苦瓜....... 1 条
瘦肉片... 1 碗
豆瓣酱... 2 汤匙
糖........... 1 汤匙(一个人口为,可加可减)
食油....... 适量
盐........... 少许
胡椒粉... 适量
蒜米....... 1汤匙
姜丝....... 1汤匙
1. 把苦瓜切半,去籽,然后再切大概1/2寸厚的苦瓜片(想上图)。然后把苦瓜浸在盐水中大概30分钟。
2. 瘦肉腌少量的盐及胡椒粉。由于豆瓣酱本来就很咸,所以千万不能在瘦肉里下太多的盐。
3. 热锅热油后,先把苦瓜给炸过。只要稍微炸过苦瓜就行(苦瓜变软就可以起锅)。
4. 苦瓜起锅后,再热大概1汤匙的油。先炒姜丝再炒蒜米,然后把豆瓣酱加入锅内。
5. 把炸过的苦果加到锅里炒。
6. 加适量的糖调味即可。
1 bitter gourd
1 bowl sliced pork
2 tbsp salted soy bean
1 sugar
cooking oil
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 tbsp shredded ginger
1. Cut bitter gourd into half (cut horizontally), remove seeds and cut bitter gourd into 1/2 inch bite size pieces. Simmer cut bitter gourd in water for about 1/2 an hour.
2. Marinate pork with pepper and small amount of salt.
3. Heat the oil, fried bitter gourd untill it is abit soften. Remove bitter gourd from wok and ready for used.
4. Heat the wok again with 1 tbsp of cooking oil, stir fried ginger then follow by garlic. Add salted soy bean into the wok and stir until evenly mixed.
5. Add fried bitter gourd to stir with the other ingredients in the wok.
6. Add sugar and continue stiring until sugar is evenly mixed with salted soy bean.
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