
冷冻鱼.......... 2 大片(切小片)
苏东.............. 5-6 只(切片)
羊角豆.......... 1 小碗(切片)
大葱.............. 1 小碗(切片)
大辣椒.......... 2 条(切片)
虾米.............. 4-5 汤匙
东炎酱.......... 1 汤匙
食油.............. 适量
盐.................. 适量
1. 先热油,炒香虾米至虾米变脆。拿起备用。
2. 苏东和鱼片腌上少量的盐。
3. 铺一张锡纸在烤盘上,把鱼片和苏东都摆上去。
4. 把切好的羊角豆、大葱、辣椒和炒脆的虾米洒上去。
5. 东炎酱加上少量的水,搅至均匀,然后一样的把全不的酱汁倒在(3)和(4) 上。
6. 把全部的东西用锡纸包上。
7. 先把烤炉弄热3 分钟,再把(6)放到烤炉里烤10分钟。火候大概是220摄士。
8. 10 分钟后把(6)取出,剪开锡纸即可用餐。
2 fish fillet, cut into pieces
5-6 squids, cut into pieces
1 bowl sliced ladyfinger/ okra
1 bowl sliced onion
2 chilli, sliced
4-5 tbsp dried shrimp
1 tbsp tomyam paste
cooking oil
1. Heat the oil, fry dried shrimp until it becomes crispy. Ready for use.
2. Marinate fish and squids will small amount of salt.
3. Place aluminum foil on baking tray, then place fish and squids on top of aluminum foil.
4. Spinkle ladyfinger/okra, onion, chilli and fried dried shrimp on top.
5. Add some water to tomyam paste and stir until evenly mixed. Pour it on (3) and (4).
6. Fold the aluminum foil.
7. Pre-heat the oven for 3 minutes, then place (6) into the oven to cook for about 10 minutes. Tune to 220 degree celsius.
8. Once it is done, remove the tray from oven and cut an opening on the foil. The dish is ready to be served.
i like this recipe and healthy too