第一次去苏格兰是2007年8月的事了。那时候刚买了一辆2 手车,刚好Kidd 想带朋友上去苏格兰玩玩,我们也受邀请跟着他们去了。说真的,虽然路途有点遥远,但从Leeds 往北的路一直都有很多漂亮的风景看。虽是累,但这个路途非常值得去体验。
It was in August 2007 when I first went to Scotland. We just had a second-hand car during that time, thinking of testing it's performance to see if it's good enough to travel far. We followed Kidd's car, he has another 2 passangers following him - his sister and his new internship colleague Ana. The journey was very tiring, it took us about 5 hours to drive from Leeds to Edingburgh. We took off at 7 morning sharp and arrived in Edinburgh after noon. Although it's tiring to drive such a long journey, it's worth it. We chose to drive along the coast. Along the way, we enjoyed the facinating view of Scottish farm lives, the golden crops fields, the deep blue sea and etc. One should not miss these breathtaking views. For those who are interested to drive, if you are Malaysian, you are elegible to drive legally in UK with Malaysia driving lisence within the first 12 months of your visit to this country.
前往爱丁堡的路途中,我们为了这一个怡人的景色而停下来了。金色的麦田,深蓝色的海洋和蔚蓝的天空,还有什么可以比这个景色迷人、扣人心璇呢?We saw this scenary on our way to Edinburgh. The golden crops field, the deep blue sea and the bright sky... everything was so perfectly beautiful.
一路上看到的风景。那一颗颗在麦田中的东西正是麦草。冬天来了,这些干麦草就成了家畜的食粮。August is harvesting season in Scotland. You may get to see lands in different colors, hay crops are rolled up and will be kept as food for farm animals in winter, and sheeps are moving all over the highlands.
Sheeps are all over the highland.
8月是去爱丁堡的最佳时候。在每一年的8月,爱丁堡会举办一年一度的世界艺术交流日(Festival Fringe)。这节日荣登英国最好的旅游节目的第一名。这长达一个月的世界艺术交流日是相当受欢迎的。各国各地的游客通常都会选择在这个时候光观爱丁堡。在这艺术交流日里,各国的领事馆将会派代表来参与表演各国文化、舞蹈等等。参加这个艺术交流会,让我感觉到仿佛突然在同一个时间内到了很多个国家,可以在同一时间体会到不同的文化、历史与背景。在爱丁堡最热闹的街上,你会看到不同国家做不同的表演。当然在街上表演的只是‘开场戏’。意思是说如有兴趣向更进一步的了解某某文化艺术的话,可以购票去一个固定的舞台看他们的表演。2007年的那一场艺术交流一共有1867场表演,总共呈现了28万次的节目。
这文化交流日是于1947年第一次正式公演。当时,这文化交流日被称呼为Edinburgh International Festival。几年后,庆典的名字才被改成Festival Fringe。这场文化交流的本来目的是想透过文化交流,把所有世界第2次大战后的欧洲国家全都给集中起来。结果这项庆典达到了目的,它不但成功地吸引了所有的欧洲国家的参与,它还吸引了不少亚洲国家的青睐,利用这个时候把亚洲国家的文化自豪的介绍给西方国家。
August is the best time to visit Edinburgh as this city will be celebrating Festival Fringe for the whole month. Thousands of visitors from all over the world will come to join and celebrate this annual event. This festival has been voted as the number one tourist experience in the UK. The Fringe story began in 1947 and previously it was known as Edinburgh International Festival. The purpose of this festival was to re-unite all European countries after WWII. Today, not only that the festival has successfully put all European countries together, it also attracts Asian countries taking part in the event. In year 2007 (the year I went), there were 28 thousands performances shown within 1867 shows.
Performers will do 'premium show' on the street to attract people to buy tickets and watch their actual performance. Look at the poor little kid, he was so scared and was hiding behind his mum crying.

