Wednesday 20 May 2009

历史帝王国 - 罗马 *The Greatest Historical Empire - Rome (Palatino & Forum Romanum) (8 Aug 08)

从Colosseum, 我们走过去对面山,上了Palatine Hill 去观赏Palatino。Palatine Hill 是罗马7大山丘,位于罗马市区中心的唯一山丘之一。这座山是位于Forum Romanum之上。由于之前我们买了斗兽场的联票,到了Palatine Hill 我们不用排队就可以直接进去了。Palatino 是前罗马上等社会所住的地方。我心里想,原来罗马人也懂得高处就是好风水的原理(呵呵呵。。。)。由于是在山丘上,很多地方都没有遮荫。还好到处都是地下水的水喉,这样我们才有足够的水喝,才不会中暑。老公还很不客气地把上衣脱掉,当场把水向身上泼。天气又热又干,不一会儿水分就蒸发了。基本上Palatine Hill 是蛮大的地方,我们没力气也没心情走完。

说真的,想要在这里自己创自己走时蛮不简单的。可以的话,娉请一位导游是蛮不错的。一来不用做一只无头苍蝇,走很多冤枉路;二来有人解释,会观赏得比较有意思。我们在Palatine Hill 走来走去走了好久,看到了一些古迹又不懂是什么,就这样乱走乱闯。本来是想要回去的了,还好未到出口前我们看到了Forum Romanum的路牌。这正是我想去的另一个旅游胜地。

Forum Romanum 是罗马最先兴建的中心。其中也是很多罗马政府部门(Senate)的原发地。上一代的罗马古人都是在这里裁判、谈判政治、收tax、做礼拜等等的市中心。可以说是古代罗马最旺盛、最热闹的地方 (想不到玩Ceaser PC Game 也可以学到不少,呵呵呵。。)。很可惜,很多建筑物都被毁掉了。很多教堂也只剩下一片墙或一、两根柱子。

Palatino stands on Palatine Hill, which is just opposite Colosseum. The admission tickets that we bought for Colosseum was also valid for visiting Palatino and Forum Romanum, therefore we were not required to queue up while entering these two places. Palatino refers to a large specific group of people who used to live in Rome. Palatino Hill used to be a living place of elites. Most places are opened space, there was no shed, that was why we were having a tough time walking on Palatino hill. Luckily there were fresh water pipe every where, we could keep on refilling the drinking bottles every 10 minutes. We didn't finish exploring Palatino Hill as the weather was terribly hot!

We walked down from Palatino Hill and approach another destination - Forum Romanum. Forum Romanum, or it is also known as Roman Forum stands below Palatino Hill. It is best to hire a tour guide so that you won't get lose on Palatino Hill and Forum Romanum. Forum Romanum is the oldest city in Rome. It used to be the central area of Rome civilization. It used to be a place where the Senates made their political decision, enforced rules and regulations, praying to their Gods, tax collection & etc. (Hehe...I learnt all these from a PC game called Ceaser). Too bad that everything is damaged, nothing much to see here...

在爬上Palatine 山丘之前看到的Palatino情景。
This is part of Palatino. this photo was taken while we were on our way walking up to Palatine Hill.

This is part of Forum Romanum viewing from Palatine Hill. (on the right)

Another photo of Forum Romanum (on the left).

Temple of Antoninus and Faustine. Antoninus Pius built this temple as a monument to remember his beloving wife - Faustine the Elder.

At the back is Temple of Castor and Pullox; In the front is Temple of Vesta.

Temple of Saturn.

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