这些车主还不知羞耻的把手指向公司,说公司没有给员工足够的泊车位。是的!的却公司没有足够的车位供给7,000多名员工,但公司现在有为员工建立一个3-4层高的泊车场。为了应急现时僧多粥少的情况,公司还在离不远处开了一个空地,转给员工泊车的地方。公司还pampered这些人,准备了小巴专门载送员工(从open air car park) 送到公司工作。同样的,放工的时候还准备了小巴把他们送回去泊车场。如果说公司没有理会、没有为员工作任何东西,那是不对的。所以今天上报子头条的原因不是公司的错,而是员工那种自私自利的行为害了公司被负面的报导。
When I first saw her, OMG.... she is so HOT! I just couldn't resist touching her again and again. I can't wait for hubby to come back and help me with the installation! She is irresistable! Yes! My HOT, tiny, light lappy has arrived!
Before ordering this, I was thinking to have ipad as my next new toy. However, hubby told me if I am a heavy user, ipad may not suit me well. So in the end, I choose this little HOT lappy. I love her so much. She is smaller, so so much lighter and most importantly she is in red! The color that I love most and the lappy color that I have been dreaming to have since years ago!
This little red riding hood needs to be fed with lot's of sofware later. I am waiting for hubby to return from his workshop on Friday. She will be installed with some photo editing tools, drawing tools, some stupid games later... haha!
We went to a private dental clinic this morning and came back home with dissapointment. It's not about the service, I haven't even had chanc to try the dental service yet. It was the way they run their business.
I guess this dental clinic must be one of the famous among most Melaccans. Lots of patients were waiting for their turn to be diagnosed and treated. I undestand that I won't be able to have a chance to get my service by today, therefore I told the clerk I want to make an appiintment for the coming week. The clerk replied: "Kita takde ambil appointment lah".
What? No appointment? So is that means you want your customer to wait for hours the clinic? WTH? I just couldn't imagine Melaka has dental clinic that still do not apply appointment system! OK, let's don't compare to UK, let's look at KL or Selangor. I had experience making appointment in one of the clinic in PJ about 5-6 years ago. This help all patients to avoid wasting time waiting in the clinic.
I really don't uderstand why this clinic in Melaka does not apply appointment system. It's bloody wasting people's time...