后面的桥就是Balduinbruecke (Baldwin Bridge)。
繁忙的Koblenz市中心突然出现了一个教堂 - Herz Jesus Kirche (Sacred Heart Church)。
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Saturday, 30 October 2010
Friday, 29 October 2010
用另一个角度看德国 - Koblenz III, 游Rhine河 (17 Aug 10)
来到了德国,目睹了Rhine, 才开始喜欢上它。喜欢它的原因是因为从Rhine流入每一条小溪的水都是翡翠的天蓝绿色,忽青忽蓝,非常的漂亮。另外一个原因是因为靠着Rhine河流有很多古老又浪漫的古堡。(点击这个网址就可以看到靠Rhine河流的古堡:http://www.loreley-info.com/eng/rhein-rhine/walking-hiking/rhine-castle-trail.shtml)
Rhine is the longest river in Germany and Europe. With the length of 1,232km, it was one of the most important rivers mainly for trading and carrying goods to the inland. Besides serving as a source of transportation, Rhine used to be a natural defensive feature guarding the international borders of a few regions.
There are a few reasons why I like Rhine:
1. The water that flows from Rhine to the smaller streams turns into emerald green. It was so beautiful!
2. Old and romantic castles were built along Rhine. Driving along the river will enable you to see all the fantastic architectures. (the following website contains map of castles along Rhine: http://www.loreley-info.com/eng/rhein-rhine/walking-hiking/rhine-castle-trail.shtml
We paid 6 euro and went for a boat ride on Rhine. The scenery along Rhine and Moselle was breathtaking, we really love the traditional wood houses that built along the rivers.
船停留的正上方刚好是缆车经过的地方。这些缆车是把游客从German Corner这一带载到对岸的Festung Ehrenbreitstein/Ehrenbreitstein Fortress。
Besides crossing the river by boat, cable car is the alternative way to cross the water and get to Festung Ehrenbreitstein/ Ehrenbreitstein Fortress which is located at the other side of the land.
我们又回来German Corner了!
Turning back to German Corner!
这回我们是在Rhine与Moselle的 交叉点看过去的,一眼望去就是先看到夺目的Wilhelm I 铜像。
船把我们从Rhine带到German Corner, 然后再从German Corner带到Moselle。这张是Moselle部分的风景。
This picture was taken while we were on Moselle.
来到这里,就是船能达到Moselle的尽头了。照片里的石桥是Koblenz鼎鼎有名的Balduinbruecke (Baldwin Bridge). 这座桥建于公元前14年。今天Balduinbruecke成了UNESCO World Heritage 的一分子。
The boat turned back before reaching Balduinbruecke (Baldwin Bridge). This bridge was built in 14 century and today it's one of the UNESCO World Heritage.
我们又转一圈回到German Corner咯!
来到了德国,目睹了Rhine, 才开始喜欢上它。喜欢它的原因是因为从Rhine流入每一条小溪的水都是翡翠的天蓝绿色,忽青忽蓝,非常的漂亮。另外一个原因是因为靠着Rhine河流有很多古老又浪漫的古堡。(点击这个网址就可以看到靠Rhine河流的古堡:http://www.loreley-info.com/eng/rhein-rhine/walking-hiking/rhine-castle-trail.shtml)
Rhine is the longest river in Germany and Europe. With the length of 1,232km, it was one of the most important rivers mainly for trading and carrying goods to the inland. Besides serving as a source of transportation, Rhine used to be a natural defensive feature guarding the international borders of a few regions.
There are a few reasons why I like Rhine:
1. The water that flows from Rhine to the smaller streams turns into emerald green. It was so beautiful!
2. Old and romantic castles were built along Rhine. Driving along the river will enable you to see all the fantastic architectures. (the following website contains map of castles along Rhine: http://www.loreley-info.com/eng/rhein-rhine/walking-hiking/rhine-castle-trail.shtml
We paid 6 euro and went for a boat ride on Rhine. The scenery along Rhine and Moselle was breathtaking, we really love the traditional wood houses that built along the rivers.
船停留的正上方刚好是缆车经过的地方。这些缆车是把游客从German Corner这一带载到对岸的Festung Ehrenbreitstein/Ehrenbreitstein Fortress。
Besides crossing the river by boat, cable car is the alternative way to cross the water and get to Festung Ehrenbreitstein/ Ehrenbreitstein Fortress which is located at the other side of the land.
