除此之外,Bacharach 小镇的这些木屋都满满的攀藤了葡萄树。无论走到哪儿,葡萄树就在那儿。虽然这些葡萄树上的葡萄很小颗,也很酸,但把葡萄当成是镇里的一种装饰品绝对是Bacharach吸引游客的条件之一。为什么我们会知道葡萄是酸的? 哈哈!那还用说,当然是我们手痒嘴巴痒偷采了人家屋檐下垂下来的葡萄,再送进口里品尝的呀!直从偷采了Lisbon街边的柳丁(橙)和 Bacharach 街边的葡萄试吃之后,我和小华终于接受了‘街边的水果采不得’的观念。街边留下的东西,肯定不是好东西。是好东西的话早就轮不到我们了!
After visiting Burg Stahleck, we continued our journey to explore the lovely town of Bacharach. One of the things that visitors shouldn't miss in this small town is the traditional timber-frame house. Some of these houses were built since centuries ago and with proper maintenance they still look new. Today, these houses are served as one of the tourist attractions in the town.
Most houses in Bacharach were covered with grape trees, they grown every where in the town, crawling across the roofs. That's the reason why Bacharach is so unique! We picked a few grapes from these trees just wanted to find out whether they are sweet. Too bad, they were horribly sour!
Hubby and I really love Bacharach! This town is really awesome!







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