找了她十多年 音讯全无
至从中学后她转校念独中学校后 我们就没联络了
虽然多年没见 但依然感觉熟惜
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Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
伸手按钮开灯 咦!没电
后来才看到一封通知信 说20号会有个safety agent会来inspect家里
肯定是这个agent 进来我们家里的时候alarm钟响了
agent 又没password disable 掉铃声
也没通知UNIPOL (housing property co.) 来reset alarm
结果被家里的臭水弄到很不开心 很生气 一直念个不停
还害我昨晚睡在臭气中 好像在巴杀过了一夜一样
今天还是一样臭 在楼上的房间躲了整个早上了
伸手按钮开灯 咦!没电
后来才看到一封通知信 说20号会有个safety agent会来inspect家里
肯定是这个agent 进来我们家里的时候alarm钟响了
agent 又没password disable 掉铃声
也没通知UNIPOL (housing property co.) 来reset alarm
结果被家里的臭水弄到很不开心 很生气 一直念个不停
还害我昨晚睡在臭气中 好像在巴杀过了一夜一样
今天还是一样臭 在楼上的房间躲了整个早上了
Monday, 16 August 2010
Flying to Germany in the Next 5 Hours...
Sunday, 15 August 2010
其实很久以前就想写这一篇文章了,但一直被抛在脑后,直到最近在论坛及部落看到太多人一直称自己是backpacker, 我忍无可忍想大大声告诉这些人:你不配称自己为backpacker!
很多旅人更本就不清楚backpacking的真正意义,认为自助旅行或没跟团就是backpacking! 有一些让我更想打人的:没有拉的luggage, 只带了个背包或rucksack 就称自己是backpacker。。。妈呀。。。听了有点火,‘侮辱’了backpacker 的精神!对我来说backpacking 是旅游中至高的精神、文化,是绝对不可受侵犯的!
很多旅人更本就不清楚backpacking的真正意义,认为自助旅行或没跟团就是backpacking! 有一些让我更想打人的:没有拉的luggage, 只带了个背包或rucksack 就称自己是backpacker。。。妈呀。。。听了有点火,‘侮辱’了backpacker 的精神!对我来说backpacking 是旅游中至高的精神、文化,是绝对不可受侵犯的!
- 去旅行的目的最主要是学习新的知识如文化、历史、语言、地理等等,度假是次要。
- 通常会想要经验当地的民族风情,想要感受‘真’的旅行感觉。因此,backpacker的旅程路线通常不会在名胜地,backpacker会想要离开已被商业化的地点、想要离开拥挤的人群,多接触当地人与他们学习新的知识。另一个原因是因为避开名胜地的话就可以避开大的开销。
- 自己计划所有的旅程。
- 最主要是能自由活动。
- 一切都是优先考虑经济为主。Backpacker通常会用廉价的航机、其他交通、廉价的旅馆、吃廉价的食物等等。通常backpacker 都会优先考虑住青年旅馆(Youth Hostel)。
如果你符合了第三点和第四点而已,但其他的点不符合的话,拜托不要再称自己是backpacker了!一直以来我都很清楚自己不是backpacker, 也从来没称自己是backpacker。因为我清楚地知道我自己是个Flashpacker!
- 去旅行的目的是为了度假 + 学习新知识。
- Flashpacker 的旅程路线包括名胜地及非名胜地。
- 同样的自己计划所有的旅程
- 所有的消费(交通、住宿、吃) 都是以中庸为主,不会太贵太豪华、也不会刻意选择价钱在最低限的那一种。基本上budget是比backpacker高很多。有一些对住、吃方面比较节俭,但很乐意花在shopping这一方面;有一些不shopping也爱住在廉价的旅馆(只要有地方睡就算),但在吃方面却很舍得花;有一些不shopping、只要吃得饱的食物就好没什么要求,但却要求一定要有好又舒适的住宿。
- 还有,flashpacker 通常都会带好几样科技在身上,比如手机、数码相机、mp3及电脑/netbook.
