电话铃声一响 我提起来说:School of Earth and Environment
'Err...emmm...what's my quiry?' 对方好像突然把头撇过去和身边的人说话
'Is that possible for me to check my classification?' 对方的声音好像才刚睡醒
'Are you a third year student?' 'Yes!'
'Hold on for a moment' 'Can I have your name please?' 'I am XXX'
'Could you please confirm your student ID number?' 'It's XXXXXXXXX' 对方的反应有点迟钝的念号码
'Congratulation XXX! You got a 2:1! Well done!'
'Hurray...hurray...hurray' 说了三次很慢、很慢的hurray, 然后好像在对空气自言自语、傻笑
'Can I know my marks please?'
'I'm sorry I don't have your marks on my sheets. If you would like to know the details of your mark, you could either send an email to request for your transcript, or check your full result online, we will published it online next week on...' 话还没说完,突然被对方打断了
'I don't care about the marks now... Am I confirmed getting a 2:1?' 对方的声音还是很mcc
'Yes, confirm it's a 2:1 for you, it's definate!'
'Who am I speaking too?' 'I'm TP'
对方突然防不慎防的丢了一个问题给我 'Do you remember me?'
那么多学生我哪记得那么多呀!除非是非常出色的还是烂得不得了的 'I'm sorry... your name does come across my mind but I think I never meet you before'
'No! No! I saw you before! I know you!' 'I wanna kiss you! You have been so great to me!'
我有对你那么好吗?怎么连我自己都不记得了?'Are you drunk?'
'Oh yes! I am drunk now... I am in oversea...' 'All the staff in your office have been really good to me, thank you so much!'
'I will let my colleagues know about that, thank you!'
'Will you be there on my graduation day?' 对方的声音听得出有点high high底
'We will definately be there to congratulate all the graduates! Hope to see you then! Bye!'
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Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
最近睡眠不是很好 半夜总是因为热而把起来
醒了又睡 睡了又醒
不敢想象7-8月会怎么样 能有一把芭蕉扇真好
我今天不想上班呀 救命呀!
醒了又睡 睡了又醒
不敢想象7-8月会怎么样 能有一把芭蕉扇真好
我今天不想上班呀 救命呀!
昨天小华又拿到了'Watch First'电影票 免费的看了成龙演的Karate Kid
记得年轻时候看的Karate Kid是日本老头教白人小孩空手道
这次的故事换汤不换药 故事还是那么老套
只是换了一个中国师傅 还有一个般到中国居住的美国黑人小孩
这戏和Karate根本就扯不上关系 明明就是在说中国的武术、中国人的功夫
标上Karate Kid 不如标上Kungfu Kid 更好
再看清楚一点 每一拳都是对着海报里穿红衣的演员挥下去
看到这里我忍不住大笑 那个动作 那个表情 让人看了笑到喷饭
看一个戏而已竟然可以看到那么入神 丝丝入扣 那么的入戏
要给小孩看的戏得滤了又滤 确保不会有不良影响的才好让他们观赏
记得年轻时候看的Karate Kid是日本老头教白人小孩空手道
这次的故事换汤不换药 故事还是那么老套
只是换了一个中国师傅 还有一个般到中国居住的美国黑人小孩
这戏和Karate根本就扯不上关系 明明就是在说中国的武术、中国人的功夫
标上Karate Kid 不如标上Kungfu Kid 更好
再看清楚一点 每一拳都是对着海报里穿红衣的演员挥下去
看到这里我忍不住大笑 那个动作 那个表情 让人看了笑到喷饭
看一个戏而已竟然可以看到那么入神 丝丝入扣 那么的入戏
要给小孩看的戏得滤了又滤 确保不会有不良影响的才好让他们观赏
Friday, 25 June 2010
Holy Island, Wales (30 May 10)
Besides visiting Isle of Anglesey, we also drove further west to another smaller island called Holy Island or it is also known as Holyhead Island. It is named Holy due to its high concentration of standing stones , chambers and other religious signs and sites that could be found on this small island. One of the main attraction in Holy Island is its 722feet high Holyhead Mountain.

Far behing is South Stack Lighthouse. It was built in year 1809, it's one of the famous attraction in Wales.

I was enjoying an ice-cream and the beautiful scenary of Holy Island...

Love birds...

Far behing is South Stack Lighthouse. It was built in year 1809, it's one of the famous attraction in Wales.

I was enjoying an ice-cream and the beautiful scenary of Holy Island...

Love birds...

Isle of Anglesey, Wales (30 May 2010)
I have been keeping these photos in my hard disk drive for almost a month, almost forgotten to upload it in my blog. New photos keep on coming in every week; not sure how long it will take me to upload them on my blogspot.
Hubby and I went to west UK about a month ago. We had a day trip to Isle of Anglesey and Holy Island in Wales. Both places are separated from the mainland of England. The only two bridges that connect Anglesey and the mainland are Menai Bridge and Britannia Bridge. Back in many centuries ago, Anglesey was known as 'Mother of Wales' due to its fertile fields and agriculture. Anglesey is the largest island of Wales, with the area of 720 square kilometres.
click to enlarge the photo.

