听过了梵蒂冈,没想到这一次竟然有机会来这里目睹这一块神圣的土地。基本上梵蒂冈是位于罗马的西北部。它被一道高高的墙围绕着,与罗马隔离了。虽然梵蒂冈用的是意大利的钱币,地方code也与罗马相同,但梵蒂冈却是独立的。换一句话说,梵蒂冈是一个世界上最小的独立国。不但如此,它也是天主教的总部。这小国家成立于1929年,整个国家的面积只有大概100 acres,全国人民大概只有800人,比我念中学时候的学校还要少人,震撼!
要从罗马市中心搭地铁直接到梵蒂冈,只要下Ottaviano San Pietro地铁站就行了,车程大概是半个钟。到了站后还需要走大概10-15分钟的路才会到达梵蒂冈的墙门。虽然说梵蒂冈是个独立的国家,但进去时却没有关口检查。一从围墙下走过去后,我整个人傻眼了!原来梵蒂冈是一个那么堂皇的地方呀!一踏进这片土地,第一眼看到的当然是那围着广场的圆形建筑物(Circus of Nero)。一整个圆圈的建筑物都是用一根根的大理石柱子撑着,建筑物的最上方还雕了一整排的人像,围绕着广场,真的好美。怪不得UNESCO把这地方封为 World Heritage。
除了周围的建筑物很出色之外,梵蒂冈的广场(Piazza di San Pietro, 英语叫St.Peter Square)也相当的‘豪华’。基本上这个广场的设计和伦敦的Trafalgar Square 有一点相似。广场的正中央有一个高高的纪念碑,纪念碑的两旁有两个很大的喷水池。它的美,真的很难用言语来形容。至于圣彼得教堂呢?我只能用4个字形容:堂皇高贵!
Vatican City is the world's smallest country located at north west Rome. Vatican City is separated from Rome by a ring of tall wall. Although it is an independant country, it uses Rome's country code and the same currency. This country was found in year 1929. It is only 100 acres big and with a population of around 800 people. I was shocked when got to know that the total pupulation in this country is not even half of the total number of students in my secondary school.
The nearest Metro Station is Ottaviano San Pietro. After getting down at the station, take roughly 10-15 minutes walk, you will then reach the main entrance of Vatican City. The entire place of Vatican City is surrounded by a ring of tall wall. I was stunt when I walked pass the main entrance and saw the beauty of this land. Circus of Nero attracted me most, it is a big circle of pillars with lots of statues on top. The view is absolutely breathtaking! That was why Vatican City is marked as one of the world's heritage.
Other than Circus of Nero, Vatican City has a huge and attractive plaza stands in the centre of the building. This plaza is called Piazza de San Pietro, or in English it is known as St. Peter Square. The design is almost similar to Trafalgar Square in London. There is an Egyptian Obelisk in the centre and 2 huge fountains on both sides of this plaza. Mean while, Basilica di San Pietro in Vacatino or also known as Saint Peter's Basilica, is another tourist attraction that one shall not miss. Frankly speaking, it is hard to describe the beauty of this holy church, so why don't we go straight to see the photos? :)

The wall behind separates Vatican City from Rome.

On duty guards/army with their unique and colorful uniform.

Inside the basilica.... It has the largest interior of any Christian Church in the world.

Don't forget to follow the dress code before entering the basilica.

Was wondering how this huge piece of marble was crafted ....
照片的最左边有一个像似亭子之类的东西(Bernini's Baldaccino/St. Peter Baldaccino)。其实这座‘亭子’的正中央是圣彼得的坟墓。圣彼得是梵蒂冈最早的执教人,也是梵蒂冈最早的首领。

On the most left is Bernini's Baldaccino, or also known as St.Peter Baldaccino. It is a altar with 4 golden pillars. In the centre is where they buried St.Peter - the first pope/leader of this holy land.
看大家跑去摸St.Peter 石像的脚,我也跑去摸了。听说摸了会带来给你好运呢!有一点想提一下的:由于每一天都有那么多人经过这石像然后摸他的脚一次,你会发现到被摸的那一支脚已经被磨得圆滑了,连一些脚趾都被磨光了!

It is believed that touching St.Peter's statue will bring good luck! Too many people touche this statue's feet everyday, and look at what happen to the toes.
Statue of Longinus

This used to be the 'throne' of St. Peter, it is called Cathedra Petri.
看到亭子(Bernini's Baldaccino/St. Peter Baldaccino) 中间的那一副棺材吗?当然哪个棺材是假的,真的就埋在假棺的下面而已。做这幅假棺是要让参观者知道圣彼特就埋在这里。
