Gemista 是个和容易又简单的一道菜肴。试试看吧!你绝对会爱上它!
Gemista is an authentic and popular Greek food. Those who have been to Greece and tried this food before, you will definately love it! The taste is fantastic, unforgetable! Gemista is pronounce as 'Ye-Mis-Ta', it means stuffed vegetable. In English it often refers to stuffed tomato, the actual Gemista ranges from tomato, capsicum/bell pepper, aubergine/egg plant and even potato.

灯笼椒..... 3 粒
大番茄..... 2 粒
生米........ 1 汞
Origano.... 1 茶匙
牛肉碎..... 适量,喜欢多牛肉可以放多一些。在这里我用的是大概150g
高汤........ 1/2 茶杯
芹菜叶..... 适量(切碎)
Parmesan乳酪..... 1 大汤匙(可以用cheddar取代)
盐.......... 适量
番茄膏..... 1 大汤匙
橄榄油..... 很多
蒜米........ 1 汤匙
大葱........ 1 粒 (切碎)
糖 .......... 适量
1. 把番茄和灯笼椒洗净后,切掉1/5上部,把上部留下来当盖。
2. 灯笼椒切开后去籽;番茄切开后用小刀/汤匙慢慢把番茄肉挖起来,番茄肉待用。去番茄肉的时候要特别小心,不可弄破蕃茄皮。清肉越干净越好。然后把番茄放入搅机里搅碎。
3. 热锅,倒入大概2-3汤匙的橄榄油。先爆香蒜米,再炒香大葱。
4. 加入牛肉用大火炒大概2 分钟,然后加入搅碎的番茄肉、芹菜叶、Origano、番茄膏及Parmeson乳酪炒匀。
5. 加入高汤,然后转慢火慢1个钟。可以加盐、糖调味。
6. 加入洗好的生米,搅匀,然后再盖慢煮3分钟。
7. 不需把米煮熟。续(6)之后,把锅里所有的食料放到灯笼椒里/番茄里。切忌!不要装太满,要不然饭煮熟后会从灯笼椒或番茄里满出来。
8. 续(7)后,把灯笼椒/番茄的盖盖上,然后把它们放在烤盘A上。最好用高一点的烤盘,然后再把橄榄油淋在灯笼椒/番茄上。橄榄油的用量必须至少浸到1/3的灯笼椒及番茄。
9. 把烤盘A放入烤箱之前,用另一个烤盘B垫在A的下面。B用来装水,这是用来确保蔬菜被烤时能够保持水分。
10. 把(9)放入烤箱之前应该先要预热。(9)放入烤箱后把热度调到3-4号,然后烤上大概1个小时至1个小时半的时间。
11. 把(10)取出烤箱后即可。
3 capsicum/bell pepper
2 huge tomato
1 can of rice
1tsp Origano
150g minced beef
1/2 cup chicken stock
finely cut parsley
1 big tbsp of Parmesan cheese (could also be replaced by young cheddar)
1 tbsp tomato puree
lots of olive oil
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 finely chopped onion
1. Slice off the top of tomato and capsicum. Keep for use.
2. For capsicum, remove the seeds; For tomato, use a small knife or spoon to scup/remove the inside part of tomato. Blend the inside part of tomato.
3. Heat the pan and add 2-3 tbsp of olive oil, then add garlic and onions to stir fried until aromatic/turn a little bit brownish.
4. Add minced beef to stir for about 2 minutes. add blended tomato, parsley, Origano, tomato puree and cheese. Stir until everything is evenly mixed.
5. Add chicken stock, simmer for an hour. Add some salt and sugar for flavour.
6. Clean the rice and add to the pan. Stir until everything is evenly mixed, simmer for about 3 minutes.
7. Stuff (6) to capsicum and tomato. Do not fill it all up, leave some space in the capsicum and tomato.
8. Put back the sliced off top/cap of capsicum and tomato. Place all of them on baking tray A and pour olive oil into the baking tray, to cover at least 1/3 of the capsicum and tomato.
9. Pour water into baking tray B and place it below tray A. This is to ensure capsicum and tomato will not be over bake.
10. Preheat the oven. Place both trays into the oven and switched to gas number 3-4. Bake for at least 1-1.5 hours. Do check tray B every 1/2 hours, add water if needed.
11. Remove the trays from oven. Serve each Gemista on a clean plate. You can scup some olive oil remaining on the tray to pour it on your Gemista before serve.

Sample of how capsicum/tomato should be cut.

Great post and great recipe...this remind me when we had this meal in Santorini,2006:-))
Thanks YP! which Gemista you like most? :)
ReplyDeleteI still love the tomato one:-)