来了这里,每天煮来煮去都差不多煮一样的午餐。突然想起了微的Tuna 炒饭。为何不自己来试一试呢?Tuna 绝对是个营养平衡的食物,它不只适合想减肥的人吃,它还可以降低高血压,高量的Omega3又可以降低胆固醇,也含有高量的蛋白质最适合小孩子不过了。我本身很爱吃Tuna,来了英国之后Tuna 是一筒子一筒子这样买的(通常一筒子有4罐),一买就是买两筒子。Tuna 夹面包,加上黄瓜和番茄,也是很不错的哦!

金枪鱼.......... 1 罐
乌桂豆.......... 1 小把(切粒)
红萝卜.......... 1/2 条(切粒)
蒜米.............. 1 汤匙
菇.................. 1 碗(切片)
大葱.............. 1 粒(切粒)
油.................. 适量
Sotong油...... 适量
酱油.............. 适量
蚝油.............. 1汤匙
1. 先把金枪鱼压碎。英国的金枪鱼分为三种,Tuna with Sunflower Oil, Tuna with Spring Water & Tuna in Brine,随便一种都可以。
2. 把隔夜饭弄散。炒饭最好用隔夜饭,因为隔夜饭已收水,炒饭时才会粒粒分开。
3. 热油后,先炒香蒜米,再炒大葱。
4. 先炒红萝卜,再加入乌桂豆、菇,最后是金枪鱼下去一起炒。
5. 把隔夜饭倒到锅里和其它料一起炒。把饭倒下去后记得把火调小,以免把饭炒焦,粘锅底。6。加入少量的sotong油,蚝油,酱油调味。炒匀即可。
1 tin tuna chunk
French beans, diced
1/2 carrot, diced
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 bowl button mushroom, sliced
1 onion, sliced
cooking oil
squid sauce
soy bean sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1. Use spoon to shread tuna into smaller pieces. In UK, normally 3 kinds of tuna are sold here: Tuna with Sunflower Oil, Tuna in Spring Water and Tuna in Brine. Any type will do.
2. Heat the oil, stir garlic until colored, then add onion to stir until it is soften and cooked.
3. Stir carrot, then follow by French beans, mushroom and tuna.
4. Add rice to the work and make sure everything is mixed evenly.
5. Add oyster sauce, squid sauce and soy bean sauce to add flavour.
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