坐了大概一个小时多的飞机,我们到达Dusseldoft的时候已经是晚上8点多了。下了飞机,拿了行李,拿了预定的租车,我们直接开车到Wuppertal过夜。1个钟半的车程,到达Wuppertal旅馆的时候已经是10点多了。还好旅馆楼下有个lounge bar,我们在那里解决了晚餐就回房休息了,准备养足精神为明天的旅途出发。


Novotel Wuppertal 是我们在德国睡的第一个旅馆。其本上德国的旅馆都很不错,又干净。这间一个双人床、一个沙发(打开后可变单人床) 的普通房只需26.36欧元一个晚上,早餐要另外付费。我们只在这里住了一晚。和往常一样,这家旅馆是小华在www.hotels.com/网站找到的。
旅馆: Novotel Wuppertal
地址: Otto-Hausmann-Ring 203, Wuppertal 42115, Germany
价钱: 普通房 26.36欧元一晚(不包早餐,早餐另外付)
有餐馆、有lounge bar. 当晚在lounge bar点了一份cream pasta 和 一套烤肉,加上饮品一共花了25.30欧元。
第二天一醒来已经很迟了。也许是因为下了雨,天气冷得关系,害得我们有点懒的起床。不过这也是我们一贯的作风了,不喜欢太匆忙的旅程,通常都是自然行,然后计划很有伸缩性,说改就改!洗个澡,把行李整理一下我们就check out了。随后就驾着车,那里有早餐就那里听下来吃。我们找到了一家超市前面的bakery店。由于鸡同鸭讲,也不清楚到底是什么,看到喜欢什么早点就乱点一通来试吃!德国人的bakery, 说真的还蛮不错的,价钱ok。但他们的咖啡味道就有一点像希腊的咖啡一样,很多时候都带有淡淡的铜味。

这就是陪伴了我们8天,从德国中西部的Dusseldoft一直开往南部再开回Dusseldoft的小蓝弹 (我叫它小蓝弹是因为它是深蓝色的,速度、功能又像小子弹一样超强),一共陪我们在德国道路上飞驰了2055公里的路途。
租车公司: SIXTY (http://www.sixty.co.uk/)
租金: 200.29欧元 (reservation fee: 2欧元; 租车费:169.22欧元; 其余的应该是agent抽的费用)


吃完了早餐,天空还是灰的,雨还是下个不停。没办法,无论天气有多坏,一切还是得继续。开了1个小时30分钟的车,终于到了另一个城市 - Koblenz。



Basilique Saint Castor/ Basilica St. Castor. 很喜欢这个建于公元800多年的教堂。因为教堂的屋顶很特别,斜度快90度,当我们站在老远看这个教堂的时候,仿佛看到教堂的屋顶是2 dimension的。



We flew off from Leeds Bradford Airport to Dusseldorf on 16 August 2010. It was about an hour flight. By the time we were there, it was about 8pm. We picked up the rented car and straight away drove to Wuppertal, a small town which is located about an hour drive from Dusseldorf airport. It was quite late by the time we arrived, to avoid all the hustles, we end up having our late dinner at the hotel's lounge bar. The food was alright, I had cream pasta and hubby ordered a set of grill meat.
The next day, we started our journey late. We went to a near by bakery to have our breakfast ,with a great shot of coffee to kick the day started. The rain never stopped throughout the whole day. Although weather was bad, we still have to keep on with our plan. It took us about 1 hour 30 minutes to drive from Wuppertal to Koblenz. All the pictures above were taken from Koblenz. One of the tourist attractions in Koblenz is the twin tower church - Basilique Saint Castor (in English: Basilica St. Castor), a church that was built in between 817-836 and today it has become part of UNESCO World Heritage.
About Hotel in Wuppertal - As usual, we book our hotel from www.hotels.com/. Following is the detail of the hotel we booked in Wuppertal:
Name: Novotal Wuppertal
Address: Otto-Hausmann-Ring 203, Wuppertal 42115, Germany.
Price: Standard room with a double bed, a sofa bed = 26.36euro per night (breakfast is not included)
About Car Rental:
Car rental company: SIXTY (www.sixty.co.uk/)
Total fees: 200.29 euro for 7 days (including 2 euro reservation fees; total rental fees = 169.22euro; the rest was charged by the agent)
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