Lasagna 皮..... 4 片(盒装)
橄榄油............ 2 汤匙
牛油................ 2 汤匙
大葱................ 1 粒(切粒),1/2 粒(切条状)
芹菜................ 1 枝(切粒)
红萝卜............ 1 条(切粒)
牛肉碎............ 1 碗(大概200g)
红酒................ 2/3 杯
Tomato Puree..... 2 汤匙
蒜米............... 1 汤匙
Mozzarella 乳酪..... 1 碗(丝)
番茄............... 4 粒(切碎)
面粉............... 3 汤匙
牛奶............... 300ml
叶桂香........... 1 片
Bechamel 酱的做法:
1. 把牛奶倒入锅内, 加入叶桂香和切条状的大葱。把火侯维持在滚度以下。煮好了熄火,把所有的大葱和叶桂香挑起,牛奶备用。
2. 另外热锅,把牛油煮溶了后加上面粉。要一直不停的调匀。
3. 把(1)加入(2)中,再调匀,然后用慢火煮至酱汁变稠。
4. 加入少许盐及胡椒粉。
1. 热锅,加入橄榄油,然后开始炒蒜米和大葱。
2. 接下来再把芹菜和红萝卜炒开。
3. 把(2)炒匀后,加入牛肉炒至牛肉熟为止。
4. 加入番茄和Tomato Puree,调匀后再加红酒,盖锅煮至酱变稠。可以加一些盐调味。
Lasagna 皮的准备方法:
1. 煮水,把lasagna 皮一张张的那去煮至软化,备用。
1. 烤盘里先搽上一层的牛油。
2. 把第一层的lasagna 皮盖上去,然后铺上牛肉酱,再铺上bachamel 酱。撒上一些乳酪。
3. 一直重复(2) 至烤盘被铺满为止。
4. 最后一层铺上厚厚的乳酪。
5. 先开热烤炉大概3分钟,然后用220摄氏的热度,把lagsana 拿去烤至表面稍微变金黄色即可。
4 pieces lasagna pasta
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp butter
1 chopped onion
1/2 sliced onion
1 chopped celery
1 chopped carrot
1 bowl (about 200g) minced beef
2/3 mug of red wine
2 tbsp tomato puree
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 bowl shredded mozzarella cheese
4 chopped tomato
3 tbsp flour
300ml fresh milk
1 bay leaf
Directions for making bachamel sauce:
1. Add milk, bay leaf and sliced onion into pot and cook under boiling level. Once it is done, remove onion and bay leaf from pot. Keep for use.
2. Heat a heavy saucepan with butter and cook until it melts. Add flour to stir until both are evenly mixed.
3. Add (1) to (2) and stir until the sauce is thickening.
4. Add some salt and pepper.
Direction for making beef sauce:
1. Heat the wok with olive oil, fry garlic and chopped onion until soften.
2. Add carrot and celery to stir until soften.
3. Add beef to stir until it is cooked.
4. Add chopped tomato and tomato puree and stir until evenly mixed. Add red wine and simmer the pot of sauce until thickening. Add some salt and pepper.
How to prepare lasagna pasta?
1. Boil a pot of water, add pasta to cook until soften.
2. Drain and prepare for use.
1. Spread some butter on the baking container/plate.
2. Spread the first piece of pasta on top, then follow by spreading beef sauce and bachamel sauce. Sprinkle some mozzarella cheese on top.
3. Repeat (2) until the baking container/plate is full.
4. Sprinkle more cheese on the most top.
5. Pre-heat oven for about 3 minutes, bring the baking container to oven to bake with 220 degree celsius heat, until lasagna turns to become more brownish in color.