乌冬面...... 2 人份
切片牛肉.. 1 碗
蔬菜.......... 适量
胡椒粉...... 适量
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
葱粒.......... 2汤匙
酱油.......... 适量
盐.............. 适量
豆腐块...... 1 碗
香菇.......... 4 朵
水.............. 适量
食油.......... 适量
绍兴酒...... 1 汤匙
1. 切片牛肉腌上胡椒粉、蒜米、绍兴酒和酱油即可。
2. 烧热锅后(少许油), 把牛肉片煎至7分熟就离锅。建议慢慢3、4片煎。一次过煎太多会把牛肉煎得太熟、太硬。
1. 煮开水,把乌冬面放到滚水里烫一烫,煮一煮1-2分钟就可把面条捞起离锅。
1. 用热水先把香菇给烫了,然后用热水焖它至软化。
2. 把香菇洗净,然后切块,或保留一整朵。
3. 另外用热水煮香菇至熟透。
1. 煮开水,水滚了后把煎过的牛肉放到水里熬至少一个钟。
2. 然后把豆腐、蔬菜加入煮一煮。
3. 加盐调味。
2 portion of Wu Dong Noodle
1 bowl thinly sliced beef
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
2 tbsp chopped spring onion
soy sauce
1 bowl diced toufu
4 Chinese mushroom
cooking oil
1 tbsp Zhao Xing rice wine
Ways to Prepare Beef:
1. Marinate sliced beef with pepper, soy sauce, Zhao Xing rice wine and chooped garlic.
2. Heat the wok with some oil, fry beef until it is 70% cooked and leave the beef from wok.
Ways to Prepare Wu Dong Noodle:
1. Boil water, cook Wu Dong Noodle in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and drain the noodle for used.
Ways to Prepare Chinese mushroom:
1. Shimmer Chinese mushrooms in hot water until they are soften.
2. Clean the mushroom under the pipe water, then cut into bite size pieces or keep them uncut.
3. Boil water to cook mushroom until is is fully cooked and soften.
Ways to Cook Soup:
1. Boil water, shimmer beef in the boiling water for at least an hour.
2. Add toufu and vegetable before switching off the gas.
3. Also add some salt for flavour.
Pour soup on Wu Dong Noodle, springkle some chopped spring onion and put some Chinese mushroom on the bowl before it is served.
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