Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Happy Easter!! 复活节快乐!


哈哈!难得大学大放假,我也有一个礼拜的假期!31/3 至 7/4 我会在葡萄牙,这一个礼拜都不会有posting 咯!Adeus!

University will be closed for a week for Easter break, I am taking this opportunity to fly to Portugal from 31/3 to 7/4! Adeus!

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Duck? Dog?

上几个月前工作没那么繁忙的时候 乘机和同事在办公室里扯大炮

突然谈到爱吃什么 很多同事原来都是无肉不欢

说到肉 就问她们最爱什么肉

突然有一位同事说她爱'Dog' 肉





因为Yorkshire slang 的发音比较baku 和重音

Duck 的读音就成了'Dog'

吓死我 还以为她真的爱吃狗肉


好久没腌咸蛋了 小华今天就到巴杀找鸭蛋来腌

小华说: Can I have a dozen of duck egg please?

后来卖主为了要确定是要一打 再次重复: A dozen of 'dog egg' right?



第二个Earth Hour

今年的Earth Hour 就在今天

别看小那一小时 它虽然不能完全拯救生病了的地球 但至少能让地球延迟下去

今晚关了灯一个小时的朋友 我还是想问去年问过的同样问题

是否从今以后到超市也好 菜市也好 打包吃的也好 都拒绝用塑胶袋 改用环保袋?

是否从今以后少开冷气 把冷气的温度提高 降低破坏大气层的CFC?

是否从今以后少开车 能用双脚走路到的地方都用走路 降低空气层中的CO2?

是否从今以后拒绝购买动物皮 保护动物 保护大自然的食物链 让地球能正常地生生不息?

是否从今以后能以身作则 不乱丢垃圾 把垃圾归类?


Earth Hour Campaign 到底能不能把爱地球的讯息传达出去 这一点我不太肯定

有一点能肯定的是Earth Hour 像似一种潮流多过像是一种有意义的行动


Earth Hour Campaign 过后 你自己是否曾每天问自己:我今天为地球作了什么吗?






Thursday, 25 March 2010

Knaresborough (21 March 10)

We shall be back for good in another 6-8 months time. 6-8 months could be really fast, it will be a waste if we do not take this opportunity to travell around and get to know more places in UK, especially places around Yorkshire.

We decided to go for a walk in every weekend unless the weather turns us down. Last Sunday, we went to Knaresborough, about 40 minutes drive from Leeds. Knaresborough is a lovely small town located at North Yorkshire. The town is simple, classic and attractive! Honestly, I love this town more than the other towns that I went before in UK.

Although it's small, tourism industry is very promising in Knaresborough, it attracts visitors from all over the world. Among varies attractions in Knaresborough, Knaresborough railway bridge is my favourite.

Sometimes I really regret why I didn't make a move earlier, to travel and explore as many places as possible in every single corner of UK. UK is so fantastic! It's a country that is enriched by varies cultures, ethnics and beautiful natural landscapes. I will definately miss UK...

Knaresborough Castle was built in c1100 on a cliff above River Nidd. The castle is almost 90% ruined.

When I walk pass the gate, suddenly I heard someone saying 'What's the matter? What's the matter?'. I turned to look around, but I couln't find anyone near by except hubby. Finally I found this is the crow that said 'What's the matter?'. It's amazing! I never know crow can speak like human!

The view from Knaresborough Castle is absolutely gorgeous!! That's the railway bridge and River Nidd. The railway bridge is still in used.

People like to bring and walk their pets around.

I fall in love with this place!

A rememberance to those who sacrified their life in war...

Which boat is yours?

An abondoned boat is full of growing lifes and hopes...

House in the Rock is another attractions in Knaresborough.

Having lunch beside River Nidd....

Emmm..... nice Yorkshire tea with milk...

Fish and chips

I ordered beef burger and chips.

Houses along River Nidd.

A One Eye Ginger

Back to Knaresborough Castle before getting on the car.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

A Day Trip to Malham (6 March 10)

Just coudln't resist the beautiful sunny day on last two Sunday, we decided to go to Malham for a walk!

I never heard of this place until I saw Bernice's photos in FB. On the Friday before going to Malham, I met Colin and asked for his expertise and experience about which is the best site for hiking in Yorkshire and he suggested Malham too!

Malham is a small town located at North Yorkshire, about one and a half hour drive from Leeds. There are a few landmarks that worth visiting: Malham Cove (the limestone cliff), Malham Tarn (UK highest sea-level lake) and Gordale Scar (waterfall).

There is a big parking space for visitors to park their vehicles and payment is required. We reached Malham around 10:30am and surprisingly the car park was fulled! Late comers will have to park their cars along the road side. Although it was a bright sunny day, the wind was still blowing strong and cold. I didn't aspect Malham could be so crowded with visitors and walkers.

Very classical old tavern.

The panorama view of Malaham's farms. (click to enlarge)

I am not sure how long we had walked on that day, but I guess it should be roughly 3-4 miles (or may be more as we took a big round to return to the car park).

Another panorama view of Malham. (please click to enlarge)

I love this place! I love it's landscape!

Behind hubby is Malahm Cove. This cliff is spectacular! It looks like a curving amphitheatre and it is roughly 260 feets high! Geologists believe this limestone cliff was formed after the last ice age.

Paronama view of Malham Cove. (please click to enlarge)

On the way walking towards to Malham Cove, we walked pass a small, quite and lovely stream. The water was crystal clear!!

The stream cuts through the land and form an island that grows a tree.

It's beautiful to see but it's hard to walk! Although both of us put on our new bought walking shoes, I will suggest it's best to get a pair of walking boots to explore this place!

Something just glared on my eyes!! I turned my back and looked... Wow! I found tressure, I found so many coin trees! Do the trees grow money? Don't be ridiculous, of cause not! These coins are push/hammer/knock into the tree trunk, with the believe that it will bring goodluck! It also serves the purpose as a wishing tree.

Fantastic cliff isn;t it? Look at the cliff wall and what can you see?

Let me tell you what was on the cliff wall. A group of people are hanging themselves on the cliff practicing their climbing skills. These cliff hangers are really bold.

After visiting the Cove, we follow the path and the map and walk to this place....

I am not really sure how many steps I have walked from here to reach the top of Malham Cove. According to some information gathered from websites, this stair way contains about 400 steps. I couldn't forget how tiring it was to go through these 400 irregular steps. I stopped once on my way walking up.

Panaroma view taken from Malham Cove (cliff top). (click to enlarge)

Although it was really tiring and exhausting, look at the facinating landscape and gorgeous view! It's worth!

This is another attraction on the top of Malham Cove. This magnificient limestone pavement was formed by the slightly acidic rain, which disolved and widen the joints of limestone. Imagine how long does it need to take to form such an amazing pattern?

How long does it need to take for water to cut through the stones?

Another panaroma view. (click to enlarge)

Big sunny day.... with some snow left on top of the hill......

Panaroma of Malham Cove and the linestone pavement.

My man is standing on top of the big rock/stone!!!

Another panorama of Malham.

Off the hill....

We found a small water fall in the woods. This waterfall has a name, called Janet's Foss.

Found other tree trunks with coins!!

Follow the stream and walking pass the woods....

We walked pass a huge farm before reaching the car park/tourist centre.