我们又回来German Corner了!
Turning back to German Corner!
这回我们是在Rhine与Moselle的 交叉点看过去的,一眼望去就是先看到夺目的Wilhelm I 铜像。
船把我们从Rhine带到German Corner, 然后再从German Corner带到Moselle。这张是Moselle部分的风景。
This picture was taken while we were on Moselle.
来到这里,就是船能达到Moselle的尽头了。照片里的石桥是Koblenz鼎鼎有名的Balduinbruecke (Baldwin Bridge). 这座桥建于公元前14年。今天Balduinbruecke成了UNESCO World Heritage 的一分子。
The boat turned back before reaching Balduinbruecke (Baldwin Bridge). This bridge was built in 14 century and today it's one of the UNESCO World Heritage.
我们又转一圈回到German Corner咯!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
这样 大家才会明白彼此手头上的工作
名义上说是开会 但其实是每一个星期帮助我们增进感情的一个工具
到今天为止 琳斯的位子还没有找到人代替
听雪琳在开会时的口气 大概可以感应到雪琳深感的压力
一直强调说她的工作量太多 而且还可以感觉到她好像在质疑大家的工作量比她少很多
雪琳怕琳斯走了 在还没有人接手的这一段日子她也许会应付不来手头上堆积如山的工作
瑞沙是蛮愿意帮助人的 只是这一次她也不能再把雪琳的工作接下来
毕竟瑞沙的顾虑是对的 学士班的办公室爱米要走了 我下个月也要离开了
来代爱米的人虽然找到了 但毕竟她会是个新人 很多东西没把么快上手
没那么快上手的话 也意味着久同事就得先硬上 吸收全部的工作量
毕竟我是即将离开的人 离开后这一切已和我不再相干
我站在这样的立场看今天开会时的舌战 最清楚不过了
办公室里即使每一个人同意开收音机 因为她一个反对 大家也只好承让她
英国政府被旋入经济危机 尽量减少开销 减少员工
面对压力的又不只是她一人 为何说到好像只有她忙 其他人好像在叹世界 什么都不用做一样
只是我们懂得什么时候应该放轻松 什么时候应该紧绷埋头做事
雪琳感受到的压力 我们一样感受到
如果她没有那么自我中心 没有那么自私 他根本就不用担心那么多
因为 我们大家毕竟都回帮她呀!
这种无形的压力 我想至少再我离开后数月 才会慢慢平复下来吧?
这样 大家才会明白彼此手头上的工作
名义上说是开会 但其实是每一个星期帮助我们增进感情的一个工具
到今天为止 琳斯的位子还没有找到人代替
听雪琳在开会时的口气 大概可以感应到雪琳深感的压力
一直强调说她的工作量太多 而且还可以感觉到她好像在质疑大家的工作量比她少很多
雪琳怕琳斯走了 在还没有人接手的这一段日子她也许会应付不来手头上堆积如山的工作
瑞沙是蛮愿意帮助人的 只是这一次她也不能再把雪琳的工作接下来
毕竟瑞沙的顾虑是对的 学士班的办公室爱米要走了 我下个月也要离开了
来代爱米的人虽然找到了 但毕竟她会是个新人 很多东西没把么快上手
没那么快上手的话 也意味着久同事就得先硬上 吸收全部的工作量
毕竟我是即将离开的人 离开后这一切已和我不再相干
我站在这样的立场看今天开会时的舌战 最清楚不过了
办公室里即使每一个人同意开收音机 因为她一个反对 大家也只好承让她
英国政府被旋入经济危机 尽量减少开销 减少员工
面对压力的又不只是她一人 为何说到好像只有她忙 其他人好像在叹世界 什么都不用做一样
只是我们懂得什么时候应该放轻松 什么时候应该紧绷埋头做事
雪琳感受到的压力 我们一样感受到
如果她没有那么自我中心 没有那么自私 他根本就不用担心那么多
因为 我们大家毕竟都回帮她呀!
这种无形的压力 我想至少再我离开后数月 才会慢慢平复下来吧?
