Fontana di Trevi is a 'must visit' tourist spot in Rome. The construction was completed in 1762, it was then refurnished in 1998. The whole fountain is 85 feet in height and 65 feet in width. This fountain attracts many visitors to throw coins and make wishes every year, that is why it is able to collect 3 thousand euros daily. Unbelievable!
The legend holds that if one throws a coin into the fountain, he/she will ensure to return to Rome in the very near future. Throwing 2 coins will ensure the wish maker to find a new relationship. While throwing 3 coins will lead to a happy marriage. The right way of throwing coin and make wishes at Fontana di Trevi is to hold coins in the right palm, stand facing backward to the fountain, and throw the coins over the left shoulder.
Fontana di Trevi is at the end of the passage. There were lots of survinior shops along the walkway.
Haha... cool huh? Was planning to buy one and give it to my younger brother as gift, but end up didn't buy any.
There were lots of glass products and masks selling in Rome. All these are produced in Venice and I got better bargain there.
从来都不知道原来‘木偶’童话故事是原至意大利的!天气太热了,又没带短裤(在英国那么多年常年都是冷的,没想到意大利竟然会热到满身粘粘的),没办法只好掀起裤脚了!不用跟我说了,我知道好丑,但那时候我真的理不了那么多!: )

I never know the story of Pinocchio was writen based in Italy until I visited this place, shame on me!
This church stands opposite Fontana di Trevi.
Fontana di Trevi

So crowded....
Street performer was performing as Statue of Liberty in front of the church.
We found so many pairs of padlocks locking to each other on the church's steel fence. Not sure what's the meaning behind this, but I guess it must be done by couples who had made their wish at Fontana de Trevi, they must be wishing for a long life love and relationship.
在罗马吃了两次,威尼斯吃了数不清的次数,在米兰也好像买了两次,每一个地方买的价钱都不同,这个我买了3 scopes €2.50。。。这个是Melon(橘色),Nutella(白色+巧克力色,擦面包用的那个巧克力酱)还有咖啡味的雪糕。
The one in orange color is Melon flavour, the one in brown+white is Nutella (spread) and the other one is coffee. Different places sell gelato in different prices. I ate it twice in Rome, countless time in Venice and twice in Milan. I paid €2.50 for this one, it contained 3 scopes of ice-cream...
GELATO 是意大利的雪糕,来到这里一定要尝试它的美味。在雪糕点里选口味的时候我差点大了头,太多种选择了(有水果味的,有酒味的,有不知名的。。。全意大利文,看不懂)! 最后我还是选了比较保守的水果口味。今年新年回去的时候又在Mid Valley Megamall买了Gelato尝尝,点了我最爱的香蕉口味。说真的,Mid Velley的不但卖得很贵,而且一点都不好吃。
Italy is well known for its GELATO. 'Gelato' in Italian means ice-cream. There were many kinds of flavours for me to choose (fruits, rum... & etc., too bad I can't read in Italian). I was having a tough time deciding on which one should I buy. In the end I chose more classic and ordinary flavours. I remember tried it once in Mid-Velley Megamall, it was so expensive and the taste was really bad. Nothing is as good as the original gelato from Italy.

The one in orange color is Melon flavour, the one in brown+white is Nutella (spread) and the other one is coffee. Different places sell gelato in different prices. I ate it twice in Rome, countless time in Venice and twice in Milan. I paid €2.50 for this one, it contained 3 scopes of ice-cream...
Another cup of gelato: this one had mango flavour, banana flavour (my favourite) and err... I have forgotten what was another one!
Sitting at the church's staircases, watching people walking around Fontana di Trevi and was enjoying my gelato next to the gelato shop.... what a life!

It was too crowded and it was tough to get a nice place to take photo.

See! Every corner was full with visitors....

After dinner, we went to Fontana di Trevi again to snap some photos. Fontana di Trevi looked more beautiful at night than at day time. It was still crowded with people even at night time. This photo was taken while we were on our way walking back to the hotel. The night life of Italiano....
Most shops are opened until 7-8 in the evening, some may open even longer than that.
ReplyDeleteAs for the coin-throwing legend, do you know what happen if throwing 4 coins?
ReplyDeleteIt will make the owner rich!
BTW, how come the Chinese and English version not tally?
Cheng: haha.. you are right! The 4th coins will make Italy government richer!
ReplyDeleteI guess the bilangual used in my blogs do explain main points that I wanna share with people who read my blogs. I can't translate word by word or sentence by sentence. English and Chinese have different way of writing. :)