Saturday, 22 March 2014

菌类意粉 *Fungi Pasta

马六甲有一家墨西哥餐厅,餐厅的环境不会给客人很大的压力,走的是平民路线,但食物确实是高级的享受,分量大,价钱中高。他们家的墨西哥参我都爱,其中一道非墨西哥菜单也是我很爱吃的 Fungi Pasta.


鸡肉菇........ 8-10 大片(撕小片一些)
大头白菇..... 3-4 颗(切片)
金针菇........ 一小把
牛奶.......... 1 杯
高汤.......... 1 碗
盐............ 适量
蒜米......... 1 汤匙
大葱......... 大1/2粒(切碎)
牛油......... 1汤匙
橄榄油...... 3汤匙
意大利面... 1 人分 
食水........... 适量

1. 锅里放大概300ml 的食水,加少许盐。煮滚后加入意大利面,煮至面熟。面一熟就离锅,在意面里加如一汤匙的橄榄油,搅匀待用。
2. 先热锅然后把所有的菇放入锅内干炒,炒至菇类干水。
3. 再热锅,然后放入牛油。牛油遇热溶解后,加入剩下的橄榄油。先加入碎葱煮至软透,然后再加入蒜米炒至金黄。
4. 加入高汤,再加入牛奶。

5. 放入刚煮过的菇类。
6. 加入一些盐调味。
7. 把煮好的意面放入酱汁里捞即可。

8-10 pieces of oyster mushroom (shred into smaller pieces)
3-4 pieces of button mushroom (white, cut into slices)
Some enoki mushroom
1 mug of cow milk
A glass of chicken stock (liquid)
1 tbsp of finely chopped garlic
1/2 big onion (finely chopped)
1 tbsp butter
3 tbsp olive oil
Tagliatelle (serving for one)

1. Boiled about 300ml water and cook tagliatelle until soft and tender. Remove tagliatelle from pot. Add in 1 tbsp of olive oil and mix well with tagliatelle.
2. Heat a pan and fried all the mushrooms until it turns a bit brownish. Please ensure mushrooms do not contains too much water in it.
3. Heat the pan again and melt the butter first, then follow by adding olive oil. Fried onion until it is soften, then add garlic to fried.
4. Add chicken stock and milk. 
5. Add all the fried mushroom.
6. Add salt to flavor. 
7. Put tagliatelle into the source and mix them evenly. You may then serve the pasta.

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