1. Nea Kameni 火山 → Palea Kameni 温泉→ Thirassia 岛→从返圣岛的Oia
- 这是最长的配套,一天好像只有一趟。
- 早上10:30开始行船,整个行程大概是4.5 – 5个钟。
- €25一人。
2. Nea Kameni 火山 → Palea Kameni 温泉 (€18一人)
- 只到两个地方,一天有两趟船。
- 第一趟是在早上11:00开船,第二趟在中午2:00开船,整个行程大概是3个钟。
- €18 一人。
3. Nea Kameni 火山(€13)
- 只到一个地方,一天有两趟船。
- 第一趟是在中午12:00,第二趟是在中午3:00,整个行程大概是2个钟。
- €13 一人。
由于我们有4-5天的时间在圣岛上,所以我们决定拿配套1。拿了配套1,去了回来,我个人认为配套已很不值。基本上去了火山和温泉后整个人都累垮了,真的没有那个毅力能在Thirassia的港口爬250梯级上山到Thirassia镇了。别以为250梯级和家里的梯级式一样的哦!换一句话说,从Thirassia的港口爬上山到Thirassia 镇大概有1km吧!加上最后一个地点,也就是Oia,除非你没下船,要不然船会把你丢在那儿就走了。当地会有巴士在Oia港口接你上Oia镇,但过后你得自己想办法回去Fira。我们因为想自己驾车到Oia,所以没下船。基本上拿了这个配套,但我们只去了火山、温泉和Thirassia吃一餐而已。除非你真的很想见识一下Thirassia小镇(听说圣岛未开放给游客之前就像Thirassia这个样子),要不然就拿配套2。
1. 不要戴任何的银饰物到火山和温泉。Hellas旅馆的老板娘向我们提过这两个地方的硫磺会把银饰品变黑。
2. 还有最好不要带贵重的东西上船,因为到了温泉后必须把东西留在船上才能下温泉。
3. 最好穿跑步鞋爬火山。当天我们穿跑步鞋上火山,然后下山后再换拖鞋(这样下了温泉后才不会把鞋子弄湿)。
4. 一定要待足够的水。那一天虽然带了一大支水,但没两下两个人就把它喝完了,害得我们严重缺水。还好船上有卖矿泉水,要不然早就中署了!
5. 一定得涂上高号的防晒油/膏,还得备带以便在需要的时候补上。
It is not necessary to book trip to volcano in advance, unless it is during peak season in summer. There are plenty of travel agents offering different type of packages, you could just pick the package, pay for the ticket and hoop on the ship straight away. We bought our tickets from Irene, the owner of Hotel Hella. She issued us a bill and that’s all that we need to bring to catch the ship next morning.
Based on what we know these are the basic packages for visiting the volcano (all depart from Fira old port):
1. From Nea Kameni volcano → Palea Kameni hot spring → Thirassia → Oia
- This is the longest trip, only one trip available per day.
- Starts from 10:30am, the whole journey takes about 4.5-5 hours.
- €25 per person.
2. Nea Kameni volcano → Palea Kameni hot spring
- Will be visiting 2 places, 2 separate trips per day.
- The first trip departs at 11:00am, the second one at 2:00pm. The whole journey takes about 3 hours.
- €18 per person.
3. Nea Kameni volcano
- Will be visiting one destination only, 2 trips per day.
- The first trip departs at 12:00 noon, the second trip departs at 3:00pm. The whole journey takes roughly 2 hours.
- €13 per person.
Due to we have planned 4-5 days trip on Santorini, we have plenty of time to spend on the island, we decided to take package 1. I would like to share with you guys some of my personal opinions: I don’t think package 1 (the longest package) is worth buying, unless you really have the strength and courage to climb up to 250 stairways (about 1km) from Thirassia port to Thirassia town (situated up on the hill). Bare in mind, Thirassia is the third destinations after a tiring trip climbing and exploring on the hot volcano and swim about 200 meters (flow and back will be approximately 400 meters) from the ship to the hot spring. If you think you are as fit as an ironman, go ahead and take package one; or else be wise, just buy package 2 will do. Furthermore having lunch in Thirassia is quite expensive. If you are taking package 2 or 3, you don’t have to stop by Thirassia for lunch, that could help to save some money, especially to those who are on budget vacation. Besides, I was also quite disappointed after knowing the ship will just dropped us in Oia and we have to find our way back to Fira (by public transportation). We prefer to drive from Fira to Oia for its sunset.
We woke up early in the morning on the day to volcano. We took cable car to Fira old port. Fira has 2 ports, make sure you find the right one.
Some of the things that worth mentioning:
1. Keep all your jewelries away from the volcano and hot spring. Jewelries might turn black once they contact with air and water that contain sulfur.
2. Don’t bring valuable stuffs on to the ship. When you are at the hot spring, you will have to leave all your belongings without anyone keeping an eye for you.
3. Make sure you put on sport shoe when hiking on the volcano. You can bring an extra pair of flip flop for change later on.
4. Bring at least a big bottle of drinking water each. Exploring on the hot volcano can be very tiring and dehydrated. Bring some money with you too just in case you need to purchase more drinking water from the captain.
5. Put on sun block with high SPF.