OLE! 西班牙(8) - La Seu Cathedral (13 June 2010)
La Seu Catedral, 原名Catedral de la Santa Creu i Santa Eulalia, 英文翻译成Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalai. 这座教堂建于13世纪,是Barcelona其中一个历史永久的教堂之一。
其实早在公园343年就有间教堂建在现在这个教堂的地点。后来Moors (回教)打败了罗马,统治了Barcelona, 在985年把原本的教堂给拆了。Moors 退出Barcelona 后,教堂才被重建。1257至1268年间才把新教堂建好,然后多年来经过维修和扩展,才成为今天的La Seu 教堂。
这间Gothic教堂的高度是93公尺,宽度大概是40公尺。教堂里建立了28个chapel, 还有一个电梯可以载光观者到教堂的屋顶部。教堂的最前面有13只鹅,象征一位13岁小女孩-Santa Eulalia, 因为转信主而被其他人虐待至死。Eulalia的故事也被雕刻在教堂里,最后的一个雕像是Eulalia被绑在十字架上被牺牲。
第一眼看到La Seu, 心里想还不是和其他欧洲的天主教堂大同小异。但一踏入La Seu 后我只能说它有所不同。虽然外观看起来是十足的gothic style,但教堂里面的装潢可高贵得很。很喜欢La Seu 教堂里那高高的天花板,还有那温温的灯光。
很可惜我们看到的La Seu 正在维修。
刚好那天是礼拜天,教堂里做礼拜的人满满的;教堂外面也很热闹,又有乐队伴奏,又有路人围在一起做Sardana Dance。
当天除了乐队和几十个打圈圈的Sardana Dance,La Seu 教堂外也有人摆摊子,售卖一些二手的东西。
28 个chapel 的其中一个。。。
其实早在公园343年就有间教堂建在现在这个教堂的地点。后来Moors (回教)打败了罗马,统治了Barcelona, 在985年把原本的教堂给拆了。Moors 退出Barcelona 后,教堂才被重建。1257至1268年间才把新教堂建好,然后多年来经过维修和扩展,才成为今天的La Seu 教堂。
这间Gothic教堂的高度是93公尺,宽度大概是40公尺。教堂里建立了28个chapel, 还有一个电梯可以载光观者到教堂的屋顶部。教堂的最前面有13只鹅,象征一位13岁小女孩-Santa Eulalia, 因为转信主而被其他人虐待至死。Eulalia的故事也被雕刻在教堂里,最后的一个雕像是Eulalia被绑在十字架上被牺牲。
第一眼看到La Seu, 心里想还不是和其他欧洲的天主教堂大同小异。但一踏入La Seu 后我只能说它有所不同。虽然外观看起来是十足的gothic style,但教堂里面的装潢可高贵得很。很喜欢La Seu 教堂里那高高的天花板,还有那温温的灯光。
很可惜我们看到的La Seu 正在维修。
刚好那天是礼拜天,教堂里做礼拜的人满满的;教堂外面也很热闹,又有乐队伴奏,又有路人围在一起做Sardana Dance。
当天除了乐队和几十个打圈圈的Sardana Dance,La Seu 教堂外也有人摆摊子,售卖一些二手的东西。
28 个chapel 的其中一个。。。
Thursday, 12 August 2010
打从第一次试Gemista就开始爱上它了!Gemista 是希腊其中一道最受欢迎的料理。基本上Gemista的意思是‘酿蔬菜/果类’。虽然很多人都认为Gemista只限于酿番茄,其实番茄是较普通的,Gemista也可以是酿灯笼椒、茄子,也有一些是酿土豆/马铃薯。
Gemista 是个和容易又简单的一道菜肴。试试看吧!你绝对会爱上它!
Gemista is an authentic and popular Greek food. Those who have been to Greece and tried this food before, you will definately love it! The taste is fantastic, unforgetable! Gemista is pronounce as 'Ye-Mis-Ta', it means stuffed vegetable. In English it often refers to stuffed tomato, the actual Gemista ranges from tomato, capsicum/bell pepper, aubergine/egg plant and even potato.
