加2杯水,用慢火把番茄焖至分解。
4. 加入蚝油及番茄酱,炒匀。
5. 加少量水入玉蜀黍粉,把它弄成勾芡,然后加入(4)。
6. 最后把炸过的鸡块加入锅内,一直翻动鸡块至鸡块粘上酱汁即可收火。
1/2 chicken, cut into pieces
1 sliced onion
2 chopped tomato
tapioca powder
2 tbsp ketchup
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 teasp corn flour
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
cooking oil
1. Marinate chicken with salt, then cover with tapioca powder.
2. Heat up lots of cooking oil, deep fried chicken until it is fully cooked.
3. Heat up the wok again with 1 tbsp of oil, stir garlic until it turns a bit yellowish. Add onion to stir then follow by tomato. Keep on stiring for 2 minutes, then add 2 glasses of water to simmer for another 5-7 minutes.
4. Add oyster sauce and ketchup.
5. In the other hand, mix-up tapioca powder with some water. Then pour it in (4).
6. Finally add fried chicken into the sauce. Keep on stiring until all chicken are covered with tomato gravy.
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