Friday 5 January 2007

香菇饭 *Mushroom Rice





猪廋肉..... 一片 (可以用鸡肉代替)
虾米......... 半碗
鱿鱼干..... 半只
香菇......... 10 -15 朵(越多越好)
包菜......... 1/4 粒
蒜米......... 1 汤匙
米............. 两汞
盐............. 适量
鱿鱼酱..... 1 汤匙
蚝油......... 1 汤匙
食油......... 适量

1. 廋肉洗净后切片,腌上少许盐和胡椒粉。
2. 虾米需洗干净后浸水至软化,然后待用。
3. 香菇需浸热水至软化。洗干净后切成1/2cm的条状。
4. 鱿鱼干先得浸水,然后去皮,再切成1/2cm的条状。
5. 包菜洗净后切成小片。

1. 先洗净米,待用。
2. 先爆香蒜米,然后把虾米、鱿鱼干、廋肉、香菇及包菜依着顺序放到锅里炒。
3. 炒香后,加入鱿鱼酱和蚝油。可以再加少许盐调味。
4. 把(1) 和 (2) 一起稍微炒香。
5. 不需要把米炒熟,把(4) 倒入饭锅里,加适量的水,然后一起煮熟。
6. 饭一熟就即可。


1/2 bowl dried shrimps
1/2 dried squid
10-15 Chinese mushrooms
1/4 cabbage
1 tbsp chopped garlic
2 scopes rice
1 tbsp squid saurce
1 tbsp oyster saurce
cooking oil

1. Cut pork into bite-size pieces. Marinate with pepper and salt.
2. Clean dried shrimp and immerse with water until it is soften.
3. Immerse Chinese mushrooms with hot water until it is soften. Clean it and cut it into slices(about 1/2cm in width).
4. Clean up dried squid and peel off the skin. Cut dried squid into small slices (about 1/2cm in width).
5. Cut cabbage into small pieces.

1. Clean the rice and put it a side for use.
2. Heat the oil and stir fried garlic. Then follows by stir fried dried shrimp, dried squid, pork, Chinese mushroom and cabbage.
3. Add squid saurce and oyster saurce in (2). You could add in some salt to add flavor.
4. Stir fried (1) and (2) for a while.
5. Pour (4) into cooker, add in sufficient water and cook the rice.
6. Once rice is cooked, the process is done.

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