灯笼椒..... 3 粒
大番茄..... 2 粒
生米........ 1 汞
Origano.... 1 茶匙
牛肉碎..... 适量,喜欢多牛肉可以放多一些。在这里我用的是大概150g
高汤........ 1/2 茶杯
芹菜叶..... 适量(切碎)
Parmesan乳酪..... 1 大汤匙(可以用cheddar取代)
盐.......... 适量
番茄膏..... 1 大汤匙
橄榄油..... 很多
蒜米........ 1 汤匙
大葱........ 1 粒 (切碎)
糖 .......... 适量
1. 把番茄和灯笼椒洗净后,切掉1/5上部,把上部留下来当盖。
2. 灯笼椒切开后去籽;番茄切开后用小刀/汤匙慢慢把番茄肉挖起来,番茄肉待用。去番茄肉的时候要特别小心,不可弄破蕃茄皮。清肉越干净越好。然后把番茄放入搅机里搅碎。
3. 热锅,倒入大概2-3汤匙的橄榄油。先爆香蒜米,再炒香大葱。
4. 加入牛肉用大火炒大概2 分钟,然后加入搅碎的番茄肉、芹菜叶、Origano、番茄膏及Parmeson乳酪炒匀。
5. 加入高汤,然后转慢火慢1个钟。可以加盐、糖调味。
6. 加入洗好的生米,搅匀,然后再盖慢煮3分钟。
7. 不需把米煮熟。续(6)之后,把锅里所有的食料放到灯笼椒里/番茄里。切忌!不要装太满,要不然饭煮熟后会从灯笼椒或番茄里满出来。
8. 续(7)后,把灯笼椒/番茄的盖盖上,然后把它们放在烤盘A上。最好用高一点的烤盘,然后再把橄榄油淋在灯笼椒/番茄上。橄榄油的用量必须至少浸到1/3的灯笼椒及番茄。
9. 把烤盘A放入烤箱之前,用另一个烤盘B垫在A的下面。B用来装水,这是用来确保蔬菜被烤时能够保持水分。
10. 把(9)放入烤箱之前应该先要预热。(9)放入烤箱后把热度调到3-4号,然后烤上大概1个小时至1个小时半的时间。
11. 把(10)取出烤箱后即可。
3 capsicum/bell pepper
2 huge tomato
1 can of rice
1tsp Origano
150g minced beef
1/2 cup chicken stock
finely cut parsley
1 big tbsp of Parmesan cheese (could also be replaced by young cheddar)
1 tbsp tomato puree
lots of olive oil
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 finely chopped onion
1. Slice off the top of tomato and capsicum. Keep for use.
2. For capsicum, remove the seeds; For tomato, use a small knife or spoon to scup/remove the inside part of tomato. Blend the inside part of tomato.
3. Heat the pan and add 2-3 tbsp of olive oil, then add garlic and onions to stir fried until aromatic/turn a little bit brownish.
4. Add minced beef to stir for about 2 minutes. add blended tomato, parsley, Origano, tomato puree and cheese. Stir until everything is evenly mixed.
5. Add chicken stock, simmer for an hour. Add some salt and sugar for flavour.
6. Clean the rice and add to the pan. Stir until everything is evenly mixed, simmer for about 3 minutes.
7. Stuff (6) to capsicum and tomato. Do not fill it all up, leave some space in the capsicum and tomato.
8. Put back the sliced off top/cap of capsicum and tomato. Place all of them on baking tray A and pour olive oil into the baking tray, to cover at least 1/3 of the capsicum and tomato.
9. Pour water into baking tray B and place it below tray A. This is to ensure capsicum and tomato will not be over bake.
10. Preheat the oven. Place both trays into the oven and switched to gas number 3-4. Bake for at least 1-1.5 hours. Do check tray B every 1/2 hours, add water if needed.
11. Remove the trays from oven. Serve each Gemista on a clean plate. You can scup some olive oil remaining on the tray to pour it on your Gemista before serve.
Sample of how capsicum/tomato should be cut.
Gemista 是个和容易又简单的一道菜肴。试试看吧!你绝对会爱上它!
Gemista is an authentic and popular Greek food. Those who have been to Greece and tried this food before, you will definately love it! The taste is fantastic, unforgetable! Gemista is pronounce as 'Ye-Mis-Ta', it means stuffed vegetable. In English it often refers to stuffed tomato, the actual Gemista ranges from tomato, capsicum/bell pepper, aubergine/egg plant and even potato.
