Tiramisu是意大利文,意思是指“Pick Me Up”。很爱这道甜点,甜甜的又带点苦味。巧克力和rum更把Tiramisu的口味推上另一层楼。本来还以为Tiramisu很难搞,后来在一个巧合的机会下和Pauline学习了。谢谢Pauline无私的分享她的Tiramisu食谱,很棒很好吃!

Mixing white egg...
Add sugar....
Mix again...
Add Mascarpone Cheese...
Mix again....
Add in mixed white egg....
Add rum flavour...
Layer by layer...
Replacing coco poweder with dark chocalate for deco purposes...
It's done!
It's delicious!
鸡蛋.................. 3 粒
糖..................... 3 汤匙
Rum 香精............ 1 茶匙
Mascarpone 乳酪... 250 克
长形手指饼干....... 1 包
黑巧克力............ 半包
巧克力粉............ 适量
搅拌机............... 1 架
咖啡...... 2 茶匙(最好用Espresso)
牛奶...... 适量
糖......... 2 茶匙
热水...... 1/2 杯
1. 先把咖啡泡好,然后待冷。
2. 把鸡蛋打开后必须把蛋黄和蛋白分开。
3. 先用搅拌机把蛋白打发,把蛋白移开。
4. 把糖加入蛋黄里,然后搅拌。
5. 加入mascapone 乳酪后再打至均匀。
6. 把(3)加入(5)内。一定要调匀。
7. 这时候在冷却的咖啡里加上rum香精。
8. 把手指饼浸入咖啡里,然后把手指饼一支支并排在容器里。切忌别把饼干浸得太久,否则饼干会软化短掉。
9. 铺满了手指饼干后,铺上(6)。
10. (8)与(9)一直重复至容器满为止。
11. 本来应该先把(10)冷却在冰箱里3-4小时后再拿出来撒上可可粉。但如果没有可可粉的话可以先把溶好的巧克力铺上(10),然后再冷却于冰箱内3-4小时。
3 chicken eggs
3 tbsp sugar
1 teasp rum flavour
250g mascarpone cheese
1 packet Lady's Fingers/Sponge Fingers/Finger Biscuits
1/2 pac dark chocolate
cocoa powder
2 teasp coffee (recommend to replace ordinary coffee powder with espresso)
2 teasp sugar
fresh milk
1/2 cup hot water
1. Make coffee and cooling the coffee.
2. Separate egg yoke and egg white.
3. Use mixer to mix egg white until it turns to become white foam. Remove (3) from mixer.
4. Add egg yoke and sugar into the mixer to mix until it looks buttery.
5. Add mascarpone cheese and mix again with mixer.
6. Add (3) to (5) and mix until everything is evenly mixed.
7. Add rum to the coffee.
8. Dip Lady's Fingers into the coffee, then lay the biscuit in a container. Dipping process should be quick to ensure biscuit is not too soft and won't break into pieces.
9. Place Lady's Finger at the bottom of the container, follow by a layer of (6).
10. Repeat (8) and (9) until the container is fulled.
11. You could either:
- Keep the Tiramisu in fridge for 3-4 hours then only decorate Tiramisu with Cocoa powder.
- Sprinkle some melted dark chocolate on the surface and fridge for 3-4 hours.
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