上回买来的旅游书上有介绍,参观圣礼拜堂最好的时间是在星期二和星期五早上,那时候的人应该不会那么多。哪里知道,一大清早到达圣礼拜堂的门口后,我真的被吓呆了。虽然门还没开,但一大队的人早已经在哪里排队等候多时。大概排了一个钟的队才轮到我们的机会进去参观。进去后才发现游客在教堂门口缓慢进门的原因: 原来门外的管理很严,每一个人都必须经过严厉的检查才可进入教堂里。要进去礼拜堂也得被搜身、搜包包,比起在机场里被搜的情况还严格。后来我们才明白为何必须进行那么严厉的检查:原来圣礼拜堂和隔壁的法院共用一个进口。为了法院的安全,当地政府不得不严格的检查每一个进门的人,为了防混水摸鱼的恐怖分子扮游客有机而乘的跑进去。
我原本以为圣礼拜堂和其它曾看过的教堂不相上下。但进去了圣礼拜堂后才发现它真的不一样。这并不是一般的教堂,我只能说圣礼拜堂是我所看到最美丽的一间圣礼堂了。从来没看过那么多的stain glass,而且每一片都很大,成了礼堂里的彩色窗口,而且还布满了四周围的每一个角落。 很可惜我的傻瓜相机在污漆麻黑的情况下拍得并不好,没办法把圣礼拜堂最美丽的一面拍下来做纪念。早在8年前我有接触过stain glass这一门手艺,还记得当时自己弄了一只蝴蝶。这个经验告诉我做stain glass 需要有很大的耐心及毅力,所以我特别珍惜stain glass的艺术。
圣礼拜堂的高度是246尺。它是巴黎其中一座最古老的建筑物。在巴黎,圣礼拜堂是神圣的象征。这座教堂的地底还有一个670平方公尺大的小教堂。圣礼拜堂周围的16个stain glass窗展示着1,000则圣经的故事。教堂里只有最后的一片的stain glass是没依照圣经里的故事做出来的。最后的这一片stain glass 展示的是巴黎基督教的由来。这里的stain glass 二分之三都第13世纪的艺术杰作,可说是历史非常古老的艺术及宗教品。
We visited Saite Chapelle a day before flying back to England. According to the guide book, the best time to visit Sainte Chapelle shall be on Tuesday and Friday morning. Normally it won't be crowded on these two days. Unfortunately what is said in the book is not reliable. The crowd started to queu way earlier before we arrived. Everyone was queing and waiting for the door to open. The queu was long and the progress of getting into the church was extremely slow. It took us about an hour to enter. The reason that held back the process was Sainte Chapelle and Palais de Justice (the local court house) share the same entrance. To ensure the safety, the guards will have to check all entrance thoroughly.
In the begining I thought Sainte Chapelle is just another ordinary church like what I have seen before. I was very wrong. Sainte Chapelle is the nicest church I have ever seen in my life. The walls are made of stain glass, 1/4 from the ground to the most top of the building are all covered with colorful stain glass. I have experience in making stain glass, therefore I understand the toughness of accomplishing this art. It requires alot of patience. I wonder how long have these people took to finish all the huge glasses? Unfortunate my camera doesn't work well under dim light. I could only keep all the beautiful pictures of Sainte Chapelle in my mind.
The overall height of Sainte Chapelle is 246 feet and it is the oldest architeture well remained in Paris. In Paris, Sainte Chapelle is the symbol of sacred. Besides that, there is also another 670 meter square chapelle at the underground.
The 16 huge pieces of beautiful stain glasses tell 1,000 stories of the bible, the last pice tells story about how Christianity is brought to Paris. 2/3 of these glasses were made in 13 century, they are precious symbol of today's arts.

A short video of Sainte Chapelle.

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