哇!想念打键盘的感觉,想念网上的朋友,想念我的laptop,想念这一切一切。。。(糟糕!我什么时候变成了宅女?) 回到家的感觉真好!
8天在Santorini 和雅典(Athens), 旅途非常的愉快!我只能用这样形容希腊:风景美得像天堂,天气热得像地狱!两条白嫩嫩的猪去了希腊8天而已,回来的时候却变成了比较壮的黑猪。本来皮肤变得很白了,这样一晒竟然变成了巧克力色!最糟糕是皮肤敏感了我还涂上防晒膏,弄得皮肤现在一团糟!看来这几天得好好的回来‘养伤’了!除此,我还走路摔跌了2次,脚累到肿得像猪蹄。先在还在肿着,这几天看来要好好休息才行。
这一次的旅行对我来说很不一样。这一次我们登山下海,还上了火山,很别开生面!希腊的食物超超超好吃!我想,这是我在欧洲国家吃到最好吃的食肴了!我给这次的希腊游90分!扣掉10 分是天气太热!6月已经热得像火焰山了,真的不敢想像7、8 月将会是什么样子?
2架相机的照片一共拍了大约2,000 张,有够夸张的!请大家耐心一点等待我把照片拍版好了再放上来。。。。
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ReplyDeleteShi Jing, 照片弄好了,但还没开始写,再给我少少时间,应该就快上来了!
Seen your pic in Facebook... love your hotel the most! Any photos showing the inside of the hotel room?
ReplyDeleteAlso, why go during summer? cheaper?
I am on my way writing my Greece traveling journals. Will show all the hotels' pics later on. :)
ReplyDeleteSantorini has most visitors in summer, which is in between July to August. Rooms prices will definately raise in summer. We were trying to avoid the crowd and the extreme hot weather , that was why we went in early June. The weather was 36-37 degree celsius daily, but the sea water was just 12-13 d.c., it was still freezingly cold! Now that I understand why mat salleh like to go there in July-August, the sea water shall be warmer by then....
In Europe everyone likes to travel in summer, as summer has longer day time and the weather is nicer. Rooms will be fully book in summer at every where. I think only Malaysian loves to visit Europe during winter, as you know, most like to experience the chilling and breezingly cold weather... :)