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
当初到处在英国趴趴跑的时候 就是驾着它
小小一只 但发动力却那么的惊人
今天把它送走了 也不懂它将来的下场会怎么样
希望它还会有机会 为别人服务
当初到处在英国趴趴跑的时候 就是驾着它
小小一只 但发动力却那么的惊人
今天把它送走了 也不懂它将来的下场会怎么样
希望它还会有机会 为别人服务
Monday, 25 October 2010
小时候就不多话 但一开口就会弄到你笑掉大牙
同年龄小孩在做的事情 被他归为幼稚
他向来独来独往 性格坚决 但不孤僻
最重要的是 这个年头 真的很难再见到做什么事都那么认真的男人
但常失魂的我 又忘了
想知道他这一回去了Perth是为了标工程 还是建桥工程已经标到了
说到博士班 我自己都感觉到惭愧
十年前想念博士班 十年后的今天还是原地不动
小时候就不多话 但一开口就会弄到你笑掉大牙
同年龄小孩在做的事情 被他归为幼稚
他向来独来独往 性格坚决 但不孤僻
最重要的是 这个年头 真的很难再见到做什么事都那么认真的男人
但常失魂的我 又忘了
想知道他这一回去了Perth是为了标工程 还是建桥工程已经标到了
说到博士班 我自己都感觉到惭愧
十年前想念博士班 十年后的今天还是原地不动
Sunday, 24 October 2010
用另一个角度看德国 - Koblenz II, German Corner (17 Aug 2010)
Koblenz 是个摩登的城市。早在10公元世纪时,Koblenz是罗马其中一个拥有强大士兵的重要兵营。今天的Koblenz成了德国重要的商业地点之一。 Koblenz自己的地形很特别,就像一艏大船的前头,拥有尖顶的角。会形成这个形状的原因是因为Koblenz就位于两个河流的交叉口,形成了一个 ‘人’字型的大河。这两条河就是Rhine 及 Moselle,而位于交叉点的这一块地就是德国有名的名胜地之一 - Deutsches Eck/German Corner。如果Rose和Jack在Titanic上所发生的爱情故事是真的话,这里就是Titanic故事里Jack第一次吻Rose的地点。
Deutsches Eck 或 German Corner 有一座Wilhelm I 骑着骏马的铜像,建立于1897年。后来Wilhelm I 的铜像被拿了下来。今天,这个铜像对德国人来说它的意义是象征东德与西德的结合(1989年)。
German Corner的对岸就是Festung Ehrenbreitstein/Ehrenbreitstein Fortress。这座城堡原本属于Prussian, 开始建于1817年,用了6,500名建筑工人,花了15年的工程才把它完成。当初建立这一座城堡的目的是为了要防守法国兵队的攻打。由于被建于高山上,加上山下被Rhine围绕着,自然而然的这些地形变成了保护城堡的重要因素。也因为这样,Ehrenbreitstein Fortress从来都没有被攻打过。今天的Ehrenbreitstein已被列UNESCO World Heritage的一份子。
身后这座骑着骏马的铜像就是Wilhelm I的铜像。铜像向着Rhine与Moselle两条河的交叉点。
走进Wilhelm I 铜像才发现原来铜像下面的石碑有个很精致的石雕像。
German Corner的前半部是向着两条河接口处的广场,后半部则是由石头建成的半圆柱子。(可点击放大照片)
在远处观看Wilhelm I 的铜像时都没发现原来的铜像有那么大!
Wilhelm I 的铜像下藏有两层楼高的瞭望台。从瞭望台看下去才能看到完整的German Corner。对面的那条河就是Rhine河;左边的则是Moselle河。German Corner前面的正是Rhine与Moselle的接口处。
其实早已经过了午饭时间,加上天气太冷,我们真的太饿了!找了在German Corner附近的一家档口式咖啡店,点了一份Pork German Sausage 和 Beef German Sausage,再加上一人一杯热咖啡,就这样解决了一餐。第一次尝试真正的德国香肠。怪不得大家都推荐香肠还是德国的最好吃,的却是好吃极了!香肠的外皮是绷的。一口咬下去的时候可以从嘴巴里听到‘碴’一声,然后被咬破的香肠汁就会流在嘴里。从来都没有吃过那么好吃的香肠呢!