Taking cable car heading down to Fira old port.

The whole island is full of black rocks, from far they look like charcoal.
在船还未靠岸之前,让我们先来了解了解Nea Kameni这个火山吧!
今天的Nea Kameni火山是受当地的文化部门保护的一个大自然历史地点,除此,这里也被封为World Heritage的地点。别看这座火山没什么反应似的,也别把它当病猫哦!它可是当今还活跃的火山呢!这座火山算是中欧最年轻的一座火山。
Today, Nea Kameni is under the protection of Greece Culture and Environment Department, it provides lots of information and materials for natural historical science research. It is also part of World Heritage. The most serious eruption happened 3,600 years ago (in the entire history of Greece), it destroyed most of the lands on islands. The last one happened in 1950. The volcano still remains active today.
今天的Nea Kameni火山是受当地的文化部门保护的一个大自然历史地点,除此,这里也被封为World Heritage的地点。别看这座火山没什么反应似的,也别把它当病猫哦!它可是当今还活跃的火山呢!这座火山算是中欧最年轻的一座火山。
Today, Nea Kameni is under the protection of Greece Culture and Environment Department, it provides lots of information and materials for natural historical science research. It is also part of World Heritage. The most serious eruption happened 3,600 years ago (in the entire history of Greece), it destroyed most of the lands on islands. The last one happened in 1950. The volcano still remains active today.

Our tour guide told us the whole journey will take about 25 minutes, but she didn’t tell us 25 minutes is to walk from the port to the peak of volcano dome without stopping. Frankly, it is impossible to walk straight up to the peak without resting. There is no shade on the entire journey, the weather was extremely hot and dry, felt like we were walking on the charcoal. Too bad we didn’t bring enough water, it was really tired and exhausted.
Nea Kameni火山的路程被分成了几个点:A 点到E点。C 点是火山的中心点,经过这里时一定会看到山壁喷出黄色的烟雾,那就是硫磺。D 点是火山的最高点,一共是127公尺高。 站在这里可以看到整个Plea Kameni温泉的景色。
Nea Kameni火山的路程被分成了几个点:A 点到E点。C 点是火山的中心点,经过这里时一定会看到山壁喷出黄色的烟雾,那就是硫磺。D 点是火山的最高点,一共是127公尺高。 站在这里可以看到整个Plea Kameni温泉的景色。
There are a few checking points on Nea Kameni, from point A to E. Point C is the centre of the volcano. We saw sulfur gas was releasing in between rocks. Point D is the peak point of volcano, it is 127 meters high. One can get a good view of Palea Kameni (hot spring) from here.

Hubby was fast, most importantly he didn’t look tired at all!

Walking on a volcano at noon and the entire place was without shade…. Gosh! It was so hot!


Hardcore survivor….. not only surviving greatly on the volcano, it blossoms nicely on this empty land!
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