Deutsches Eck 或 German Corner 有一座Wilhelm I 骑着骏马的铜像,建立于1897年。后来Wilhelm I 的铜像被拿了下来。今天,这个铜像对德国人来说它的意义是象征东德与西德的结合(1989年)。

German Corner的对岸就是Festung Ehrenbreitstein/Ehrenbreitstein Fortress。这座城堡原本属于Prussian, 开始建于1817年,用了6,500名建筑工人,花了15年的工程才把它完成。当初建立这一座城堡的目的是为了要防守法国兵队的攻打。由于被建于高山上,加上山下被Rhine围绕着,自然而然的这些地形变成了保护城堡的重要因素。也因为这样,Ehrenbreitstein Fortress从来都没有被攻打过。今天的Ehrenbreitstein已被列UNESCO World Heritage的一份子。


身后这座骑着骏马的铜像就是Wilhelm I的铜像。铜像向着Rhine与Moselle两条河的交叉点。

走进Wilhelm I 铜像才发现原来铜像下面的石碑有个很精致的石雕像。


在远处观看Wilhelm I 的铜像时都没发现原来的铜像有那么大!

Wilhelm I 的铜像下藏有两层楼高的瞭望台。从瞭望台看下去才能看到完整的German Corner。对面的那条河就是Rhine河;左边的则是Moselle河。German Corner前面的正是Rhine与Moselle的接口处。
其实早已经过了午饭时间,加上天气太冷,我们真的太饿了!找了在German Corner附近的一家档口式咖啡店,点了一份Pork German Sausage 和 Beef German Sausage,再加上一人一杯热咖啡,就这样解决了一餐。第一次尝试真正的德国香肠。怪不得大家都推荐香肠还是德国的最好吃,的却是好吃极了!香肠的外皮是绷的。一口咬下去的时候可以从嘴巴里听到‘碴’一声,然后被咬破的香肠汁就会流在嘴里。从来都没有吃过那么好吃的香肠呢!


Koblenz is a modern town with roots that go all the way back to the Romans. This town used to be a military stronghold during 10BC. Koblenz core is shaped like the bow of a ship and it lies at the confluence of Rhine and Moselle (both are rivers in Germany, Rhine is the longest river in the country). The meeting point of the two rivers is where Deutsches Eck (in English it is known as German Corner) is located. If the love story of Titanic between Jack and Rose was real, this was where both of them had their first kiss.
Deutsches Eck/German Corner is dominated by the statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I, who rides on a horseback. Today, this statue served as a symbol of unity between east and west Germany (1989). Below Kaiser Wilhelm I statue is a 3D crafted tomb of an eagle, snakes and a few terrifying human faces. I am not sure what's the meaning and story behind it, the snakes some how looks horrifying and I had goose bumps when looking at them.
Half of the German Corner (front part) was surrounded by a plaza; another half (the back) was surrounded by pillars (see picture 7 & 8). The basement of the statue is a 2-levels watching tower, standing on the top level will enable you to see the complete picture of German Corner (see picture 10).
Opposite German Corner is another UNESCO World Heritage - Festung Ehrenbreitstein/Ehrenbreitstein Fortress (see picture 1). The construction started in 1817 by Prussians. 6,500 workers were hired to complete the project within 15 years. The actual purpose of building this fortress was to defend Koblenz from France troop's attack. Due to it was built on a high ground and was surrounded by Rhine, the strategic location has prevented the fortress from being attack. Today, Ehrenbreitstein Fortress is also part of UNESCO World Heritage.
German sausage is something one should not missed! I had a pork sausage and hubby had beef sausage for lunch on that day. Honestly, I never tasted such delicious sausage in my life before! The skin was crunchy, the minced meat was so juicy! I really missed the taste!
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