Koblenz is a modern town with roots that go all the way back to the Romans. This town used to be a military stronghold during 10BC. Koblenz core is shaped like the bow of a ship and it lies at the confluence of Rhine and Moselle (both are rivers in Germany, Rhine is the longest river in the country). The meeting point of the two rivers is where Deutsches Eck (in English it is known as German Corner) is located. If the love story of Titanic between Jack and Rose was real, this was where both of them had their first kiss.
Deutsches Eck/German Corner is dominated by the statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I, who rides on a horseback. Today, this statue served as a symbol of unity between east and west Germany (1989). Below Kaiser Wilhelm I statue is a 3D crafted tomb of an eagle, snakes and a few terrifying human faces. I am not sure what's the meaning and story behind it, the snakes some how looks horrifying and I had goose bumps when looking at them.
Half of the German Corner (front part) was surrounded by a plaza; another half (the back) was surrounded by pillars (see picture 7 & 8). The basement of the statue is a 2-levels watching tower, standing on the top level will enable you to see the complete picture of German Corner (see picture 10).
Opposite German Corner is another UNESCO World Heritage - Festung Ehrenbreitstein/Ehrenbreitstein Fortress (see picture 1). The construction started in 1817 by Prussians. 6,500 workers were hired to complete the project within 15 years. The actual purpose of building this fortress was to defend Koblenz from France troop's attack. Due to it was built on a high ground and was surrounded by Rhine, the strategic location has prevented the fortress from being attack. Today, Ehrenbreitstein Fortress is also part of UNESCO World Heritage.
German sausage is something one should not missed! I had a pork sausage and hubby had beef sausage for lunch on that day. Honestly, I never tasted such delicious sausage in my life before! The skin was crunchy, the minced meat was so juicy! I really missed the taste!
Deutsches Eck 或 German Corner 有一座Wilhelm I 骑着骏马的铜像,建立于1897年。后来Wilhelm I 的铜像被拿了下来。今天,这个铜像对德国人来说它的意义是象征东德与西德的结合(1989年)。
German Corner的对岸就是Festung Ehrenbreitstein/Ehrenbreitstein Fortress。这座城堡原本属于Prussian, 开始建于1817年,用了6,500名建筑工人,花了15年的工程才把它完成。当初建立这一座城堡的目的是为了要防守法国兵队的攻打。由于被建于高山上,加上山下被Rhine围绕着,自然而然的这些地形变成了保护城堡的重要因素。也因为这样,Ehrenbreitstein Fortress从来都没有被攻打过。今天的Ehrenbreitstein已被列UNESCO World Heritage的一份子。
身后这座骑着骏马的铜像就是Wilhelm I的铜像。铜像向着Rhine与Moselle两条河的交叉点。
走进Wilhelm I 铜像才发现原来铜像下面的石碑有个很精致的石雕像。
German Corner的前半部是向着两条河接口处的广场,后半部则是由石头建成的半圆柱子。(可点击放大照片)
在远处观看Wilhelm I 的铜像时都没发现原来的铜像有那么大!
Wilhelm I 的铜像下藏有两层楼高的瞭望台。从瞭望台看下去才能看到完整的German Corner。对面的那条河就是Rhine河;左边的则是Moselle河。German Corner前面的正是Rhine与Moselle的接口处。
其实早已经过了午饭时间,加上天气太冷,我们真的太饿了!找了在German Corner附近的一家档口式咖啡店,点了一份Pork German Sausage 和 Beef German Sausage,再加上一人一杯热咖啡,就这样解决了一餐。第一次尝试真正的德国香肠。怪不得大家都推荐香肠还是德国的最好吃,的却是好吃极了!香肠的外皮是绷的。一口咬下去的时候可以从嘴巴里听到‘碴’一声,然后被咬破的香肠汁就会流在嘴里。从来都没有吃过那么好吃的香肠呢!
Koblenz is a modern town with roots that go all the way back to the Romans. This town used to be a military stronghold during 10BC. Koblenz core is shaped like the bow of a ship and it lies at the confluence of Rhine and Moselle (both are rivers in Germany, Rhine is the longest river in the country). The meeting point of the two rivers is where Deutsches Eck (in English it is known as German Corner) is located. If the love story of Titanic between Jack and Rose was real, this was where both of them had their first kiss.
