第一个到达的地点是Burg Stahleck. 早在1135年时,Burg Stahleck 是当地的一座城堡。很不幸的在法军攻打之下,这座美丽又浪漫的城堡给敌人给毁灭了。过了好多个世纪以后(1828年), Prussia 的Freidrich Wilhelm IV 把它买了下来,然后再卖掉。直到1926年Burg Stahleck 才被改成青年旅馆。我想这应该是全欧洲,也可能是全世界最美丽、最有特色的青年旅馆吧!如果你有兴趣在这里过一个既浪漫、古典,又充满了神秘、恐惧的一夜,不如考虑在这里留居一晚吧!
虽然是个青年旅馆,但Burg Stahleck 还是有把城堡的花园及草地开放给大家参观。参观Burg Stahleck 周围是免费的。
We took about 30 minutes to drive from Sankt Goar to Bacharach. Although Bacharach is just a small town, it is one of the prettiest town along Rhine. Among all places that we have been in Germany, hubby loves Bacharach the most. What hubby said about this place is true: it's unique, lovely, beautiful and classic. He really fall for Bacharach.
One of the most popular attractions in Bacharach is Burg Stahleck. Burg Stahleck was built in 1135 but suffered a turbulent history and was destroyed by France troops years later. This castle was then bought over by Freidrich Wilhelm IV who was a Prussian. However, he somehow sold the place later. Until 1926, Burg Stahleck changed to become a youth hostel and it is still functioning as a youth hostel today. I believe this is the most unique and beautiful youth hostel in the entire Europe, no! I should say the best in the whole world! For those who are interested to experience a romantic, classic, spooky and adventures stay, you may consider to book a room and spend your night here. The castle is opened to the public but limited only to the court yard.


后面那个尖顶的建筑物就是Burg Stahleck 城堡。


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