Saturday, 20 June 2009

蓝蓝爱情海 – 从雅典渡轮到圣岛 * Sailing on Aegean Sea – from Athens to Santorini (4 June 09)


基本上除了Blue Star Ferries 以外,还有其他的渡轮公司的服务可以从雅典到圣岛去。Blue Ferry 一共有好几种服务:
2 床位舱
4 床位舱

每一个舱都有不同的价格,而且淡季和旺季的价钱又好像有一些不同。我们前往圣岛的时候是买了经济舱(€33.50一人),但从圣岛回去雅典的时候是买4床位舱(€54.00一个床位,男、女不得同房,除非自己买下整个舱房)。很可惜没把每一种舱位的照片拍下来。这里是Blue Star Ferries的网址:

I was awaked by hand phone’s alarm at 5:45am the next morning. After checking out from Hotel Faros I, we took 15 minutes walk to the port. It was almost summer, day was longer than night, that was why the sky was so bright even though it was just 6 plus in the morning. Although it was early in the morning, the port was already so busy. We went on the cruise an hour before sailing, as requested.

Besides Blue Star Ferries, there are other cruise companies that could bring passengers from Athens to Santorini. Blue Star Ferries offers a few kinds of services as such:
Economy Class
Aircraft Seat Lounge
Business Class
1 Bed Cabin
2 Beds Cabin
4 Beds Cabin
*Some cabins are attached with toilet and bathroom, some will have to use public/shared toilet.

Each service comes with different price. The price varies on peak and non-peak season。 We bought Economy Class from Athens to Santorini (€33.50 each) and 4 Beds Cabin from Santorini returning to Athens (€54.00 each). Female and male are not allowed to share the same cabin, unless you buy/book the entire cabin room. I have forgotten to take photo for each type of cabin. For more information, please serf Blue Star Ferries’s official site:

First time going on cruise… ‘Naxos’ was the cruise that we took on that day.

这是经济舱的2 楼。经济舱一共有2楼,可以在开篷的地方吹吹风、晒一晒太阳。也可以跑到封闭的地方避开寒冷的海风。
This is the upper deck of Economy Class. Economy Class is divided into 2 levels. You could stay at opened area to take some fresh air and enjoy the warm sun. The wind could be strong and chilling.

This is where we sat! Not many people were on the cruise while we were there, lots of empty seats were available and we chose this one....

The drug that keeps me awake everyday in the morning…

The journey from Piraues (Athens’s port) to Santorini was about 8 hours. So bored…. was writing and drawing nonsense….

He sleeps at everywhere he goes….

The upper deck of Economy Class was fully seated.

我们的船停在第一个岛 – Faros岛
The cruise stopped at the first island – Faros

One of my friends told me the ‘bridge’ looked like ping pong table…. The narrow one was for passengers; the bigger one was for vehicles.

Drinking/eating like a snake….

The cruise stopped at the second island. I was sleeping too, didn’t hear what the name of this island is.


船上有几家小食堂和酒吧。这是经济舱二楼的opened area食堂,一楼 的食堂在船舱里面,怕冷的朋友可以躲到哪里去。除此,船舱里还有很多lounge,很多拥有经济舱票的乘客都跑到lounge里坐,有很多甚至在沙发上睡觉。我不喜欢跑到舱里,虽然里面有冷气,但乘客都在里面抽烟。在经济舱open area抽烟的人也很多,但至少外面的风大,空气流通,情形没里面那么糟。
There were a few canteens and lounges on the cruise. Many passengers from Economy Class slept on lounge’s sofa. I don’t like to stay in the cabin as people kept smoking in the air-conditioned room.

小华突然不见,回来时手上带来了一碗雪糕。是草莓雪糕也!€4.70, 虽然我不是很爱吃雪糕,但是老公买的,心里还是很开心!
Suddenly hubby went missing and came back with a small bowl of ice-cream. It was strawberry flavor!


Taking fresh air….

先来说说圣岛。圣岛、圣岛那么叫,其实是简称,全名是圣托里尼岛。很多人都会因为圣托里尼(Santorini)和迪拉(Thera)这两个名字而搞乱了, 其实两个名字都是一样的,同样的事属于这个岛的名字。基本上希腊有很多小岛位于爱情海(Aegean Sea), 圣岛是其中一个离希腊大陆200km的小岛。整个岛的面积只有73平方公里,我们可以在同样一天里开车从南部开车到北部,再开回来,兜完整个岛屿。岛上有几个小城市,其中比较出名的是Oia, Fira, Akrotini, Firostefeni 等。Fira是圣岛最繁忙的市中心,位于整个岛的中部。


Santorini is also known as Thera. It is in the centre of Aegean Sea, it is about 200km away from Greece mainland. It is a small island, with only 73km². Only a few hours are needed to drive from most south to the most north of this island. There are a few beautiful towns on this wonderful island, the more well known and famous one are Oia (pronounce as ‘Ia’), Fira, Akrotini and Ferostefeni. Fira is the life centre of Santorini, it is also the biggest and busiest town.

Santorini is what left over from the last major volcanic eruption 3,600 years ago. Due to the eruption, today’s Santorini is formed in ‘C’ shape, surrounding a huge lagoon. The water in the centre of lagoon is approximately 1300 feet deep, making it safe for all kinds of shipping.

The cruise sailed into Santorini’s lagoon. We were able to see white houses on the cliff. The view was so amazingly beautiful!

Almost reaching Fira’s port. The port is located down below the hill.

Fira 的大港口。
Fira’s main port.

Another batch of passengers was waiting for boarding….


  1. 好羡慕哦。。。。。。真的很羡慕trisha...希望Angie在还是健壮的年纪,可以像你一样到处去。。。。我的梦想是把儿女带到他们独立了。。。我可以和老公背着相机到处趴趴走。。。好好哦,想了都开心!

    对了, 喜欢那张臭袜照。。。。relax

  2. I wanna go there too! Greece is surely one of places I must go before I die :P Mind my poor Mandarin, how long were you there? How much did the trip cost you? Were you in tour or backpacking? :)

  3. What a trip! thanks for the sharing...

    So fun to know that it was the last eruption that made Santorini a 'C', will the next eruption raise it to 'D' cup then??

  4. Angie: 你一定可以的!加油哦!

    Lily: I was there for 8 days, haven't really count all the expenses. We went by our own, it's more like a free and easy trip. :)

    Cheng: hahaha! guess I must have forgotten to write the word 'in C shape'! I also wonder how will Santorini looks like if it turns to be in 'D'? :D will the hill raise a bit higher?? hahahaha....