Deutsches Eck/German Corner is dominated by the statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I, who rides on a horseback. Today, this statue served as a symbol of unity between east and west Germany (1989). Below Kaiser Wilhelm I statue is a 3D crafted tomb of an eagle, snakes and a few terrifying human faces. I am not sure what's the meaning and story behind it, the snakes some how looks horrifying and I had goose bumps when looking at them.
Half of the German Corner (front part) was surrounded by a plaza; another half (the back) was surrounded by pillars (see picture 7 & 8). The basement of the statue is a 2-levels watching tower, standing on the top level will enable you to see the complete picture of German Corner (see picture 10).
Opposite German Corner is another UNESCO World Heritage - Festung Ehrenbreitstein/Ehrenbreitstein Fortress (see picture 1). The construction started in 1817 by Prussians. 6,500 workers were hired to complete the project within 15 years. The actual purpose of building this fortress was to defend Koblenz from France troop's attack. Due to it was built on a high ground and was surrounded by Rhine, the strategic location has prevented the fortress from being attack. Today, Ehrenbreitstein Fortress is also part of UNESCO World Heritage.
German sausage is something one should not missed! I had a pork sausage and hubby had beef sausage for lunch on that day. Honestly, I never tasted such delicious sausage in my life before! The skin was crunchy, the minced meat was so juicy! I really missed the taste!
Saturday, 23 October 2010
用另一个角度看德国 - Koblenz I (17 Aug 2010)
8月16日那一天,我和小华拉着一个旅行袋和背着一个小背包,从Leeds Bradford Airport 搭飞机飞往德国的Dusseldoft,就这样开始了我们的Germany 和Austria之旅。选择Dusseldoft 成为我们的第一站,原因很简单:基本上从Leeds过来Germany的飞机只在Dusseldoft降落。
坐了大概一个小时多的飞机,我们到达Dusseldoft的时候已经是晚上8点多了。下了飞机,拿了行李,拿了预定的租车,我们直接开车到Wuppertal过夜。1个钟半的车程,到达Wuppertal旅馆的时候已经是10点多了。还好旅馆楼下有个lounge bar,我们在那里解决了晚餐就回房休息了,准备养足精神为明天的旅途出发。
Novotel Wuppertal 是我们在德国睡的第一个旅馆。其本上德国的旅馆都很不错,又干净。这间一个双人床、一个沙发(打开后可变单人床) 的普通房只需26.36欧元一个晚上,早餐要另外付费。我们只在这里住了一晚。和往常一样,这家旅馆是小华在www.hotels.com/网站找到的。
旅馆: Novotel Wuppertal
地址: Otto-Hausmann-Ring 203, Wuppertal 42115, Germany
价钱: 普通房 26.36欧元一晚(不包早餐,早餐另外付)
有餐馆、有lounge bar. 当晚在lounge bar点了一份cream pasta 和 一套烤肉,加上饮品一共花了25.30欧元。
第二天一醒来已经很迟了。也许是因为下了雨,天气冷得关系,害得我们有点懒的起床。不过这也是我们一贯的作风了,不喜欢太匆忙的旅程,通常都是自然行,然后计划很有伸缩性,说改就改!洗个澡,把行李整理一下我们就check out了。随后就驾着车,那里有早餐就那里听下来吃。我们找到了一家超市前面的bakery店。由于鸡同鸭讲,也不清楚到底是什么,看到喜欢什么早点就乱点一通来试吃!德国人的bakery, 说真的还蛮不错的,价钱ok。但他们的咖啡味道就有一点像希腊的咖啡一样,很多时候都带有淡淡的铜味。
这就是陪伴了我们8天,从德国中西部的Dusseldoft一直开往南部再开回Dusseldoft的小蓝弹 (我叫它小蓝弹是因为它是深蓝色的,速度、功能又像小子弹一样超强),一共陪我们在德国道路上飞驰了2055公里的路途。
租车公司: SIXTY (http://www.sixty.co.uk/)
租金: 200.29欧元 (reservation fee: 2欧元; 租车费:169.22欧元; 其余的应该是agent抽的费用)
吃完了早餐,天空还是灰的,雨还是下个不停。没办法,无论天气有多坏,一切还是得继续。开了1个小时30分钟的车,终于到了另一个城市 - Koblenz。
Basilique Saint Castor/ Basilica St. Castor. 很喜欢这个建于公元800多年的教堂。因为教堂的屋顶很特别,斜度快90度,当我们站在老远看这个教堂的时候,仿佛看到教堂的屋顶是2 dimension的。
We flew off from Leeds Bradford Airport to Dusseldorf on 16 August 2010. It was about an hour flight. By the time we were there, it was about 8pm. We picked up the rented car and straight away drove to Wuppertal, a small town which is located about an hour drive from Dusseldorf airport. It was quite late by the time we arrived, to avoid all the hustles, we end up having our late dinner at the hotel's lounge bar. The food was alright, I had cream pasta and hubby ordered a set of grill meat.
