All contestants did great just now.
Diversity performed the best dance ever, that's the best correography I have ever seen. They nailed it tonite, 100% perfection!
I love Jafargholi and I always supported him, he is such a sweet boy with a big voice! But I think he didn't choose the right song tonite.
Hollie Steel sang so well tonight, much much much better than last night. I have goosebump all over me when I was listening to her singing.
Shaun Smith's loves song melts my heart too. He is also another great singer!
Although Susan Boyle has beautiful voice, but I don't really like her. She catches too much attention from the public and there were too much publicity about her.
It's a tough night to make decision. In the end I dial this number 09011322205 to send my vote to Hollie Steel; while hubby dial 09011322209 to vote for Diversity! The result will be released in another hour.....
so kanchiong (anxious) now....

After an hour, the results revealed......
3rd place: Julian Smith (did aspect he will get into top-3)
2nd place: Susan Boyle
1st Place: Diversity (Congratulations and excellent job!)
*Please log on Britain Got Talent's website to watch the show.