灯笼椒..... 3 粒
大番茄..... 2 粒
生米........ 1 汞
Origano.... 1 茶匙
牛肉碎..... 适量,喜欢多牛肉可以放多一些。在这里我用的是大概150g
高汤........ 1/2 茶杯
芹菜叶..... 适量(切碎)
Parmesan乳酪..... 1 大汤匙(可以用cheddar取代)
盐.......... 适量
番茄膏..... 1 大汤匙
橄榄油..... 很多
蒜米........ 1 汤匙
大葱........ 1 粒 (切碎)
糖 .......... 适量
1. 把番茄和灯笼椒洗净后,切掉1/5上部,把上部留下来当盖。
2. 灯笼椒切开后去籽;番茄切开后用小刀/汤匙慢慢把番茄肉挖起来,番茄肉待用。去番茄肉的时候要特别小心,不可弄破蕃茄皮。清肉越干净越好。然后把番茄放入搅机里搅碎。
3. 热锅,倒入大概2-3汤匙的橄榄油。先爆香蒜米,再炒香大葱。
4. 加入牛肉用大火炒大概2 分钟,然后加入搅碎的番茄肉、芹菜叶、Origano、番茄膏及Parmeson乳酪炒匀。
5. 加入高汤,然后转慢火慢1个钟。可以加盐、糖调味。
6. 加入洗好的生米,搅匀,然后再盖慢煮3分钟。
7. 不需把米煮熟。续(6)之后,把锅里所有的食料放到灯笼椒里/番茄里。切忌!不要装太满,要不然饭煮熟后会从灯笼椒或番茄里满出来。
8. 续(7)后,把灯笼椒/番茄的盖盖上,然后把它们放在烤盘A上。最好用高一点的烤盘,然后再把橄榄油淋在灯笼椒/番茄上。橄榄油的用量必须至少浸到1/3的灯笼椒及番茄。
9. 把烤盘A放入烤箱之前,用另一个烤盘B垫在A的下面。B用来装水,这是用来确保蔬菜被烤时能够保持水分。
10. 把(9)放入烤箱之前应该先要预热。(9)放入烤箱后把热度调到3-4号,然后烤上大概1个小时至1个小时半的时间。
11. 把(10)取出烤箱后即可。
3 capsicum/bell pepper
2 huge tomato
1 can of rice
1tsp Origano
150g minced beef
1/2 cup chicken stock
finely cut parsley
1 big tbsp of Parmesan cheese (could also be replaced by young cheddar)
1 tbsp tomato puree
lots of olive oil
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 finely chopped onion
1. Slice off the top of tomato and capsicum. Keep for use.
2. For capsicum, remove the seeds; For tomato, use a small knife or spoon to scup/remove the inside part of tomato. Blend the inside part of tomato.
3. Heat the pan and add 2-3 tbsp of olive oil, then add garlic and onions to stir fried until aromatic/turn a little bit brownish.
4. Add minced beef to stir for about 2 minutes. add blended tomato, parsley, Origano, tomato puree and cheese. Stir until everything is evenly mixed.
5. Add chicken stock, simmer for an hour. Add some salt and sugar for flavour.
6. Clean the rice and add to the pan. Stir until everything is evenly mixed, simmer for about 3 minutes.
7. Stuff (6) to capsicum and tomato. Do not fill it all up, leave some space in the capsicum and tomato.
8. Put back the sliced off top/cap of capsicum and tomato. Place all of them on baking tray A and pour olive oil into the baking tray, to cover at least 1/3 of the capsicum and tomato.
9. Pour water into baking tray B and place it below tray A. This is to ensure capsicum and tomato will not be over bake.
10. Preheat the oven. Place both trays into the oven and switched to gas number 3-4. Bake for at least 1-1.5 hours. Do check tray B every 1/2 hours, add water if needed.
11. Remove the trays from oven. Serve each Gemista on a clean plate. You can scup some olive oil remaining on the tray to pour it on your Gemista before serve.
Sample of how capsicum/tomato should be cut.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
肉粽 *Glutinous Rice Dumpling
Glutinous Rice Dumpling or known as 'Zong Zi' in Mandarin, is commonly eaten during Dragon Boat Festival to commermorate a famous Chinese scholar Qu Yuan. The festival falls on the fifth day of fifth month of Chinese calendar.
Besides glutinous rice, normally the dumpling is also stuffed with braised pork, beans and other ingredients, anything that is liked by the people who made them. In my dumpling, I added braised pork, dried shrimps, black eye peas and Chinese mushrooms.
