这一次和小华决定了在伦敦多留几天,多走走、玩玩多几个地方。尤其是那些还没去过的景点,我们更想要去看看。可是天不作美,这几天都一直下雨。没办法,5-6 月是英国的雨季,我们唯有把计划改了一些,看来下雨天只能在室内观赏了。
只要达伦敦地铁到 Westminster车站,从车站已走出来就会见到大笨钟与伦敦眼各自在左右手边。St.Margeret 教堂及Westminster 教堂也在不远处而已
It was my 2nd visit to Big Ben and Westminster. This time, photos were taken from different angles.
This time around, we planned to spend more days in London. We want to visiti more places, especially those we haven't been to. Unfortunately, May and June are raining months in UK, we didn't manage to do outdoor activity much, most were done in door, such like visiting museums.
By talking underground service (tube service) and get down at Westmister station, you will be able to see Big Ben and London Eye on your both side. Walking down abit further, you will be see St.Margeret Church, Abbey Cathedral and the whole view of Westminster.
Actually Big Ben is attached to the north-east end of Westminster. It's one of the oldest tower clock in London, the structure consists of brick works. The clock is approximately 200 feet height from the outside and the 4 faces of clock are measured at 23 feet in diameter.

Big Ben
至于这座伦敦眼,它的高度是443尺。周围一共有24个空箱,每一个空箱可容纳24个人。乘坐费有点贵,每一个人头大概是15-18英镑之间。它旁边的那一条河叫River Themes。
When mention the name 'London Eye', most of the people will know what is that. The actual name for London Eye is 'The Millenium Wheel'. It's height is recorded as 443 feet and it has become the largest Ferris wheel in Europe. The containers that carry people up to the wheel are called 'capsule', there are 24 capsules all together and each could carry up to 24 passanger.I have never been on it, the admission ticket is way too expensive for us (if I am not mistaken, it should be around 15-18 pound sterling). It just stands beside River Themes.

London Eye at River Themes.
来到了这里,当然免不了参观 Westminster 了。
Another sight seeing that worth visiting is Westminster. It stands very near to London Eye. It serves as house of Parliament for UK.

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