Korean Dance Performance
Japanese Martial Arts
Scottish Music
除此之外,每一年的8月可以观赏Military Tattoo 。Military Tattoo 是一个庞大的表演,会有一群人穿着苏格兰传统制服表演吹Scotish Pipe。最早期的Military Tattoo 是在1950 年开始,每一年平均有21万7 千人观赏这一场盛大的演奏会。一半以上的观众是来至海外,至于表演者十来至于40各不同的国家。很遗憾,我本身没去过,因为门票太贵了,好像是60英镑一个人(一年前的价钱大概是马币400多块左右,咂舌!),而且听说还得预定票。想了解关于Military Tattoo 多一点的朋友,可以到此看看http://www.edintattoo.co.uk/ Besides Edinburgh Festival Fringe, another main attraction in August is Edinburgh Military Tattoo. This event is held every year, it is the most spectacular show in the world. Every year, the organizer will set up a temporary stadium in front of Edinburgh Castle for the purpose of this show. The first Military Tattoo took place in year 1950. The annual audience is about 220 thousand each year, more than 50% of them are foreigners. Ticket could be bought on-line. It's better to do advance booking as tickets are selling fast. I didn't go for the show, the tickets are too expensive for me. May be I should watch the show the other time. For those who are interested to know more about Military Tattoo, you could check on this website http://www.edintattoo.co.uk/
到了爱丁堡,免不了一定要到Calton Hill 跑一趟。Calton Hill 是在爱丁堡城市里的一座山。在这里,有很多纪念战争的建筑古籍。这里是爱丁堡政府部门的总部。一共有两种方法可以上到Calton Hill, 一是走斜梯上(像我这样的老女人会感觉到累);二是把车直接驾上去。但还是劝你们走上斜梯,运动运动一下比较好。因为上下的车子都是公用一条路而已,对方要是来了一架巴士,玩了,你非得倒退不可。加上那一条路很斜,又转折绕山,驾车技术不是很好的朋友,可千万别挑战你自己。但是和你们分享一个秘密,山上泊车不用钱哦!如果是在山下泊车的话,平均是0.70英镑一个小时,想在爱丁堡慢慢看,慢慢走,我想大概得付至少7-8个小时的泊车费才行。
One shall not forget to visit Calton Hill when going to Edinburgh. Calton Hill is in the center of Edinburgh new town. It's not far from the headquaters of Scottish Government. One could choose to walk or drive up to Calton Hill. We like to park our car on Calton Hill even though the road up hill is abit narrow and slopy. Parking is free on top of the hill, or else one will have to pay 70 pence for parking in every hour. Personally I felt 7-8 hours are needed to tour around Edinburgh town.
上到了Calton Hill山上,站在老远就可以看到一座像希腊神殿的纪念碑。建立这座纪念碑的目的本来是要纪念殉职与拿破仑战争的兵士们。后来爱丁堡的政府拨不出太多的钱财去完成这个纪念碑。原本Glasgow政府想借款帮助他们完成这个工程,但被爱丁堡政府拒绝了。就因为这样,今天这座未完成的纪念碑也被命名为‘爱丁堡的羞耻’。
There are lots of historical monuments stand on top of the hill. One of the most famous monements is National Monument. This building was built as a memorial for those who sacrified in Napoleonic War. The design followed Parthenon architecture in Greece. The project was never completed due to some financial problems that occured. Glasgow did a favor by offering loan and fund for Edinburgh to continue on with the project, however Edinburgh rejected the offer as they believe they could overcome the problems later. As a result, the monument is never finished. Therefore this monument has been given a new title called - Edinburgh Disgrace or Edinburgh Folly.

Hubby climbed on the podium of National Monument and was hugging one of the pillars. Look like he was struggling hard to put his arms around the huge pillar.
Nelson Munument 也是Calton Hill 的另一个旅游景点。这个建筑物是建来纪念一场胜利的战争。1805 年时,Nelson 打败了法国和西班牙军队。
Nelson Monument is another tourist attraction on Calton Hill. This monument was built in between 1807 to 1815. It was built to commemorate Admiral Horatio Nelson who won the victory in Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. He defeated French and Spanish during the war.
另外一个在Calton Hill 山上的历史纪念碑是Dugald Stewart 纪念碑。Dugald Stewart 是苏格兰有名的哲学家。 这座纪念碑有相当永久的历史。当年,它是于1831年开始建立的。由于这座纪念碑建立在Calton Hill 的山腰,站在Dugald Stewart 纪念碑的附近就可以欣赏到整个爱丁堡的旧城及新城。
Dugald Stewart Monument is another memorial to Scottish philosopher - Dugald Stewart, that stands on Calton Hill. This building was built in 1831. Standing near to this monument will enable you to overlook the entire city of Edinburgh, including both New Town and Old Town.