The next day, we started our journey late. We went to a near by bakery to have our breakfast ,with a great shot of coffee to kick the day started. The rain never stopped throughout the whole day. Although weather was bad, we still have to keep on with our plan. It took us about 1 hour 30 minutes to drive from Wuppertal to Koblenz. All the pictures above were taken from Koblenz. One of the tourist attractions in Koblenz is the twin tower church - Basilique Saint Castor (in English: Basilica St. Castor), a church that was built in between 817-836 and today it has become part of UNESCO World Heritage.
About Hotel in Wuppertal - As usual, we book our hotel from www.hotels.com/. Following is the detail of the hotel we booked in Wuppertal:
Name: Novotal Wuppertal
Address: Otto-Hausmann-Ring 203, Wuppertal 42115, Germany.
Price: Standard room with a double bed, a sofa bed = 26.36euro per night (breakfast is not included)
About Car Rental:
Car rental company: SIXTY (www.sixty.co.uk/)
Total fees: 200.29 euro for 7 days (including 2 euro reservation fees; total rental fees = 169.22euro; the rest was charged by the agent)
坐了大概一个小时多的飞机,我们到达Dusseldoft的时候已经是晚上8点多了。下了飞机,拿了行李,拿了预定的租车,我们直接开车到Wuppertal过夜。1个钟半的车程,到达Wuppertal旅馆的时候已经是10点多了。还好旅馆楼下有个lounge bar,我们在那里解决了晚餐就回房休息了,准备养足精神为明天的旅途出发。
Novotel Wuppertal 是我们在德国睡的第一个旅馆。其本上德国的旅馆都很不错,又干净。这间一个双人床、一个沙发(打开后可变单人床) 的普通房只需26.36欧元一个晚上,早餐要另外付费。我们只在这里住了一晚。和往常一样,这家旅馆是小华在www.hotels.com/网站找到的。
旅馆: Novotel Wuppertal
地址: Otto-Hausmann-Ring 203, Wuppertal 42115, Germany
价钱: 普通房 26.36欧元一晚(不包早餐,早餐另外付)
有餐馆、有lounge bar. 当晚在lounge bar点了一份cream pasta 和 一套烤肉,加上饮品一共花了25.30欧元。
第二天一醒来已经很迟了。也许是因为下了雨,天气冷得关系,害得我们有点懒的起床。不过这也是我们一贯的作风了,不喜欢太匆忙的旅程,通常都是自然行,然后计划很有伸缩性,说改就改!洗个澡,把行李整理一下我们就check out了。随后就驾着车,那里有早餐就那里听下来吃。我们找到了一家超市前面的bakery店。由于鸡同鸭讲,也不清楚到底是什么,看到喜欢什么早点就乱点一通来试吃!德国人的bakery, 说真的还蛮不错的,价钱ok。但他们的咖啡味道就有一点像希腊的咖啡一样,很多时候都带有淡淡的铜味。
这就是陪伴了我们8天,从德国中西部的Dusseldoft一直开往南部再开回Dusseldoft的小蓝弹 (我叫它小蓝弹是因为它是深蓝色的,速度、功能又像小子弹一样超强),一共陪我们在德国道路上飞驰了2055公里的路途。
租车公司: SIXTY (http://www.sixty.co.uk/)
租金: 200.29欧元 (reservation fee: 2欧元; 租车费:169.22欧元; 其余的应该是agent抽的费用)
吃完了早餐,天空还是灰的,雨还是下个不停。没办法,无论天气有多坏,一切还是得继续。开了1个小时30分钟的车,终于到了另一个城市 - Koblenz。
Basilique Saint Castor/ Basilica St. Castor. 很喜欢这个建于公元800多年的教堂。因为教堂的屋顶很特别,斜度快90度,当我们站在老远看这个教堂的时候,仿佛看到教堂的屋顶是2 dimension的。
We flew off from Leeds Bradford Airport to Dusseldorf on 16 August 2010. It was about an hour flight. By the time we were there, it was about 8pm. We picked up the rented car and straight away drove to Wuppertal, a small town which is located about an hour drive from Dusseldorf airport. It was quite late by the time we arrived, to avoid all the hustles, we end up having our late dinner at the hotel's lounge bar. The food was alright, I had cream pasta and hubby ordered a set of grill meat.
