在菜市里,我们买了一个很香的cheese葱油饼试。真得很好吃。逛市场后,我们便check out,然后拉着行李到附近的餐馆吃早点、点心之类的。吃完早餐后,搭巴黎的火车(RER)到巴黎飞机场,就这样我们告别了巴黎。
I always belief this: the best way of getting to know a place, the culture and the life style is by visiting their market. The same morning before leaving Paris, we visited a market near by the hotel. Things looked fresher and with more varieties, however the price is way more expensive than what we could get in UK.
Bought a few pieces of onion-cheese pancake, it tasted good and smell good too! After visitig the wet market, we went back to the hotel and dragged our langanges to a near by restorant to have our breakfast. After breakfast we took Metro to the airport, and we said bye to Paris!
your photos are very beautiful. sorry i can not read your blog. you have a very good eye for photography. i will come back and look again.
Paris~~~~ another jeolous "_____________"