A special kind of bamboo leave is used to wrapped the rice. The leaves could be purchased from any Chinese Shops. It needs to be cleaned, washed and cooked in boiling water for a few minutes before use. The secret of success lies on the techniques and skills of wrapping. You have to make sure everything is wrapped and tied up well, or the rice may leak from the leave while cooking. It needs to be cooked in boiling water for at least 2 hours.
I bring one for Bernice and one for Danaii the next day. So surprise to know that both of them love it so much! I bring them more on the following day.
Oh, don't forget to have Glutinous Rice Dumpling with some Chinese tea/ green tea, that will helps you to digest better.
Glutinous Rice Dumpling or known as 'Zong Zi' in Mandarin, is commonly eaten during Dragon Boat Festival to commermorate a famous Chinese scholar Qu Yuan. The festival falls on the fifth day of fifth month of Chinese calendar.
Besides glutinous rice, normally the dumpling is also stuffed with braised pork, beans and other ingredients, anything that is liked by the people who made them. In my dumpling, I added braised pork, dried shrimps, black eye peas and Chinese mushrooms.
A special kind of bamboo leave is used to wrapped the rice. The leaves could be purchased from any Chinese Shops. It needs to be cleaned, washed and cooked in boiling water for a few minutes before use. The secret of success lies on the techniques and skills of wrapping. You have to make sure everything is wrapped and tied up well, or the rice may leak from the leave while cooking. It needs to be cooked in boiling water for at least 2 hours.
I bring one for Bernice and one for Danaii the next day. So surprise to know that both of them love it so much! I bring them more on the following day.
Oh, don't forget to have Glutinous Rice Dumpling with some Chinese tea/ green tea, that will helps you to digest better.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
生日蛋糕 *Birthday Cake
昨天为朋友做了一个生日蛋糕,这是我人生中做的第一个生日蛋糕,很喜欢它!在乳酪蛋糕上涂上了sour cream + 糖 + 新鲜柠檬汁,上面再摆罐装的Mandarin Orange, 新鲜的蓝莓和red current... 让人开胃的颜色!
This is the first birthday cake I bake for someone, a special friend of mine. I spread some sour cresm+sugar+fresh lemon juice on top of the cheese cake, the decorate it with canned Mandarin orang, fresh blueberries and fresh red current. Love the colors!
New York Cheese Cake recipe at http://trishalavittae.blogspot.com/2010/02/new-york-cheese-cake.html
This is the first birthday cake I bake for someone, a special friend of mine. I spread some sour cresm+sugar+fresh lemon juice on top of the cheese cake, the decorate it with canned Mandarin orang, fresh blueberries and fresh red current. Love the colors!
New York Cheese Cake recipe at http://trishalavittae.blogspot.com/2010/02/new-york-cheese-cake.html
咸鱼炒饭 *Fried Rice with Salted Fish
Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin (in English it's known as 'Fried Rice with Salted Fish') is one of the Malaysians' favourite fried rice. This is a truely authentic food and it's simple to cook. Is consists of leftover plain rice stir fried with fried Mui-Hiong salted fish, eggs, prawns, anchovis (optional), spring onion and some other sauces. Sometimes I topped it with a fried egg.
隔夜白饭..... 2 人份
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
青葱.......... 2 汤匙(切粒)
炸过的小只江鱼仔.... 3-4 大汤匙
鸡蛋.......... 1 个
梅香咸鱼..... 1 片
虾............. 8-10 只
胡椒粉........ 适量
蚝油.......... 1 汤匙
鱿鱼油....... 1 茶匙
食油.......... 适量
1. 先把隔夜饭从冰厨里拿出来解冷,然后再把饭弄松。
2. 把油加入热锅中,油开始热后就先把梅香咸鱼给煎了。煎的时候顺便用煎匙把咸鱼弄散。
3. 把煎好的咸鱼隔在锅中的一角,另外加入蒜米,把蒜米炒香。
4. 加入虾仁,把虾仁炒熟。
5. 把锅里所有的料隔在锅中一角,然后打入鸡蛋。鸡蛋50%熟的时候把饭倒在鸡蛋上,然后要用快速把饭和蛋炒匀,这样饭就会被蛋包起来(这个过程要用大火)。然后再把全部的料和饭炒匀。
6. 加入蚝油及鱿鱼油,炒匀后再加入青葱、胡椒粉、炸过的江鱼仔。依个人的口味,如果觉得不够味,可以加一些盐。
leftover plain rice (portion for 2 persons)
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
2 tbsp chopped spring onion
3-4 tbsp fried anchovis
1 chicken egg
1 slice Mui-Hiong salted fish (the one that canned in oil)
8-10 medium size prawn
some pepper powder
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp (tea spoon) Thai squid sauce
