
豆腐............ 1 块
虾米............ 2-3 汤匙
菜脯............ 2-3 汤匙
蚝油............ 1 茶匙
酱油............ 1 茶匙
蒜米............ 2 汤匙
清水............ 5 汤匙
甜黑酱油.... 1 茶匙
麻油............ 1 茶匙
糖................ 适量
食油............ 适量
1. 先把豆腐取出, 把豆腐拿去蒸10分钟。我比较懒,通常都是用微波炉煮熟豆腐而已。用微波炉的话,只需用最高温度煮3 分钟就好。由于豆腐遇热会出水,再把多余的豆腐水倒掉。蒸好的豆腐待用。
2. 热油后,先爆香蒜米, 一定要爆到颜色转为浅褐色,待用。
3. 再爆香虾米,虾米一定得炒干到脆脆的程度,待用。
4. 接下来炒菜脯,一定要把菜脯炒干,待用。
5. 再热锅,把一些清水、酱青、蚝油、黑酱油、少量糖和麻油加入锅中加热调匀。
6. 先把(5)淋在(1)上,再把(2)、(3)、(4) 撒在豆腐上即可。
1 square toufu/bean curd
2-3 tbsp dried shrimps
2-3 tbsp radish mix
1 teasp oyster saurce
1 teasp soy saurce
2 tbsp chopped garlic
5 tbsp water
1 teasp black caramel saurce
1 teasp sesame oil
cooking oil
1. Carefull take out touf/bean curdu from its plastic container. Steam toufu/beancurd for 10 minutes. Normally I will use microwave to cook toufu/bean curd for 3 minutes. After toufu/bean curd is cooked, throw away water that contains in plate.
2. Heat the wok and fried garlic until it turns to be very yellowish. Leave from wok.
3. Heat the wok again and fried dried shrimps until harden. Leave from wok.
4. Then fried radish mix until dried. Leave from wok.
5. Heat the wok again. This time add water, soy saurce, oyster saurce, black caremel saurce, a little bit of sugar and sesame oil into wok. Cook until all ingredients mix up evenly.
6. Pour (5) on (1), then put (2), (3) and (4) on top of toufu to serve.
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