Palea Kameni是个自然温泉,位于两座山的中间。由于这里的水位比较浅,船无法泊得太靠岸,只能在离温泉大概200米的地方停泊,然后有兴趣下温泉的乘客都得跳船,然后再游过去。这里的水应该深过12尺,根本踏不到底,只能从跳水那一刻开始游到温泉为止。因此,不太识水性的朋友最好在跳船之前先深思熟考才好跳到水里。虽然说200米的距离并不是很远,但上下火山一轮后毕竟身体已消费了很多精力。如果你问我会累吗?我会说完全不会!哈哈!别忘了我是拖着鱼尾的魔蟹,加上小时候在水里被魔鬼式的训练了几年后,下水对我来说只有乐趣!
一跳下海的那一刻海水是冷的,大概只有10-13摄氏之间。但只要一游过温泉的边界线,就会感觉到海水变温。温泉的水是33摄氏,水温刚好,是很舒服。只要一游到温泉旁,就会发现那里的水面上浮着金黄色的小颗粒,在阳光的照耀下这些颗粒会发亮 。这就是所谓的硫磺。听说在这里浸温泉对皮肤很好。怎么好法我不是很清楚,只觉得水的颜色怪怪的,又有一种化学成品的味道。 有几个女游客还和我说她们感觉到很不安,一来水的颜色太深,看不到海底;二来温泉的底部是烂泥,脚踏到的底部时感觉软软的,感觉上好像水底有水怪(我听到这个后和身边其他游客一直大笑不停);三来水的味道怪怪的,有一个还说她没喝过那么难喝的水!
温泉的最尾部有 一座亭子。我想这个亭子是给游客们休息的地方吧?很可惜站在船上的那个角度是拍不到亭子的。。。
Palea Kameni is a natural formed hot spring. It is formed in between two volcanic islands, in the middle of Santorini Caldera. The boat can't pull up to land since it is too shallow. Therefore visitors will have to jump off from the boat and swim about 200 meters to the hot spring. The sea water was around 10-13 degree Celsius, but when I reached the hot spring, I could feel the water was warmer. According to the tour guide, the water temperature at hot spring normally remains around 33 degree Celsius and it contains sulfur that is good for the skin. I really enjoy swimming in the muddy hot spring, it was so refreshing after a tiring and exhausting climb to the volcano.
The water at hot spring was very milky. Small brownish particles were floating at everywhere; the water smells a bit strange, like containing chemicals. This particles shines under the sunshine, it is believed these golden/brownish particles are sulfur. There was also a small resting platform placed at the end of the hot spring.

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