Saturday 24 October 2009

爱丁堡Festival Fringe, 我又来了!I *My Third Visit to Endinburgh's Festival Fringe I (29 June 09)

趁着连续几天的假期(Bank Holiday),我们决定前往苏格兰北部旅行。这次和我们到苏格兰的第三次了,虽然是第三次,但心情还是很兴奋,因为苏格兰是其中一个我喜欢的地方。这次到苏格兰的目的是想到Isle of Skye 及Inverness,看看苏格兰的highland,享受大自然的美。

由于从Leeds前往苏格兰北部需要超过10个钟的车程,我们决定在爱丁堡停留半天,然后当晚再开车到Glassgow过夜。乘爱丁堡这个时候刚好庆祝一年一度的爱丁堡Festival Fringe,我和小华又再次在人群中寻找新鲜的文艺节目,观赏免费的表演。

This is my third time visiting Edinburgh, however it's our first time heading to the most north. Our main objective was to see the highland, visiting Isle of Skye and Inverness, to experience the beauty of true nature.

Driving directly from Leeds to Inverness will take more than 10 hours. Therefore we have decided to stop by at Endinburgh for the Festival Fringe, then stay over night at Glasgow before heading to Isle of Skye and Inverness. This year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe was different from what I saw and experienced in 2007, less international performance and less creativity this year...

Nice weather...

今年的爱丁堡Festival Fringe 弄了个很新鲜的展览,就是在火车站附近的广场展现一些奇奇怪怪、绝对能让你爆笑的sign board.
This year the organizer exhibited some bizzare sign boards at a plaza near by Edinburgh train station. I was laughing like mad after seeing these funny messages.

面就是爱丁堡的St.Gile Cathedral.


Faceless ninja!

This is really an awesome idea attracting people's attention to promote their performance/show.

原来,他们的表演主题是Frozen! 怪不得睡着的也好,站着的也好,眉头都不皱一下!
These people were promoting their show by frozing themselves in the middle of the busy road!


I think he should tighten his yellow underpant so that it won't fall while he is flying!

不吃、不睡、没女人、没性爱。。。别紧张!这一群人只是在宣传他们的莎士比亚歌舞剧而已。 Promoting Shakespear's theatre.

Also promoting Shakespear's theatrre...

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