日本蛋豆腐..... 1 条
梅花肉.......... 1 条(去油然后切成小片)
蒜米.............. 1 汤匙
小葱.............. 1 粒(切碎)
姜.................. 1 小片(大概2‘ X 2' 大,切碎)
红色的大辣椒..... 1/2 条(切薄片)
香菇.............. 2 朵(切粒)
盐.................. 适量
胡椒粉.......... 适量
酱油.............. 适量
黍粉.............. 适量
红萝卜.......... 少许(切粒,可以免除)
食油.............. 适量
1. 豆腐去袋子后切片。
2. 大量的油热后,加上一小把盐,再把豆腐那去炸至金黄色。取出,待用。
3. 肉用胡椒粉和酱油腌过。
4. 再热2 汤匙的油,照着这个顺序炒:蒜米、小葱、姜、香菇、肉、红萝卜、辣椒。
5. 加入盐调味就可以上锅了。
6. 把肉料倒在豆腐上面即可。
1 Japanese toufu with egg
1/2 bowl tiny diced pork belly
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 finely chopped shallot
1 finely chopped ginger (about the size of 2X 2 inches of ginger)
1/2 sliced chilli
2 Chinese mushrooms, diced
soy sauce
corn flour
some diced carrot (alternative)
1. Remove toufu from plastic and cut into slices.
2. Pour lots of cooking oil into the wok, add a tea spoon of salt in it. When oil is getting hot, deep fried toufu until it changes color. Drain from the oil, ready for use.
3. Marinate pork with pepper and soy sauce.
4. Heta up 2 tbsp of oil, then add all these to wok accordingly: garlic, shallot, ginger, Chinese mushroom, pork, carrot and chilli.
5. Add salt for flavour.
6. Pour (5) onto (2).
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