
八角花..... 2 朵
鸡脚....... 大概20-25个
蒜头....... 6-8 颗
香菇....... 用自己喜欢的分量
蚝油....... 2 汤匙
老抽....... 1 汤匙
食油....... 大量
水......... 适量
1. 先把买回来的鸡脚去皮去前爪,烫过热水再去一次皮,然后晾干。
2. 香菇洗干净后去蹄。可以保留一大朵香菇或切半。
3. 在大锅里装满油后,热油。要切记油一定要很热后才把鸡脚放进去炸。炸的时候得把锅盖盖起来,以防喷油伤到皮肤。如果喜欢吃嫩嫩软软的鸡脚,炸鸡脚的时间就是关键。鸡脚越炸越久,焖煮起来就会越来越嫩。
4. 鸡脚炸好后直接放到冷水里浸至皮肉离骨,有点松松的感觉。
5. 这时候再准备另一个锅,加入2-3汤匙的食油。热油了后,先把一颗颗的蒜头及八角花爆香,然后再把炸好的鸡脚和香菇一起放到锅里炒一下,加适量的水,再加蚝油和老抽。
6. 用大火把水/汁煮滚。滚开了后就调小火,慢慢把鸡脚和香菇焖软透为止。这通常会需要用到2个小时的时间。
2 star anise
20-25 chicken feet
6-8 clove of garlic
chinese mushroom
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp darker soy sauce
cooking oil
1. Tare off the rough skin and remove at least the first joint of the chicken feet from each toe. Pour boiling water on chicken feet may help to remove the rough skin more easily. Rinse the feets and ready for use.
2. Clean the mushroom and remove the stem. You could choose to cook the whole mushroom or cut it into half.
3. Fill the pot with cooking oil and heat it up with high temperature. Fried chicken feet in the pot for at least 10-15 minutes. The longer the chicken feet is deep fried, the softer and better the texture will have.
4. Remove chicken feet from (3) and put them straight into a basin full with cold water for a few minutes.
5. Get another pot ready with 2-3 tbsp of hot oil, stir fried garlic and star anise until garlic turns color to abit brownish. Add fried chicken feet and mushroom to the pot. Add water. oyster sauce and dark soy sauce and cook with high temperature until the water/gravy is boiling.
6. After the water is boiling, cook with medium low heat for about 2 hours.