一直以来,除了对草菇我没什么兴趣,其他种类的菇菌我都爱吃。住在英国的那一段日子,我每个礼拜至少吃一餐button mushroom 炒牛油和橄榄油。全白的button mushroom比较软,而褐色的button mushroom会比较硬。通常会买button mushroom的原因是英国新鲜的button mushroom 很便宜,比起我们在大马常吃的香菇、金针菇、鸡肉菇价钱差很多。还好在英国吃button mushroom 算是吃很多了,回来到这里才发现原来大马也有卖新鲜的button mushroom, 只是价钱贵到我买不下手。通常一个小盒子在英国只卖80 pence,同样size盒子的button mushroom 却要在这里卖RM7-8 块!在大马我是不会买新鲜button mushroom 了,除非我又手痒痒想煮意大利面。虽然button mushroom 贵了,但在这里我又可以很放肆的买金针菇(大马卖RM0.99; 英国最便宜的都要1.99 pounds sterling)、鸡肉菇来吃了!
鸡肉菇..... 1 碗
鸡胸肉/无骨鸡肉..... 1 小碗
姜丝..... 1 汤匙(可免)
蚝油..... 1 汤匙
蒜米..... 1 汤匙
食油..... 2 汤匙
盐......... 适量
胡椒粉..... 适量
1. 把鸡肉菇洗净后,用撕得方式把大片的鸡肉菇撕小片一些,然后把鸡肉菇晾着让它干水。
2. 把鸡肉切成大概2-3寸的条状/肉丁,腌适量的胡椒粉及盐。
3. 热锅热油后,先炒香蒜米。如果有用姜丝的话,可以在蒜米稍微炒香后就下锅。
4. 把鸡肉加入炒熟,然后立刻加入鸡肉菇。
5. 加入耗油炒到菇熟即可。
1 bowl of abalone mushroom
1 small bowl of boneless chicken/chicken breast
1 tbsp of shredded ginger (optional)
1 tbsp of oyster sauce
1 tbsp of finely chopped garlic
2 tbsp of cooking oil
1. Wash and clean abalone mushroom. Tare the mushroom into smaller in size. Make sure to drain the mushroom before use.
2. Cut chicken into 2-3 inches small pieces of meat, marinate with some salt and pepper.
3. Heat the wok and cooking oil, stir garlic until aroma, then follow by shredded ginger (if you prefer to have ginger).
4. Add chicken to stir until it is cooked. Immediately add abalone mushroom stir with the rest of the ingredients.
5. Add oyster sauce and stir until even.
* Reminder: It's important to drain the abalone mushroom before cooked so that you won't get too much gravy in your dish in the end.
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