This is one of the bridges that connects Anglesey with the mainland of UK - Menai Suspension Bridge. It was built in year 1862.

A close up shot of Menai Bridge

The breathtaking scenary under Menai Bridge.

After having our lunch in one of the typical local restaurants near the bridge, he were heading straight to Beaumaris Castle.

This cute little dog stood quietly on the horse for hours. You need to pay to get a photo with this little stunt super dog!

Beaumaris Castle was build by King Edward I in year 1295 during his campaign concurring north of Wales. The construction took about 35 years to be completed. This was the largest and last piece of historical heritage King Edward I contributed.

The entrance fee for the castle was 3 pounds each.
Click to enlarge the photo above.

This castle was protected by two layers of wall. The walkway on the first layer is connected to the castle by this wooden bridge.

Hundreds of birds flying above the castle...

That iron was really heavy!

Fighter with his iron club!

Do you want to try the water in the leather container?

Knight in T, shorts and walking shoes.

It used to be a place where people get their medical treatment...
Hubby and I went to west UK about a month ago. We had a day trip to Isle of Anglesey and Holy Island in Wales. Both places are separated from the mainland of England. The only two bridges that connect Anglesey and the mainland are Menai Bridge and Britannia Bridge. Back in many centuries ago, Anglesey was known as 'Mother of Wales' due to its fertile fields and agriculture. Anglesey is the largest island of Wales, with the area of 720 square kilometres.

This is one of the bridges that connects Anglesey with the mainland of UK - Menai Suspension Bridge. It was built in year 1862.

A close up shot of Menai Bridge

The breathtaking scenary under Menai Bridge.

After having our lunch in one of the typical local restaurants near the bridge, he were heading straight to Beaumaris Castle.

This cute little dog stood quietly on the horse for hours. You need to pay to get a photo with this little stunt super dog!

Beaumaris Castle was build by King Edward I in year 1295 during his campaign concurring north of Wales. The construction took about 35 years to be completed. This was the largest and last piece of historical heritage King Edward I contributed.

The entrance fee for the castle was 3 pounds each.

This castle was protected by two layers of wall. The walkway on the first layer is connected to the castle by this wooden bridge.

Hundreds of birds flying above the castle...

That iron was really heavy!

Fighter with his iron club!

Do you want to try the water in the leather container?

Knight in T, shorts and walking shoes.

It used to be a place where people get their medical treatment...
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
开车环游1/4个葡萄牙(30) - Palacio Nacional da Pena I (6/4/10)
6号那天起来吃了一个早餐后就直接把行李拖上车离开Iblis旅馆,继续我们的葡萄牙旅。从Setubal开车到Sintra大概要一个小时。本来还以为闻名的Sintra是个很大的城市。双脚踏入Sintra之后才晓得原来Sintra是个朴素又漂亮的小城市,早在几年前已经被封为UNESCO World Heritage。被UNESCO 看中的原因是因为Sintra 19世纪充满了罗曼蒂克的建筑物。基本上Sintra的镇口就在山脚下,这里是当地居民所居住的地方,而且也是找旅馆、餐馆的地方。至于Sintra的名胜就有好几个,但好像全都集中在山上。很庆幸我们是驾车来的,要不然从山底下要走到山上可真的会要了我的老命!后来才发现原来可以搭巴士从山脚上到山上。如果没错的话,应该是搭43号的巴士。

先来说说Palacio Nacional da Pena。Palacio Nacional da Pena, 英文叫Pena National Palace. 这座城堡位于Sintra的山顶上,如今也成为UNESCO World Heritage的一分子。其实早在1755年的时候Pena因为地震和多次被雷劈,很多地方被损毁了。后来才在1841-1854年之间重建。

先来说说Palacio Nacional da Pena。Palacio Nacional da Pena, 英文叫Pena National Palace. 这座城堡位于Sintra的山顶上,如今也成为UNESCO World Heritage的一分子。其实早在1755年的时候Pena因为地震和多次被雷劈,很多地方被损毁了。后来才在1841-1854年之间重建。
Pena的却是一个很漂亮的城堡。漂亮的不只是那梦幻的外形,还有它那高贵的室内设计及家具用品。Pena的建筑设计融合了1740年代的英国建筑风格, 葡萄牙的故事后建筑风格, 19世纪的希腊风格及回教国的风格。
车子绕山大概半个钟,越向高处空气开始越来越冷。终于把车子停在Pena围墙外。售票处就在Pena的围墙外。游客可以选择买连票又或者各自地点的进门票。当然连票算起来会比较便宜。但连票就有分几种不同的售票法。但因为时间有限,我们只买了参观Pena 和Mouros的联票。其实我们到Pena之前根本就不懂有联票,因为网站上也没有这一类的资料。我们是后来在Pena墙外的售票处才看到售票both有贴着几种联票的售法。忘了其他的连票是以什么价钱卖的,我们买的Pena+Mouros联票一共是12欧元一人。如果有兴趣了解Sintra名胜的其他入门票,不妨到这个网站看看http://www.parquesdesintra.pt/en/。付了12欧元后,可以在售票处领取一个Pena 和Pena 花园的大地图和路线,因为Mourous就离Pena的山下一点点,这地图也包挂了去Mouros的路线。

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