虾仁 ...... 6-7 只
切片章鱼 ...... 1-2 只
日本豆腐 ...... 2 条
鸡蛋 ...... 一粒
粟粉 ...... 半汤匙
蒜米 ...... 一小茶匙
清水 ...... 1/2 马克杯
盐 ...... 适量
1. 豆腐切片,然后用多油、中火炸至豆腐外皮金黄色。
2. 锅中的油剩一汤匙,然后爆香蒜米。
3. 加入清水,然后等水煮滚。加入虾仁及章鱼,再打入一颗鸡蛋。
4. 加盐调味。
5. (3) 煮熟后,加入粟粉水 (粟粉加入1/8马克杯的水)。水煮滚即可。
6-7 prawns without shell
1-2 squid, cut into pieces
2 Japanese egg toufu
1 chicken egg
1/2 tbsp corn flour
1 teasp finely chopped garlic
1/2 mug water
1. Cut toufu into pieces. Deep fried toufu until it turns golden in color.
2. Remove the cooking oil and leave about only a tbsp in the wok. Fried garlic until it turns a little bit brownish.
3. Add water. Once the water is boiled, add prawns and squid to cook. Also break an egg into the wok and stir it slowly.
4. Add salt to add flavor.
5. Add some water with the corn flour. Once (3) is cooked, add corn water to thicken the gravy.
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