Saturday, 1 September 2007

Beautiful Beaches of St.Andrew (27 Aug 07)

St. Andrew 是我在2007 年去苏格兰是最爱的一个景点。位于苏格兰的东北方,这个小镇建立于沿海一带。因为它那美丽的海边及蔚蓝的天空,我真的希望有一天能有机会再重游这里。

这里最具有吸引力的不只是它那自然又美丽的风景,St.Andrew 更是拥有最悠久的高尔夫球场历史的地方之一。这里被称为‘高尔夫球之家’,是世界排名数一数二最好的高尔夫球场。

Went to St.Andrew back in year 27th August 2007. It was one of my fravourite places I have visited. St.Andrew is a small town that situated on north-east of Scotland. It was the ecclesiastical capital of Scotland. That is why you may see there are lots of historic cathedral lies in ruins today.

The title of 'home of golf' is given to St.Andrew, based on it's history where the royal and ancient golf course was founded in year 1754. It holds authority over the games worldwide and always being elected as the venue of world class Open Championship. St.Andrew's golf course is ranked amongst the finest in the world, just like it's sandy beaches.

Talking about St.Andrew beaches, well... that's the best and most beautiful beaches I have ever seen! It's deep blue sea and bright blue sky made me feel like I was in heaven! Hope I could return to visit this place again some day.

Part of St.Andrrew Castle. The castle was built on rocky ground which much have been worn away by the sea. What you can see today: the castle is standing right at the cliff.

This photo was taken behind St.Andrew Castle. The tide went up so fast within 30 minutes, the pathway was almost drown to invisible right before we walked back to the shore.

Behind hubby is part of St.Andrew Castle.

Part of St.Andrew Castle. Most have been worn away by the sea. This monument won't be able to survive long as global warming is becoming more serious and water level rises every year.

What a nice texture and color of nature!

Love this awesome landscape!

The whole view of St.Andrew Castle taken from far.

St. Andrew Cathedral stands not far from St.Andrew Castle. This cathedral used to be the largest building in Scotland. Today, some of the buildings remain entire, but most are destroyed and dissapeared.

This photo was taken at the beaches near St.Andrew International Golf Course.

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