The next day, we started our journey late. We went to a near by bakery to have our breakfast ,with a great shot of coffee to kick the day started. The rain never stopped throughout the whole day. Although weather was bad, we still have to keep on with our plan. It took us about 1 hour 30 minutes to drive from Wuppertal to Koblenz. All the pictures above were taken from Koblenz. One of the tourist attractions in Koblenz is the twin tower church - Basilique Saint Castor (in English: Basilica St. Castor), a church that was built in between 817-836 and today it has become part of UNESCO World Heritage.
About Hotel in Wuppertal - As usual, we book our hotel from www.hotels.com/. Following is the detail of the hotel we booked in Wuppertal:
Name: Novotal Wuppertal
Address: Otto-Hausmann-Ring 203, Wuppertal 42115, Germany.
Price: Standard room with a double bed, a sofa bed = 26.36euro per night (breakfast is not included)
About Car Rental:
Car rental company: SIXTY (www.sixty.co.uk/)
Total fees: 200.29 euro for 7 days (including 2 euro reservation fees; total rental fees = 169.22euro; the rest was charged by the agent)
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Germany & Austria - 前篇
再不把德国&澳地利游记写下来的话,我想很快就会把细节全都忘了。 续4月的葡萄牙和6月的西班牙后,8月份我们去了一趟德国与澳地利。德国&澳地利 - 暂时应该是我们在欧洲的最后一站了。当然希望在未离开前能再到一、两个欧洲国家逗留,但由于时间有点紧逼,小华又在做他博士班的最后冲刺,这个希望也许这能在德国画上句号了。
8 天的行程,从德国中西部一直开车沿着德国最长的Rhine河到南部;从德国跨界到澳地利;再用8个钟的时间直接沿着东德的高速公路从南北上。
因为德国刻板、严厉的政治历史,加上当年Nazi冷酷血腥的种族屠杀,我对德国本来就没有什么好印象。可能像似The Pianist 和Schindler's List 的电影看太多了,给我带来太多负面的联想。接触了德国后,发现到事实上德国人还蛮友善的。只是有一点,德国人的礼貌和态度还是不必英国人好。怎么说呢?两次了我们买东西排队要付钱时,他们竟然问也没问就插队!也许这只是我个人遇到的问题,当然如果只因为那两个插队的人而抹黑所有的德国人,那对其他的德国人就不公平了。无论如何,说到礼貌,真的还是英国人排首榜!
P: Düsseldorf (第一站)
B: Koblenz
C: Sankt Goar (St. Goar)
D: Bacharach
E: Heldeiberg
F: Baden-Baden
G: Triberg
H: Titisee
I : Konstanz (Constance)
J: Lindau
K: Kißlegg (Kisslegg)
L: Füssen (Fussen)
M: Innsbruck
N: Ehrwald
O: München (Munich)
这一次的德国旅程可以说是80%照着我们买回来的德国旅游介绍书(Lonely Planet 出版社,第六版)走的,其余的旅程比如说到澳地利是我们自己加上去的。为了这一趟旅途,我把书上有关的地点都啃完了。每一个地点都有它独特的地方; 每一个地点都有不一样的吸引力;每一个地点我们都喜欢!
I better start writing about my trip to Germany & Austria before I forget all the bits and experiences I had there.
