Well... let us get back to Skipton. Skipton was celebrating its annual Waterway Festival on 3rd May. The event started since Saturday and ran until Monday. There were about 100 boats stopped by at the narrow canal of Skipton. A variety of activities throughout the three days featured live bands, farmer's marker, play ground for kids & etc. This year theme was about 1940s, most boat owner participated actively in the event by decorating their boats accordingly.
Iniatially we planned to spend the whole day in Skipton, to walk around the lovely town and to enjoy the atmosphere of the event. Unfortunately it was drizzling the whole afternoon. We end up leaving Skipton earlier.

Not sure how this deco is related to 1940s theme...

That is definately kids' heaven!!

That's the smallest mobile coffee bar I have ever seen!! Cool!

One of the boat owners decorate his boat with his favourite cartoon characters...

Most of these boat owners live on their boat. Boat is their home, boat is also their transportation.

The first tulip I shot in 2010!

Try this and you would know how good you are in serfing and balancing yourself.

Among all bird species, I love owl the most! Chinese believes cats and owls are evil animals, and I like both. Am I related more to the dark side?

This small fellow is really awesome!

This owl has the softest head, softer than cotton!

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