芦笋........ 1 把(节切)
虾米........ 1 小碗
蒜米........ 1 汤匙
葱泥........ 1 汤匙
盐............ 适量
食油........ 适量
Belacan.. 1 汤匙(可以免除)
1. 虾米浸软然后切碎。选着使用belacan的话就先得热锅,然后不加油式的先把belacan炒香。
2. 热锅,加入2-3 汤匙的食油。油热后,先炒蒜米,再炒葱泥。选择用belacan 的就先连belacan 也一起炒下去。没选择用belacan 的就直接把虾米加入一起炒。
3. 把芦笋加入一起炒至熟。
4. 加一些盐调味即可。
asparagus, cut into bite-size pieces
1 bowl dried shrimps
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 tbsp finely chopped shallot
cooking oil
Belacan (shrimp sauce/paste) - optional
1. Immerse dried shrimp in water until it is soften, then chopped dried shrimp finely. If you decide to cook with Belacan, fry Belacan in a dry pan with medium-low heat until Belacan is dried.
2. Heat the wok with 2-3 tbsp of cooking oil, fry garlic, shallot and follow by Belacan (optional). Add dried shrimp to stir until cooked.
3. Add asparagus to stir until it is cooked.
4. Add some salt for flavour.
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