Dugald Stewart Monument.
站在Calton Hill 上,可以看到对面的另一个山丘 - Authur's Seat。Arthur's Seat 本来是一座活跃的火山,但今天他已经成了一个安全的死火山了。这座山是游客们常常爱去爬的一座山。看起来上山的路途应该不会太难,但要爬上823尺高的山丘应该还是蛮吃力的。By standing on top of Calton Hill, we saw the opposite hill - The Arthur's Seat. Arthur's Seat used to be an active valcano. It rises 823 feet above the sea level. This hill is a popular walk, and look like it is easy to climb.
Athur's Seat.
Edinburgh Town - shoot from Calton Hill.
这些房子都是在山坡上建立的。These are the houses that situated at the cliff.
好多人。。。So crowded....
Scott Monument 位于爱丁堡一座大花园的中心。建这座纪念碑是于1832建立,目的是为了纪念Sir Walter Scott。整座纪念碑的高度是200 尺高,得爬287 个梯级才可到达纪念碑的顶部。当然要参观纪念碑的顶部得付进门票。没记错的话,应该只是3英镑。
Another famous attraction in Edinburgh is Scott Monument. It stands in the middle of Princess Street Garden, a huge garden which is always crowded with visitors. This monument was built in 1832 for the memorial of Sir Walter Scott. The monuments is more than 200 feet in height. 287 steps lead visitors to go up to the top of tower. The admission fees charges 3 pounds each.
Photo of Scott Monument taken from far.
Sir Walter Scott 的雕像摆在 Scott Monument 的正中央。The Statue of Sir Walter Scott was built in the center of Scott Monument.
Royal Mile上去会比较远,但斜坡不会太斜,走起来应该会比较轻松。
Edinburgh Castle is another place that is worth visiting. It is situated on top of Castle Rock. Frankly speaking, it was a very tiring experience to walk along the slopy and narrow walkway up to the castle. Walking up from Royal Mile might be a better alternative route to reach there, but it will take a longer way to be there.
Edinburgh Castle
这是暂时性的观坐场,是为了一年一度的Military Tattoo 而建设的。The temporary 'show place' that built for Military Tattoo.
我们后来从爱丁堡城堡走下去对面的斜坡。这一条街大概有1英里长,也是最热闹、最好逛街的Royal Mile。经过这里是不要忘记寻找一座曾经被大炮打到过的石房子。很可惜我一直找都找不着。
We walked down straight from Edinburgh Castle to Royal Mile. Royal Mile is a road that is approximately one mile long from Edinburgh Castle at Castle Rock, down to Holyrood Abbey. Locals call it as 'high street'. This is the best place to do shopping and get good bargain for surveniors. Don't forget to look for the 'Conon Ball House' at Royal Mile. One of the house was attacked by a canon ball and the mark is still left behind. Unfortunately I couldn't find it after searching for quite a long time.
在我们朝向Royal Mile 走下去时看到了Tolbooth教堂。这教堂是于1844年完成的。Tolbooth Church was found on our way walking down to Royal Mile. This church was built in 1844 to serve as a Paris church and the place of annual assembly of the Church of Scotland.

一直往Royal Mile 走向Holyrood Abbey, 基本上就是从爱丁堡旧城走到新城。在两道路的中间可以看到另一座教堂 - St. Gile Cathedral。这座教堂可拥有相当久的历史,至今它已经900岁了。There is another church on the midway of Royal Mile - it's St. Gile Cathedral. This cathedral was built since 900 years ago. Admission fee is required before entering this sacred place.

一座在St. Gile 教堂附近的铜像。A statue near by St. Gile Cathedral.
爱丁堡的国家艺术馆。National Art Gallery of Edinburgh.
The Iron Duke outside the Balmoral Hotel.
Both of them were wearing kilt and holding Scottish pipes.
Although we were spending only half a day in Edinburgh, it impressed me alot. Such a small town, with lots of attractive tourist spots, this place is really awesome. I fall in love with Edinburgh. If I have a chance to be here again, I will definately come back for my second visit.