熟悉马六甲的朋友,一看到上面这一张照片应该立刻懂这是那里吧? 至从回来马六甲后,我在这里过了4次的马路(来回2轮),这4次中可以说是100%惊险万分!基本上我算是胆大包天,但被这里的情形一样的吓得脸青口白!
除了马六红屋前的这条“地狱之路”,Pahlawan Mall 一带的zebra crossing 也蛮危险的!我曾经看到一个马来妇人带着孩子站在zebra crossing 上,但路上的车子却没有一辆肯为他们停止,继续飞驰的穿插在马路上!我看得出,那妇人的眼神充满了惊吓、忧愁、担心!我也帮她冒冷汗! 马来西亚的驾驶人士不懂是不是真不懂zebra crossing的规矩,还是假不懂规则。驾驶人士开车到zebra crossing 时不是应该立刻放慢速度,然后左看看、右看看的吗?如果看到想过马路的pedestrian (行人),就应该立刻停车让pedestrian先过去。除非真的左右两旁没有人,驾驶人士才可以继续行使。
很遗憾的,从我在这里100% 过马路的经验告诉我,以上“应该发生” 的事并没有发生。很多没有礼貌的驾驶人士奔驰的冲过路上的黄线!即使pedestrian 正在过马路又或者还“卡” 在马路中央,这些头脑里装草的驾驶者还是直冲,不顾pedestrian的死活!很想送它一个国际手语加上一句问候他妈妈的话。。。
我借此呼吁:请所有的驾驶人士带好的态度开车。看到zebra crossing,就礼貌的停下来让pedestrian先过去吧!不能自私,要想到其他人的安危呀!再说,急急忙忙冲过zebra crossing,你有那么急连一分钟也停不下来吗?你是急着去找一户好人家投胎呀?开快那一分钟,你又能怎么样?最后你还不是和开慢一分钟一样的到达目的地?
I have identified and marked a few zebra crossing in Melaka as 'Road to Hell'! One of the most dangerous zebra crossing is situated around a very famous Melaka landmark - Stadhuy at Jalan Gereja (as picture above).
I used that zebra crossing on two different occasions. On both times, no driver ever willing to stop and give priority to pedestrians to cross the road. It's shameful to know that there are so many thoughtless and inconsiderable drivers out there.
The other dangerous zebra crossing in Melaka are found around Pahlawan Mall. Last week, I saw a Malay lady holding a boy's arm, both stood still in the middle of zebra crossing, the were unable to cross the road as no driver is willing to stop for her. I can see fear, anxious and tense in her eyes! I really feel sorry for her.
Sometimes I really don't understand why these drivers are so impatient. Can't they just stop for a minute to give way to the pedestrians? What's the point of driving fast and putting themselves and other people's lives at risk?
Please be more considerate, patient and thoughtful when driving on the road. Priority should be given to the pedestrian at zebra crossing. Changing your driving attitude is more crucial than anything else in ensuring everyone's safety on the road.
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