I like the minted burger selling by one of the butchers in Leeds wet market. It tastes sweet and it smells good too! Recently I am quite frustrated because the butcher is no longer selling minted beef burger, they change their recipe to make mutton burger. I hate the smell of mutton, or any daily product that is related to goat or sheep. So I have no choice, but to make minted beef burger by my own. Haha!! It was just a trial-an-error, surprisingly the result turned out to be unexpectedly good! So happy!

搅牛肉碎.......... 500克
干的薄荷叶...... 1 汤匙(碎的,supermarket应该买得到)
Brovil牛肉汁... 2 汤匙
干的九层塔叶.. 1/2 汤匙(碎的,supermarket也应该有卖)
盐...................... 适量
大葱.................. 1 粒(切碎)
1. 用盐和Brovil牛肉汁为牛肉碎调味。
2. 然后加上薄荷叶和大葱,把全部的东西搅匀。
3. 把肉分成6-8份,把它弄成汉堡肉的形状。
4. 弄好后就可以收进冰橱里待用。
先热炉2-3分钟,然后把汉堡肉放进去烤(200 摄氏)大概10分钟就可以了。通常我们用面包都是夹burger 肉,cheese片,slice tomato,黄瓜,半生熟的荷包蛋和番茄酱一起吃!
500g minced beef
1 tbsp chopped dried mint leafs
2 tbsp Brovil
1/2 tbsp chopped dried basil leafs
1 chopped onion
1. Marinate minced beef with Brovil and a little bit of salt.
2. Add mint leafs and onion, mix until even.
3. Divide beef into 6-8 portions, shape each portion into flat-rounded shape.
4. Keep in refrigerator once everything is done.
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