cooking oil
1. Remove leftover rice from fridge. It's best to keep the rice in room temperature and loosen the rice before cooking.
2. Heat up some cooking oil in the pan and fry Mui-Hiong salted fish. Smash the fish with fying spatula.
3. Push fried salted fish aside, add garlic to stir fried until it turns to light brown.
4. Add prawns and stir fried until it is cooked.
5. Push all cooked ingredients aside, break an egg into the pan. When the egg is about 50% cooked, add leftover rice to stir until even. You have to stir fast and cook with high temperature at this moment to ensure rice will be wrapped up by the egg. Then stir everything together until everything in the pan is evenly mixed.
6. Add oyster sauce and squid sauce to stir evenly. Then add spring onion, pepper powder and fried anchovis to stir until evenly mix. You may add some salt for flavour.
Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin (in English it's known as 'Fried Rice with Salted Fish') is one of the Malaysians' favourite fried rice. This is a truely authentic food and it's simple to cook. Is consists of leftover plain rice stir fried with fried Mui-Hiong salted fish, eggs, prawns, anchovis (optional), spring onion and some other sauces. Sometimes I topped it with a fried egg.
隔夜白饭..... 2 人份
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
青葱.......... 2 汤匙(切粒)
炸过的小只江鱼仔.... 3-4 大汤匙
鸡蛋.......... 1 个
梅香咸鱼..... 1 片
虾............. 8-10 只
胡椒粉........ 适量
蚝油.......... 1 汤匙
鱿鱼油....... 1 茶匙
食油.......... 适量
1. 先把隔夜饭从冰厨里拿出来解冷,然后再把饭弄松。
2. 把油加入热锅中,油开始热后就先把梅香咸鱼给煎了。煎的时候顺便用煎匙把咸鱼弄散。
3. 把煎好的咸鱼隔在锅中的一角,另外加入蒜米,把蒜米炒香。
4. 加入虾仁,把虾仁炒熟。
5. 把锅里所有的料隔在锅中一角,然后打入鸡蛋。鸡蛋50%熟的时候把饭倒在鸡蛋上,然后要用快速把饭和蛋炒匀,这样饭就会被蛋包起来(这个过程要用大火)。然后再把全部的料和饭炒匀。
6. 加入蚝油及鱿鱼油,炒匀后再加入青葱、胡椒粉、炸过的江鱼仔。依个人的口味,如果觉得不够味,可以加一些盐。
leftover plain rice (portion for 2 persons)
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
2 tbsp chopped spring onion
3-4 tbsp fried anchovis
1 chicken egg
1 slice Mui-Hiong salted fish (the one that canned in oil)
8-10 medium size prawn
some pepper powder
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp (tea spoon) Thai squid sauce
cooking oil
1. Remove leftover rice from fridge. It's best to keep the rice in room temperature and loosen the rice before cooking.
2. Heat up some cooking oil in the pan and fry Mui-Hiong salted fish. Smash the fish with fying spatula.
3. Push fried salted fish aside, add garlic to stir fried until it turns to light brown.
4. Add prawns and stir fried until it is cooked.
5. Push all cooked ingredients aside, break an egg into the pan. When the egg is about 50% cooked, add leftover rice to stir until even. You have to stir fast and cook with high temperature at this moment to ensure rice will be wrapped up by the egg. Then stir everything together until everything in the pan is evenly mixed.
