We went back to the same restaurant at Perissa Beach to have our dinner. We were told there will be traditional Greek dance performed at every Saturday night at 9pm. Reservation need to be made, however we went there without reservation as we didn’t know we have to. Luckily the owner tried his best to arrange another extra table for us, some more we were sitting at the front roll. Really thanks for his help!
Personally I feel Greek dance make female dancer looks more feminine and male dancer looks more macho. While dancing girls kept on tacking their feet on the floor, they will make gentle kick occasionally. The male dancer was so enthusiastic while dancing, he was kicking high again and again, and while kicking he used his hand to touch the kicking foot. The steps were quite simply, it was like some Malay dance that I know. Hubby and I were invited twice to dance with them, what an honor! Too bad we had forgotten to bring our old camera, was unable to record it as video.
Found this video clips on Youtube. Althought the dance is a little bit different from what we saw, both played the same music. This song is called ‘Horos Tou Zorba’.
I ordered Stuffed Calamari. Again, couldn’t finish this by my own.

Hubby ordered chef’s specialty – chicken with special cream sauce.

I like this boy! He was so enthusiastic while dancing!

He made all his kick reached the height above his waist.

I leaved the group while we were dancing half way… quickly took my camera and snapped this special moment for hubby!

Fire Dance is another Greek’s traditional dance. This dance is performed annually during Feast of Saints Constantine and Eleni. Greeks believed that Fire Dance is a spiritual and religious dance for fighters who died in the war. While the boy was dancing surrounded by fire, the other dancers kept on pouring karosene on the floor. The boy even jumped from a chair! Do you see the table on the most right of this photo? That was our dining table. The fire kept on spreading to the table, forcing hubby and I to move backward to avoid the fire.
I danced with a lady dancer and hubby danced with this boy. Hubby imitated the boy by kicking into the air!
Look like everyone was having a great time!
后来餐馆待应和老板夜玩起来了!老板还唱了一首歌娱乐他的顾客。后来还跳了一支摔盘舞。是的!是摔盘!神奇叻!据了解在 30年代的时候他们还会把刀丢到舞者的脚下,这象征男性威权。后来丢刀子太危险了,希腊人把他改换成丢盘子。照片里是老板在不小心跳摔盘舞是突然跌下来跪在地上!还好老板反映快,就乘这个机会神不知鬼不觉弯下腰。老板努力的为错误作掩饰,还是逃不过我的快手快眼,把那一霎那拍下来了!
The restaurant owner and the waiters performed too. The owner sang a Greek song and danced ‘Plate Throwing Dance’. Back in 30’s, Greeks loved to throw everything to the dance floor, they even throw knife near to the dancer’s feet, it symbolized manhood. This dangerous act was banned and knife was replaced by plates. This photo was taken while the owner accidentally fell and bended his knee on the floor!

I danced with a lady dancer and hubby danced with this boy. Hubby imitated the boy by kicking into the air!

Look like everyone was having a great time!

The restaurant owner and the waiters performed too. The owner sang a Greek song and danced ‘Plate Throwing Dance’. Back in 30’s, Greeks loved to throw everything to the dance floor, they even throw knife near to the dancer’s feet, it symbolized manhood. This dangerous act was banned and knife was replaced by plates. This photo was taken while the owner accidentally fell and bended his knee on the floor!
An example of Fire Dance and Plate Throwing Dance, found this video clip from Youtube.
An example of Fire Dance and Plate Throwing Dance, found this video clip from Youtube.
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