We have been to a few countries this year: Portugal in April, Spain in June and Germany+Austria in August. I guess Germany and Austria will be the last destination of our Europe trip. Although I am very keen to visit more places before returning to Malaysia for good, I dare not disturb hubby at the moment. Currently he is in the 'fire fighting' situation, working hard for the last bit of his phD tesis. I hope he could complete his research successfully.
Both of us spent about 8 days of journey in Germany and Austria with lots of joy and happiness! We drove from east midland of Germany (journey started from Dusseldorf), we were following Rhine river heading to the south, crossed the border to Austria and took another route from the south back to Dusseldorf. Along the journey, we went through the gateway of romantic Rhine, we saw so many old and romantic castles, we admired the beauty of nature... these two countries are amazing!
Frankly, I never thought Germany is such an attractive place to visit. All these while, my perspective about Germany was influenced by the Hollywood movies such like 'Schindler's List' and 'The Pianist'. Plus what I have learned from the history, I thought Germany and German are boring, rigid and always serious. I am really glad that I have a chance to see the real Germany, to experience the real culture and to meet with the locals. Now that I understand Germany and German better.
The map above shows how and where we began our journey (from Dusseldorf) and all the small towns we stopped by. 80% of the idea and driving plan came from the travel book we brought (publisher: lonely planet, 6th edition), another 20% came from ourselves.
8 天的行程,从德国中西部一直开车沿着德国最长的Rhine河到南部;从德国跨界到澳地利;再用8个钟的时间直接沿着东德的高速公路从南北上。
因为德国刻板、严厉的政治历史,加上当年Nazi冷酷血腥的种族屠杀,我对德国本来就没有什么好印象。可能像似The Pianist 和Schindler's List 的电影看太多了,给我带来太多负面的联想。接触了德国后,发现到事实上德国人还蛮友善的。只是有一点,德国人的礼貌和态度还是不必英国人好。怎么说呢?两次了我们买东西排队要付钱时,他们竟然问也没问就插队!也许这只是我个人遇到的问题,当然如果只因为那两个插队的人而抹黑所有的德国人,那对其他的德国人就不公平了。无论如何,说到礼貌,真的还是英国人排首榜!
P: Düsseldorf (第一站)
B: Koblenz
C: Sankt Goar (St. Goar)
D: Bacharach
E: Heldeiberg
F: Baden-Baden
G: Triberg
H: Titisee
I : Konstanz (Constance)
J: Lindau
K: Kißlegg (Kisslegg)
L: Füssen (Fussen)
M: Innsbruck
N: Ehrwald
O: München (Munich)
这一次的德国旅程可以说是80%照着我们买回来的德国旅游介绍书(Lonely Planet 出版社,第六版)走的,其余的旅程比如说到澳地利是我们自己加上去的。为了这一趟旅途,我把书上有关的地点都啃完了。每一个地点都有它独特的地方; 每一个地点都有不一样的吸引力;每一个地点我们都喜欢!
I better start writing about my trip to Germany & Austria before I forget all the bits and experiences I had there.
We have been to a few countries this year: Portugal in April, Spain in June and Germany+Austria in August. I guess Germany and Austria will be the last destination of our Europe trip. Although I am very keen to visit more places before returning to Malaysia for good, I dare not disturb hubby at the moment. Currently he is in the 'fire fighting' situation, working hard for the last bit of his phD tesis. I hope he could complete his research successfully.
Both of us spent about 8 days of journey in Germany and Austria with lots of joy and happiness! We drove from east midland of Germany (journey started from Dusseldorf), we were following Rhine river heading to the south, crossed the border to Austria and took another route from the south back to Dusseldorf. Along the journey, we went through the gateway of romantic Rhine, we saw so many old and romantic castles, we admired the beauty of nature... these two countries are amazing!
Frankly, I never thought Germany is such an attractive place to visit. All these while, my perspective about Germany was influenced by the Hollywood movies such like 'Schindler's List' and 'The Pianist'. Plus what I have learned from the history, I thought Germany and German are boring, rigid and always serious. I am really glad that I have a chance to see the real Germany, to experience the real culture and to meet with the locals. Now that I understand Germany and German better.
The map above shows how and where we began our journey (from Dusseldorf) and all the small towns we stopped by. 80% of the idea and driving plan came from the travel book we brought (publisher: lonely planet, 6th edition), another 20% came from ourselves.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
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