6. Add oyster sauce and squid sauce to stir evenly. Then add spring onion, pepper powder and fried anchovis to stir until evenly mix. You may add some salt for flavour.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
OLE! 西班牙(7) - The Magic Fountain of Montjuic (12 June 2010)
虽然白天耗了很多精神、精力在Sagrada Familia 及 Parc Guell 边走边看,无论怎么累,我们还是不想错过Barcelona 有名的音乐喷泉。
这座音乐喷泉第一次被启用是在5月19日1929年。当年建这一个喷泉的原因是为了要配合Barcelona 的Great Universal Exhibition。当年这一个工不被大众看好,很多人都认为这浩大的工程根本就无法完成。后来这个工程动用了3千名员工,终于在一年后大功告成。
要找到这喷泉并不难,只要达Metro 到Espanya站,再走大概5-10分钟就回到了。基本上喷泉就位于Barcelona的国家艺术馆Meseu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC)前。这音乐喷泉只在星期四、五、六及日有表演,而且时间只在9点晚上至11点晚上这一段时间而已。我们去的时候也蛮迟的了,印象中好像喷水池已经在开始表演音乐喷泉了。据某网站,音乐喷泉的表演时间会因季节而改变,最好是没来这里之前先上一上网查日期和时间。
下了Metro的Espanya 站后,就会看到不远处有两排灯光很亮的喷水池。这两排的喷水池建于大马路的左右两旁。我偷偷算了,每一排一大概有44-46个喷水器。
向前望去,前面的大建筑物就是Barcelona的MNAC。走到路边喷水池的最尾端(两旁都一样)就会有个行人天桥。跟着天桥走的话就会到达The Magic Fountain of Montjuic了。我们还没上桥的时候已经被吓到了,一个本来很阔大的桥站满了人群,连想要穿过人群都成了问题。大家都喜欢站在桥上,因为这里的水平比喷水池的水平高很多,可以站在桥上然后拍到较低的喷水池。
这座音乐喷泉第一次被启用是在5月19日1929年。当年建这一个喷泉的原因是为了要配合Barcelona 的Great Universal Exhibition。当年这一个工不被大众看好,很多人都认为这浩大的工程根本就无法完成。后来这个工程动用了3千名员工,终于在一年后大功告成。
要找到这喷泉并不难,只要达Metro 到Espanya站,再走大概5-10分钟就回到了。基本上喷泉就位于Barcelona的国家艺术馆Meseu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC)前。这音乐喷泉只在星期四、五、六及日有表演,而且时间只在9点晚上至11点晚上这一段时间而已。我们去的时候也蛮迟的了,印象中好像喷水池已经在开始表演音乐喷泉了。据某网站,音乐喷泉的表演时间会因季节而改变,最好是没来这里之前先上一上网查日期和时间。
下了Metro的Espanya 站后,就会看到不远处有两排灯光很亮的喷水池。这两排的喷水池建于大马路的左右两旁。我偷偷算了,每一排一大概有44-46个喷水器。
向前望去,前面的大建筑物就是Barcelona的MNAC。走到路边喷水池的最尾端(两旁都一样)就会有个行人天桥。跟着天桥走的话就会到达The Magic Fountain of Montjuic了。我们还没上桥的时候已经被吓到了,一个本来很阔大的桥站满了人群,连想要穿过人群都成了问题。大家都喜欢站在桥上,因为这里的水平比喷水池的水平高很多,可以站在桥上然后拍到较低的喷水池。
Friday, 6 August 2010
OLE! 西班牙(6) - Parc Güell II (12 June 2010)
一走下楼梯的右手边就到了刚才所说的‘女人雕像’的柱子。看到左手边的第一支柱子吗?向外的是一个头顶东西的女人雕像。她的右手扶着头上的重担。我觉得这个设计很棒,不但美观,而且还能支撑上面的大行道,还有来来往往的人。Antoni Gaudi 的建筑设计真的是世界独一无二的大胆作品。
下楼后在转右就是一支支的罗马式柱子。这些柱子就是支撑Parc Guell 大广场及周边座位的基础。忘了算这底下到底有几根柱子。
Parc Guell 里的这只‘龙’是整个花园最重要、也是最受游客最喜爱的艺术品之一。这只用砖块建成的‘龙’之前遭到破坏,后来在2007年才完整重修。说它是‘龙’,我倒觉得它像壁虎多一点。。。
后面的建筑物,最顶楼就是Parc Guell 的广场及周边座位的地方。
好漂亮的Parc Guell 外观!如果从大门一进来就会立刻先看到这一幕!当然不包括小华在内!
参观其中一件糖果屋的时候从楼上的窗看到的画面。Parc Guell真的是一个非常漂亮的公园!
再见了美丽的Parc Guell!
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